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Added support for reduce operation (#14)
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* Change ir_emitter and llvm_loop to support reduce_ops. Updated readme and added new tensorflow.

* Delete accidental file
  • Loading branch information
santacml authored and danielholanda committed Feb 4, 2019
1 parent 7504ea9 commit 1f1ec0a
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Showing 4 changed files with 272 additions and 4 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/tensorflow/
Expand Up @@ -8,16 +8,17 @@ To install the modified version of Tensorflow in the Legup 4.0 virtual machine f
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo python -m pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install tensorflow-1.6.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl --ignone-installed six
sudo pip install tensorflow-1.6.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl --ignore-installed six

## Compiling from scratch

We modified the following files:
- tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/cpu/
- tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/cpu/
- tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/llvm_ir/

The modified files are in the LeFlow/src/tensorflow/tensorflow_src directory. The dot_op_emitter file was modified to avoid vectorized operations (which are not supported by LegUp). The ir_emitter was modified to avoid the eigen convolution that tiles the computation and creates problems in LeFlow. To see the differences, simply "git diff" after cloning the repository.
The modified files are in the LeFlow/src/tensorflow/tensorflow_src directory. The dot_op_emitter file was modified to avoid vectorized operations (which are not supported by LegUp). The ir_emitter file was modified to avoid the eigen convolution that tiles the computation and creates problems in LeFlow. The llvm_loop file was modified to avoid vectorized loop operations. To see the differences, simply "git diff" after cloning the repository.

To compile, first clone the Tensorflow repo and checkout the same branch that LeFlow was based in:
Expand All @@ -26,4 +27,4 @@ cd tensorflow
git checkout 336ca16154dc062f2cbab56502395f14f4d01e49

Then, copy the files we modified to the cloned repository and compile Tensorflow normally using the instructions shown [here](
Then, copy the files we modified to the cloned repository and compile Tensorflow normally using the instructions shown [here]( Bazel version 0.16.1 is the correct bazel version to use with this tensorflow version (1.6).
Binary file modified src/tensorflow/tensorflow-1.6.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl
Binary file not shown.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/tensorflow/tensorflow_src/
Expand Up @@ -1740,7 +1740,10 @@ Status IrEmitter::HandleReduce(HloInstruction* reduce) {
auto init_value = reduce->mutable_operand(1);
gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions(reduce->dimensions());
HloComputation* function = reduce->to_apply();
if (!options::VectorizedReduceDisabled(hlo_module_config_)) {

// prevent vectorization
//if (!options::VectorizedReduceDisabled(hlo_module_config_)) {
if (false){
string vectorization_failure_reason;
bool vectorization_successful,
Expand Down
264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions src/tensorflow/tensorflow_src/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/llvm_ir/llvm_loop.h"

#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/llvm_ir/llvm_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_data.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/strcat.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"

namespace xla {
namespace llvm_ir {

ForLoop::ForLoop(tensorflow::StringPiece prefix, tensorflow::StringPiece suffix,
llvm::Value* start_index, llvm::Value* end_index,
llvm::Value* step, bool prevent_unrolling,
bool prevent_vectorization)
: prefix_(prefix.ToString()),
prevent_vectorization_(prevent_vectorization) {}

/* static */ std::unique_ptr<ForLoop> ForLoop::EmitForLoop(
tensorflow::StringPiece prefix, llvm::Value* start_index,
llvm::Value* end_index, llvm::Value* step, llvm::IRBuilder<>* ir_builder,
bool prevent_unrolling, bool prevent_vectorization) {
std::unique_ptr<ForLoop> loop(new ForLoop(prefix, /*suffix=*/"", start_index,
end_index, step, prevent_unrolling,
return loop;

void ForLoop::Emit(llvm::IRBuilder<>* ir_builder) {
// The preheader block is the block the builder is currently emitting
// code into.
preheader_bb_ = ir_builder->GetInsertBlock();

llvm::BasicBlock::iterator insert_point = ir_builder->GetInsertPoint();
if (insert_point == preheader_bb_->end()) {
// We're emitting the loop at the end of a basic block. Verify there is no
// terminator (eg, branch) in the basic block.
CHECK_EQ(nullptr, preheader_bb_->getTerminator());

exit_bb_ = CreateLoopBB("loop_exit", ir_builder);
} else {
// We're emitting the loop into the middle of a basic block. splitBasicBlock
// requires that this basic block be well-formed (have a terminator).
CHECK_NE(nullptr, preheader_bb_->getTerminator());

// Split the preheader to create an exit basic block. The exit basic block
// will contain all instructions at or after insert_point.
exit_bb_ = preheader_bb_->splitBasicBlock(
insert_point, AsStringRef(GetQualifiedName("loop_exit")));

// splitBasicBlock adds an unconditional branch between the split basic
// blocks. Remove it. An unconditional branch will be added below from the
// preheader to the header.
insert_before_bb_ = exit_bb_;

// Create remaining basic block which form the inside of the loop.
header_bb_ = CreateLoopBB("loop_header", ir_builder);
body_bb_ = CreateLoopBB("loop_body", ir_builder);

// Function entry basic block.
// Emit alloca for the induction variable. We do this at the entry to the
// basic block to ensure the alloc only executes once per function (we could
// be emitting a nested loop).
llvm::Function* func = preheader_bb_->getParent();
llvm::Value* indvar_address =
ir_builder->CreateAlloca(ir_builder->getInt64Ty(), nullptr,

// Preheader basic block.
// Initialize induction variable starting index. Create branch to the header.
ir_builder->CreateStore(start_index_, indvar_address);
// The preheader should not have a branch yet.
CHECK_EQ(preheader_bb_->getTerminator(), nullptr);

// Header basic block.
// Emit the loop conditional branch. Load and compare indvar with ending
// index and jump to loop exit if equal. Jump to body otherwise.
indvar_ = ir_builder->CreateLoad(indvar_address,
llvm::Value* exit_cond = ir_builder->CreateICmpUGE(indvar_, end_index_);
/*True=*/exit_bb_, /*False=*/body_bb_);

// Body basic block.
// Increment indvar, store indvar, and jump to header.
llvm::Value* step = step_;
llvm::Value* indvar = indvar_;

llvm::Value* indvar_inc =
ir_builder->CreateAdd(indvar, step, "",
/*HasNUW=*/true, /*HasNSW=*/true);
ir_builder->CreateStore(indvar_inc, indvar_address);
llvm::BranchInst* back_branch = ir_builder->CreateBr(header_bb_);

std::vector<llvm::Metadata*> loop_metadata = GetLoopMetadata(ir_builder);
if (!loop_metadata.empty()) {
llvm::LLVMContext* ctx = &start_index_->getContext();
auto temp_node = llvm::MDNode::getTemporary(*ctx, llvm::None);
loop_metadata.insert(loop_metadata.begin(), temp_node.get());
auto loop_id = llvm::MDNode::get(*ctx, loop_metadata);
loop_id->replaceOperandWith(0, loop_id);
back_branch->setMetadata(llvm::LLVMContext::MD_loop, loop_id);

// Re-point the IR builder to the loop exit block.

std::vector<llvm::Metadata*> ForLoop::GetLoopMetadata(
llvm::IRBuilder<>* ir_builder) {
const char* const kLlvmLoopUnrollDisableMDName = "llvm.loop.unroll.disable";
const char* const kLlvmLoopVectorizeMDName = "llvm.loop.vectorize.enable";
llvm::LLVMContext* ctx = &start_index_->getContext();

std::vector<llvm::Metadata*> result;
if (prevent_unrolling_) {
*ctx, {llvm::MDString::get(*ctx, kLlvmLoopUnrollDisableMDName)}));

//if (prevent_vectorization_) {
// ALWAYS prevent vectorization to allow LegUp to work with loops
// multiple paths lead here - this allows the least amount of code changes
if (true) {
*ctx, {llvm::MDString::get(*ctx, kLlvmLoopVectorizeMDName),

return result;

string ForLoop::GetQualifiedName(tensorflow::StringPiece name) {
return llvm_ir::IrName(prefix_, llvm_ir::IrName(name, suffix_));

llvm::BasicBlock* ForLoop::CreateLoopBB(tensorflow::StringPiece name,
llvm::IRBuilder<>* ir_builder) {
return CreateBasicBlock(insert_before_bb_, GetQualifiedName(name),

std::unique_ptr<ForLoop> ForLoopNest::AddLoop(tensorflow::StringPiece suffix,
llvm::Value* start_index,
llvm::Value* end_index,
bool prevent_unrolling,
bool prevent_vectorization) {
return AddLoop(suffix, start_index, end_index, ir_builder_->getInt64(1),
prevent_unrolling, prevent_vectorization);

std::unique_ptr<ForLoop> ForLoopNest::AddLoop(tensorflow::StringPiece suffix,
llvm::Value* start_index,
llvm::Value* end_index,
llvm::Value* stride,
bool prevent_unrolling,
bool prevent_vectorization) {
if (inner_loop_body_bb_ != nullptr) {
// Create this loop inside the previous one.
std::unique_ptr<ForLoop> loop(new ForLoop(
/*prefix=*/name_, suffix, start_index, end_index, stride,
prevent_unrolling, prevent_vectorization));

if (outer_loop_preheader_bb_ == nullptr) {
outer_loop_preheader_bb_ = loop->GetPreheaderBasicBlock();

if (outer_loop_exit_bb_ == nullptr) {
outer_loop_exit_bb_ = loop->GetExitBasicBlock();

inner_loop_body_bb_ = loop->GetBodyBasicBlock();

return loop;

std::unique_ptr<ForLoop> ForLoopNest::AddLoop(int64 start_index,
int64 end_index,
tensorflow::StringPiece suffix,
bool prevent_unrolling,
bool prevent_vectorization) {
CHECK_LE(start_index, end_index);
return AddLoop(suffix, ir_builder_->getInt64(start_index),
ir_builder_->getInt64(end_index), prevent_unrolling,

std::unique_ptr<ForLoop> ForLoopNest::AddLoop(int64 start_index,
int64 end_index, int64 stride,
tensorflow::StringPiece suffix,
bool prevent_unrolling,
bool prevent_vectorization) {
CHECK_LE(start_index, end_index);
return AddLoop(suffix, ir_builder_->getInt64(start_index),
ir_builder_->getInt64(stride), prevent_unrolling,

IrArray::Index ForLoopNest::AddLoopsForShape(const Shape& shape,
tensorflow::StringPiece suffix) {
std::vector<int64> dimensions(ShapeUtil::Rank(shape));
std::iota(dimensions.begin(), dimensions.end(), 0);
return AddLoopsForShapeOnDimensions(shape, dimensions, suffix);

IrArray::Index ForLoopNest::AddLoopsForShapeOnDimensions(
const Shape& shape, tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions,
tensorflow::StringPiece suffix) {
llvm_ir::IrArray::Index index(shape.dimensions_size(), nullptr);
for (int64 dimension : dimensions) {
std::unique_ptr<llvm_ir::ForLoop> loop = AddLoop(
llvm_ir::IrName(suffix, tensorflow::strings::StrCat(dimension)));
index[dimension] = loop->GetIndVarValue();
return index;

} // namespace llvm_ir
} // namespace xla

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