Add accessibility attributes to react dom elements
This plugin will add onKeyUp
, role="button"
and tabIndex="0"
to all html react elements that have onClick handler.
It will not override those attributes if they are already defined, and onKeyUp
will not be added to anchors with href, inputs, buttons and selects.
will fire onClick
event when pressed enter or space.
npm install --save-dev @daniel.husar/babel-plugin-react-add-a11y-props
yarn add @daniel.husar/babel-plugin-react-add-a11y-props --dev
Add @daniel.husar/babel-plugin-react-add-a11y-props
to your plugins array in .babelrc
<span onClick={cb} />
<div onClick={cb} />
<article onClick={cb} />
<a onClick={() => foo()} />
<span onClick={cb} onKeyUp={e => (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) && cb(e)} tabIndex="0" role="button" />
<div onClick={cb} onKeyUp={e => (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) && cb(e)} tabIndex="0" role="button" />
<article onClick={cb} onKeyUp={e => (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) && cb(e)} tabIndex="0" role="button" />
<a onClick={() => foo()} onKeyUp={e => (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) && (() => foo())(e)} tabIndex="0" role="button" />
<input type="submit" onClick={cb} />
<button onClick={cb} />
<select onClick={() => foo()} />
<input type="submit" onClick={cb} tabIndex="0" />
<button onClick={cb} tabIndex="0" />
<select onClick={() => foo()} tabIndex="0" />
<div tabIndex="-1" onClick={cb} />
<div tabIndex="1" onClick={cb} />
<div role="foo" onClick={cb} />
<div tabIndex="-1" onClick={cb} />
<div tabIndex="1" onClick={cb} onKeyUp={e => (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) && cb(e)} role="button" />
<div role="foo" onClick={cb} onKeyUp={e => (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) && cb(e)} tabIndex="0" />
The event passed into the onClick callback from keyUp event is not click but keyboard event which is sligtly different so you should account for both.
Right now this plugin will not take into account onClick
added via spread objects.
MIT © Daniel Husar