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Toggle Light/Dark Theme - VS Code Extension

This extension provides a status bar button to quickly toggle between light/dark themes in VS Code. This may be useful for anyone working under significantly changing background or reflected light levels.

Toggle light/dark theme with a status bar icon

If you are on Windows and would like to quickly toggle the whole system dark mode, you might be interested in the utility: Toggle Dark/Light Mode.


  • Toggle Theme command: auto-dark-mode-windows.toggle (see History for name choice!)
  • Status bar icon to quickly perform the theme switch: 🌓︎
  • Default hot-key: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T



Extension Settings

No additional settings are provided.

  • Your choice of VS Code light/dark theme are used, you can adjust these by opening VS Code's settings with the command Preferences: Open Settings (UI), or through the menu: Code (on Mac) or File (on Windows/Linux) / Preferences / Settings, then:

    • Workbench / Appearance / Preferred Light Color Theme (workbench.preferredLightColorTheme)
    • Workbench / Appearance / Preferred Dark Color Theme (workbench.preferredDarkColorTheme)
  • The operating system's light/dark mode can be automatically tracked by enabling the following VS Code setting: (in which case, the Toggle Theme command will temporarily override the system theme):

    • Window / Auto Detect Color Scheme (window.autoDetectColorScheme)
  • The status bar icon (🌓︎) can be hidden/shown by right-clicking the status bar and selecting Toggle Light/Dark Theme (Extension).

Known Issues


Release Notes

See: Change Log


VS Code before 2020 could not synchronize the theme to match the system dark mode, nor could the theme quickly be changed between light/dark modes.

This extension was previously titled Automatic Theme Switcher for Windows Dark Mode, which automatically switched between dark/light themes to match the Windows Dark Mode (on Windows 10 October 2018 Update or later), and used the settings autoDarkMode.darkTheme and autoDarkMode.lightTheme. The extension was partly inspired by a similar extension for macOS Mojave: auto-dark-mode.

VS Code V1.42 (January 2020) introduced a standard setting to synchronize with the system dark mode as a built-in, cross-platform feature: Window: Auto Detect Color Scheme (window.autoDetectColorScheme). This extension remained useful to quickly toggle between the standard light/dark theme preferences, regardless of the current system dark mode.

VS Code V1.69 (June 2022) introduced a built-in command to quickly switch between themes: Preferences: Toggle between Light/Dark Themes (workbench.action.toggleLightDarkThemes). A future version of this add-on will use this command instead, and will only really remain useful for the status bar icon which acts as a shortcut for this feature.
