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Merge pull request #34 from themikelau/fixed_entropy_core_softening
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(star) add fixed entropy core softening
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danieljprice committed Jul 24, 2020
2 parents 2cecad1 + 9434661 commit ec6bb19
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Showing 5 changed files with 436 additions and 102 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build/Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@ SRCSETUP= utils_omp.F90 utils_sort.f90 utils_timing.f90 utils_summary.F90 utils_
utils_indtimesteps.F90 partinject.F90 stack.F90 mpi_dens.F90 mpi_force.F90 mpi_derivs.F90 \
ptmass.F90 energies.F90 density_profiles.f90 \
set_slab.f90 set_disc.F90 relax_star.f90 set_softened_core.f90 \
set_slab.f90 set_disc.F90 relax_star.f90 set_softened_core.f90 set_fixedentropycore.f90\
set_vfield.f90 sort_particles.F90 dust_formation.F90 ptmass_radiation.F90 ${SRCINJECT} \
${SETUPFILE} checksetup.F90 \
set_Bfield.f90 damping.f90 readwrite_infile.f90 ${SRCKROME}
Expand Down
303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions src/setup/set_fixedentropycore.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
! The Phantom Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code, by Daniel Price et al. !
! Copyright (c) 2007-2020 The Authors (see AUTHORS) !
! See LICENCE file for usage and distribution conditions !
! !
! MODULE: setfixedentropycore
! This module softens the core of a MESA stellar profile with a constant
! entropy profile, given a softening length and core mass, in preparation
! for adding a sink particle core.
! OWNER: Mike Lau
! $Id$
module setfixedentropycore
implicit none


! Main subroutine that calculates the constant entropy softened profile
subroutine set_fixedS_softened_core(mcore,hsoft,hphi,rho,r,pres,m,ene,temp,ierr)
use eos, only:calc_temp_and_ene
use physcon, only:pi,gg,solarm,solarr,kb_on_mh
use table_utils, only:interpolator,flip_array
real, intent(inout) :: r(:),rho(:),m(:),pres(:),ene(:),temp(:),mcore
real, allocatable :: r_alloc(:),rho_alloc(:),pres_alloc(:)
real, intent(in) :: hsoft,hphi
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
real :: mc,msoft,h,hphi_cm,eneguess
logical :: isort_decreasing,iexclude_core_mass
integer :: i,hidx,iSerr

! Output data to be sorted from stellar surface to interior?
isort_decreasing = .true. ! Needs to be true if to be read by Phantom

! Exclude core mass in output mass coordinate?
iexclude_core_mass = .true. ! Needs to be true if to be read by Phantom

h = hsoft * solarr ! Convert to cm
hphi_cm = hphi * solarr ! Convert to cm
mc = mcore * solarm ! Convert to g
call interpolator(r,h,hidx) ! Find index in r closest to h
msoft = m(hidx) - mc

! Make allocatable copies, see instructions of calc_rho_and_pres
r_alloc(0) = 0.
r_alloc(1:hidx+1) = r(1:hidx+1)
rho_alloc(hidx) = rho(hidx)
pres_alloc(hidx:hidx+1) = pres(hidx:hidx+1)

call calc_rho_and_pres(r_alloc,mc,m(hidx),rho_alloc,pres_alloc,iSerr)
if (iSerr == 1) ierr = 2
mcore = mc / solarm
write(*,'(1x,a,f12.5,a)') 'Obtained core mass of ',mcore,' Msun'
rho(1:hidx) = rho_alloc(1:hidx)
pres(1:hidx) = pres_alloc(1:hidx)

call calc_mass_from_rho(r(1:hidx),rho(1:hidx),m(1:hidx))
m(1:hidx) = m(1:hidx) + mc

call calc_temp_and_ene(rho(1),pres(1),ene(1),temp(1),ierr)
do i = 2,size(rho)-1
eneguess = ene(i-1)
call calc_temp_and_ene(rho(i),pres(i),ene(i),temp(i),ierr,eneguess)
ene(size(rho)) = 0. ! Zero surface internal energy
temp(size(rho)) = 0. ! Zero surface temperature

! Reverse arrays so that data is sorted from stellar surface to stellar centre.
if (isort_decreasing) then
call flip_array(m)
call flip_array(pres)
call flip_array(temp)
call flip_array(r)
call flip_array(rho)
call flip_array(ene)

if (iexclude_core_mass) then
m = m - mc

end subroutine set_fixedS_softened_core

! Returns softened core profile with fixed entropy
subroutine calc_rho_and_pres(r,mcore,mh,rho,pres,ierr)
real, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(in) :: r
real, intent(in) :: mh
real, intent(inout) :: mcore
real, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: rho,pres
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
integer :: Nmax
real :: Sc,mass,mold,msoft,fac,Sedge

! Instructions

! input variables should be given in the following format

! r(0:Nmax+1): Array of radial grid to be softened, satisfying r(0)=0 and r(Nmax)=hsoft
! mcore: Core particle mass, need to provide initial guess
! mh: Mass coordinate at hsoft, m(r=h)
! rho(0:Nmax): Give rho(Nmax)=(rho at hsoft) as input. Outputs density profile.
! p(0:Nmax+1): Give p(Nmax:Nmax+1)=(p at r(Nmax:Nmax+1)) as input. Outputs pressure profile.

! ierr: Is set to 1 when the fixed entropy value exceeds the outer entropy.
! Should choose a smaller core mass if this happens.

ierr = 0
msoft = mh - mcore
Nmax = size(rho)-1 ! Index corresponding to r = h
Sedge = entropy(rho(Nmax),pres(Nmax))

! Start shooting method
fac = 0.05
mass = msoft
Sc = Sedge

mold = mass
call one_shot(Sc,r,mcore,msoft,rho,pres,mass)
if (mass < 0.) then
mcore = mcore * (1. - fac)
msoft = mh - mcore
elseif (mass/msoft < 1d-10) then
exit ! Happy when m(r=0) is sufficiently close to zero
mcore = mcore * (1. + fac)
msoft = mh - mcore

if (mold * mass < 0.) fac = fac * 0.5
end do

if (Sedge < Sc) ierr = 1

end subroutine calc_rho_and_pres

! Calculate a hydrostatic structure for a given entropy
subroutine one_shot(Sc,r,mcore,msoft,rho,pres,mass)
use physcon, only: gg,pi
real, intent(in) :: Sc,mcore,msoft
real, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(in) :: r
real, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: rho,pres
real, intent(out) :: mass
integer :: i,Nmax
real :: hsoft
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: dr,dvol

Nmax = size(rho)-1

do i = 1,Nmax+1
dr(i) = r(i)-r(i-1)
dvol(i) = 4.*pi/3. * (r(i)**3 - r(i-1)**3)
end do

hsoft = r(Nmax)
mass = msoft

do i = Nmax, 1, -1
pres(i-1) = ( dr(i) * dr(i+1) * sum(dr(i:i+1)) &
* rho(i) * gg * (mass/r(i)**2 + mcore * gcore(r(i),hsoft)) &
+ dr(i)**2 * pres(i+1) &
+ ( dr(i+1)**2 - dr(i)**2) * pres(i) ) / dr(i+1)**2
call get_rho_from_p_s(pres(i-1),Sc,rho(i-1))
mass = mass - 0.5*(rho(i)+rho(i-1)) * dvol(i)
if (mass < 0.) return ! Choice of entropy fails to give m(r=0) = 0
end do


end subroutine one_shot

! Calculates mass-specific entropy (gas + radiation) up to an additive
! integration constant, from density and pressure.
function entropy(rho,pres)
use physcon, only:radconst,kb_on_mh
use eos, only:gmw,ieos
real, intent(in) :: rho,pres
real :: inv_mu,entropy,temp
real :: corr
real, parameter :: eoserr=1d-10

inv_mu = 1/gmw
corr = 1d99; temp = 1d3

! First solve for temperature given density and pressure using Newton-
! Raphson method, assumming ideal gas plus radiation EoS
do while (abs(corr) > eoserr*temp)
corr = (pres - (radconst*temp**3/3.+ rho*kb_on_mh*inv_mu)* temp) &
/ (-4.*radconst*temp**3/3. - rho*kb_on_mh*inv_mu)
temp = temp - corr
end do

if (ieos == 2) then
! Include only gas entropy for adiabatic EoS
entropy = kb_on_mh * inv_mu * log(temp**1.5/rho)
! Include both gas and radiation entropy for MESA and gas plus rad. EoSs
entropy = kb_on_mh * inv_mu * log(temp**1.5/rho) + 4.*radconst*temp**3 / (3.*rho)

end function entropy

! Calculate density given pressure and entropy using Newton-Raphson
! method
subroutine get_rho_from_p_s(pres,S,rho)
real, intent(in) :: pres,S
real, intent(out) :: rho
real :: corr,dSdrho,S_plus_dS,rho_plus_drho
real, parameter :: eoserr=1d-9,dfac=1d-12

rho = 1d-8 ! Initial guess
corr = 1d99

do while (abs(corr) > eoserr*rho)
! First calculate dS/drho
rho_plus_drho = rho * (1. + dfac)
S_plus_dS = entropy(rho_plus_drho, pres)
dSdrho = (S_plus_dS - entropy(rho,pres)) / (rho_plus_drho - rho)
corr = ( entropy(rho,pres) - S ) / dSdrho
rho = rho - corr
end do


end subroutine get_rho_from_p_s

! Acceleration from softened potential of stellar core
function gcore(r,hsoft)
use kernel, only:kernel_softening
real, intent(in) :: r,hsoft
real :: gcore,dum
real :: hphi,q

hphi = 0.5 * hsoft
q = r / hphi
call kernel_softening(q**2,q,dum,gcore)
gcore = gcore / hphi**2 ! Note: gcore is not multiplied by G or mcore yet.

end function gcore

subroutine calc_mass_from_rho(r,rho,m)
use physcon, only:pi
real, intent(in) :: r(:),rho(:)
real, intent(inout) :: m(:)
real :: densi
integer :: i

m(1) = 0
do i = 1,size(r)-1
densi = 0.5*(rho(i) + rho(i+1))
m(i+1) = m(i) + 4./3. * pi * (r(i+1)**3 - r(i)**3) * densi

end subroutine calc_mass_from_rho

end module setfixedentropycore

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