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Merge pull request #23 from becnealon/master
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Updates to asteroidwind routines
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danieljprice committed Jul 12, 2020
2 parents 1db5894 + 19eb362 commit f544f12
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Showing 2 changed files with 336 additions and 40 deletions.
293 changes: 271 additions & 22 deletions src/main/inject_asteroidwind.f90
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Expand Up @@ -19,21 +19,27 @@
! mdot -- mass injection rate in grams/second
! npartperorbit -- particle injection rate in particles/binary orbit
! vlag -- percentage lag in velocity of wind
! dndt_type -- injection rate (0=const, 1=cos(t), 2=r^(-2))
! DEPENDENCIES: infile_utils, io, part, partinject, physcon, random, units
module inject
use io, only:error
use physcon, only:pi
implicit none
character(len=*), parameter, public :: inject_type = 'asteroidwind'

public :: init_inject,inject_particles,write_options_inject,read_options_inject


real :: mdot = 5.e8 ! mass injection rate in grams/second
real :: npartperorbit = 100. ! particle injection rate in particles per orbit
real :: vlag = 0.1 ! percentage lag in velocity of wind
real :: mdot = 5.e8 ! mass injection rate in grams/second
real :: npartperorbit = 100. ! particle injection rate in particles per orbit
real :: vlag = 0.1 ! percentage lag in velocity of wind
integer :: dndt_type = 0 ! injection rate (0=const, 1=cos(t), 2=r^(-2))
real,save :: dndt_scaling ! scaling to get ninject correct
logical,save :: scaling_set ! has the scaling been set (initially false)

Expand All @@ -42,10 +48,10 @@ module inject
subroutine init_inject(ierr)
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
! return without error
integer, intent(inout) :: ierr

scaling_set = .false.

ierr = 0

end subroutine init_inject
Expand All @@ -60,54 +66,112 @@ subroutine inject_particles(time,dtlast,xyzh,vxyzu,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass,&
use io, only:fatal
use part, only:nptmass,massoftype,igas,hfact,ihsoft
use partinject,only:add_or_update_particle
use physcon, only:pi,twopi,gg,kboltz,mass_proton_cgs
use physcon, only:twopi,gg,kboltz,mass_proton_cgs
use random, only:ran2
use units, only:udist, umass, utime
use options, only:iexternalforce
use externalforces,only:mass1
real, intent(in) :: time, dtlast
real, intent(inout) :: xyzh(:,:), vxyzu(:,:), xyzmh_ptmass(:,:), vxyz_ptmass(:,:)
integer, intent(inout) :: npart
integer, intent(inout) :: npartoftype(:)
real, intent(out) :: dtinject
real, dimension(3) :: xyz,vxyz,r1,r2,v2,vhat
integer :: i,ipart,npinject,seed
real :: dmdt,dndt,rasteroid,h,u,speed
real, dimension(3) :: xyz,vxyz,r1,r2,v2,vhat,v1
integer :: i,ipart,npinject,seed,pt,test_integral
real :: dmdt,dndt,rasteroid,h,u,speed,inject_this_step
real :: m1,m2,mu,period,r,q
real :: phi,theta
real :: phi,theta,mod_time,dt,func_now

real, save :: have_injected,func_old,t_old
real, save :: semia, ra, rp, ecc

if (nptmass < 2) call fatal('inject_asteroidwind','not enough point masses for asteroid wind injection')
if (nptmass < 2 .and. iexternalforce == 0) call fatal('inject_asteroidwind','not enough point masses for asteroid wind injection')
if (nptmass > 2) call fatal('inject_asteroidwind','too many point masses for asteroid wind injection')

r1 = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,1)
r2 = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,2)
rasteroid = xyzmh_ptmass(ihsoft,2)
m1 = xyzmh_ptmass(4,1)
m2 = xyzmh_ptmass(4,2)
v2 = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,2)
if (nptmass == 2) then
pt = 2
r1 = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,1)
m1 = xyzmh_ptmass(4,1)
v1 = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,1)
pt = 1
r1 = 0.
m1 = mass1
v1 = 0.

r2 = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,pt)
rasteroid = xyzmh_ptmass(ihsoft,pt)
m2 = xyzmh_ptmass(4,pt)
v2 = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,pt)

speed = sqrt(dot_product(v2,v2))
vhat = v2/speed

r = sqrt(dot_product(r1-r2,r1-r2))
q = m2/m1
mu = 1./(1 + q)
period = twopi*sqrt((r*udist)**3/(gg*(m1+m2)*umass)) ! period of orbit in code units

! Calculate semi major axis and eccentricity from energy and radius
if (.not.scaling_set) call get_orbit_bits(v2-v1,r2-r1,m1,iexternalforce,semia,ecc,ra,rp)

period = twopi*sqrt((semia*udist)**3/(gg*(m1+m2)*umass)) ! period of orbit
period = period/utime ! in code units

dmdt = mdot/(umass/utime) ! convert grams/sec to code units
dndt = npartperorbit*utime/period ! convert particles per orbit into code units
dndt = npartperorbit/period ! convert particles per orbit into code units
mod_time = mod(time,period)/period

!-- Mass of gas particles is set by mass accretion rate and particle injection rate
massoftype(igas) = dmdt/dndt

! If it hasn't yet been calculated, find the scaling for dndt to give the correct ninject
if (.not.scaling_set) then
! First guess (best to be big)
dndt_scaling = 1000.

! Integrate across one orbit
if (dndt_type < 2) then
call integrate_it(0.,1.,ra,rp,ecc,test_integral)
call integrate_it_with_r(0.,1.,ra,rp,ecc,semia,test_integral)

! Calculate scaling for the rest of the simulation
dndt_scaling = real(npartperorbit/(test_integral/dndt_scaling))

t_old = mod(time*0.99,period)/period
have_injected = npartoftype(igas)
if (time < tiny(time)) have_injected = 0.
func_old = dndt_func(t_old,r,ra,rp,ecc,dndt_scaling)

! Save these values for future
scaling_set = .true.

!-- How many particles do we need to inject?
! (Seems to need at least eight gas particles to not crash) <-- This statement may or may not be true...
if (npartoftype(igas)<8) then
npinject = 8-npartoftype(igas)
npinject = max(0, int(0.5 + (time*dmdt/massoftype(igas)) - npartoftype(igas) ))
! Calculate how many extra particles from previous step to now
dt = mod_time - t_old
if (dt < 0.) dt = dt + 1.0 !if it's just ticked over to the next orbit

! Just trapezoidal rule between the previous step and this one
func_now = dndt_func(mod_time,r,ra,rp,ecc,dndt_scaling)
inject_this_step = 0.5*dt*(func_old + func_now)

npinject = max(0, int(0.5 + have_injected + inject_this_step - npartoftype(igas) ))

! Save for next step (faster than integrating the whole thing each time)
t_old = mod_time
have_injected = have_injected + inject_this_step
func_old = func_now

Expand All @@ -123,13 +187,194 @@ subroutine inject_particles(time,dtlast,xyzh,vxyzu,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass,&
ipart = npart + 1
call add_or_update_particle(igas,xyz,vxyz,h,u,ipart,npart,npartoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)

!-- no constraint on timestep
dtinject = huge(dtinject)

end subroutine inject_particles

! Returns dndt(t) depending on which function is chosen
! Note that time in this function is strictly the fraction
! of the orbit, not absolute time

function dndt_func(t,r,ra,rp,ecc,scaling) result(dndt)
real, intent(in) :: t,scaling,ra,rp,ecc,r

real :: dndt

select case (dndt_type)
case (0)
dndt = 1.0
case (1)
dndt = 0.5*(cos(2.*pi*(t-0.5)) + 1.)
case (2)
dndt = (ra*rp/(r**2)) - ((1.-ecc)/(1.+ecc))
case default
call error('inject_asteroid','dndt choice does not exist, setting to zero')
dndt = 0.
end select

dndt = dndt*scaling

end function dndt_func

! Cheap dirty integration using trapezoidal rule
! Takes into account that the integral must be int

subroutine integrate_it(t_start,t_end,ra,rp,ecc,integral)
real, intent(in) :: t_start, t_end,ra,rp,ecc
integer, intent(out) :: integral
integer :: ii, nint
real :: ya,yb,t_int,dt,re_integral

re_integral = 0.
nint = 2*npartperorbit
dt = real((t_end - t_start)/nint)
t_int = t_start

do ii = 1,nint
ya = dndt_func(t_int,1.,ra,rp,ecc,dndt_scaling)
yb = dndt_func(t_int+dt,1.,ra,rp,ecc,dndt_scaling)

re_integral = re_integral + dt*0.5*(ya + yb)

t_int = t_int + dt

integral = int(0.5 + re_integral)

end subroutine integrate_it

! Cheap dirty integration using trapezoidal rule
! This is the more complicated version because r is not a
! simple function of t, so needs to be treated differently

subroutine integrate_it_with_r(t_start,t_end,ra,rp,ecc,semia,integral)
real, intent(in) :: t_start, t_end,ra,rp,ecc,semia
integer, intent(out) :: integral
integer :: ii, nint
real :: ya,yb,t_int,dt,re_integral
real :: r_new,theta,E,denom,numer

re_integral = 0.
nint = 2*npartperorbit
dt = real((t_end - t_start)/nint)
t_int = t_start

! set up for first step
E = get_E(1.0,ecc,0.0)
theta = atan2(sqrt(1.-ecc**2)*sin(E),(cos(E) - ecc))
r_new = semia*(1. - ecc**2)/(1. + ecc*cos(theta))
ya = dndt_func(0.,r_new,ra,rp,ecc,dndt_scaling)

do ii = 1,nint

E = get_E(1.0,ecc,t_int)

numer = sqrt(1. - ecc**2)*sin(E)
denom = cos(E) - ecc
theta = atan2(numer,denom)

r_new = semia*(1. - ecc**2)/(1. + ecc*cos(theta))

yb = dndt_func(t_int+dt,r_new,ra,rp,ecc,dndt_scaling)

re_integral = re_integral + dt*0.5*(ya + yb)

t_int = t_int + dt
ya = yb

integral = int(0.5 + re_integral)

end subroutine integrate_it_with_r

! Calculate the orbital parameters from available info

subroutine get_orbit_bits(vel,rad,m1,iexternalforce,semia,ecc,ra,rp)
real, intent(in) :: m1, vel(3), rad(3)
integer, intent(in) :: iexternalforce
real, intent(out) :: semia, ecc, ra, rp
real :: speed, r, L_mag
real :: spec_energy,L(3),term

L(1) = rad(2)*vel(3) - rad(3)*vel(2)
L(2) = rad(3)*vel(1) - rad(1)*vel(3)
L(3) = rad(1)*vel(2) - rad(2)*vel(1)
L_mag = sqrt(dot_product(L,L))

speed = sqrt(dot_product(vel,vel))
r = sqrt(dot_product(rad,rad))

spec_energy = 0.5*speed**2 - (1.0*m1/r)
term = 2.*spec_energy*L_mag**2/(m1**2)

if (iexternalforce == 11) then
spec_energy = spec_energy - (3.*m1/(r**2))
term = 2.*spec_energy*(L_mag**2 - 6.*m1**2)/(m1**2)

semia = -m1/(2.0*spec_energy)
ecc = sqrt(1.0 + term)

ra = semia*(1. + ecc)
rp = semia*(1. - ecc)

end subroutine get_orbit_bits

! Get eccentric anomaly (this function uses bisection,
! as opposed to the one in set_binary, to guarantee convergence)
real function get_E(period,ecc,deltat)
real, intent(in) :: period,ecc,deltat
real :: mu,M_ref,M_guess
real :: E_left,E_right,E_guess
real, parameter :: tol = 1.e-10

mu = 2.*pi/period
M_ref = mu*deltat ! mean anomaly

! first guess
E_left = 0.
E_right = 2.*pi
E_guess = pi
M_guess = M_ref - 2.*tol

do while (abs(M_ref - M_guess) > tol)
M_guess = E_guess - ecc*sin(E_guess)
if (M_guess > M_ref) then
E_right = E_guess
E_left = E_guess
E_guess = 0.5*(E_left + E_right)

get_E = E_guess

end function get_E

! Writes input options to the input file.
Expand All @@ -142,6 +387,7 @@ subroutine write_options_inject(iunit)
call write_inopt(mdot ,'mdot' ,'mass injection rate in grams/second' ,iunit)
call write_inopt(npartperorbit,'npartperorbit','particle injection rate in particles/binary orbit',iunit)
call write_inopt(vlag ,'vlag' ,'percentage lag in velocity of wind' ,iunit)
call write_inopt(dndt_type ,'dndt_type' ,'injection rate (0=const, 1=cos(t), 2=r^(-2))' ,iunit)

end subroutine write_options_inject

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +417,9 @@ subroutine read_options_inject(name,valstring,imatch,igotall,ierr)
read(valstring,*,iostat=ierr) vlag
ngot = ngot + 1
read(valstring,*,iostat=ierr) dndt_type
ngot = ngot + 1
case default
imatch = .false.
end select
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