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A pixel art inspiration gallery


How do I start the dev server?

  • cd server
  • yarn install
  • yarn start

How do I start the dev client?

  • yarn install
  • yarn start
Note for MS Windows users:

Your must have the "Create symbolic links" permission active in your user's Group Policy or the shared-git-hooks module install will fail. You can learn how to fix that: Here.

Can I analyze the client production bundle?

  • yarn build:report

How do I deploy the client to github pages?

  • Edit the config in .env.
  • yarn deploy

But can you automate that?

  • If you didn't already, Install travis-cli: gem install travis
  • Generate a new github personal access token: Here
  • Run travis encrypt GITHUB_TOKEN=your_gh_access_token in the project root.
  • Replace the secure env in .travis.yml with the output from travis-cli.
  • Log into and enable your repo.
  • It will build and deploy the client bundle to github pages every time you push to master.

How do I deploy my own production server?

  • cd server
  • yarn docker:up


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