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v7.0.0 Scrape service with response

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@github-actions github-actions released this 28 Mar 20:58
· 33 commits to refs/heads/master since this release

New services!

This major release contains 2 brand new services that should make figuring out your configuration and css selectors much easier!
It makes use of the new functionality in Home Assistant that services can now provide a response. To make this possible, significant refactoring was required.

This service retrieves the content of the website you want to scrape. It shows the same data for which you had to enable log_response and open the page_soup.txt file.

This does what it says. It scrapes based on a configuration you can provide in the service data. It is ideal for quickly trying out multiple css selectors, or to scrape data in an automation that you only need when running that automation.

A nice detail is that both services accept exactly the same configuration as you provide in your configuration yaml. Even the form_submit features are supported! However, there is a small but important caveat. Read more about it in the readme.
