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This repository contains Unity project for generating synthetic MOT underwater data. The data can be generated in 8 different environmental conditions, presented bellow. The repository is affiliated with the following project - Both real and synthetic data can be downloaded from


(a) Plain background, no fog, no distractors. (b) Video background, no fog, no distractors. (c) Plain background, fog, no distractors. (d) Plain background, no fog, with distractors. (e) Plain background, with fog and distractors. (f) Video background with fog, but without distractors. (g) Video background with distractor, but without fog. (h) Video background with fog and distractors.

How to use

Tested on Windows 10, Unity Editor 2021.3.13f1. While it is possible to use this generator on Ubuntu 22.04, due to the limited capabilities of the Unity video player on Linux, see, the option to generate data with a video background is not available. If you are still interested in using this repo on Ubuntu 22.04, you can install Unity Hub on Ubuntu 22.04 by following this guide -

  1. Download Unity Hub and install Unity Editor.
  2. Git clone this repo.
  3. On Windows, download a zip file with video backgrounds from, and extract it into Assets.
  4. Open this repo via Unity Hub, select Open/Add project from disk. Then open a newly added project named Underwater-Fish-Environment. Depending on your hardware, the first import might take some time. openProject
  5. Load the scene called scene from Assets/Scene.
  6. Clink on the Generator game object, and choose parameters for data generator. sequence_goal defines the number of sequences generated for each selected environmnetal conditions. sequence_length defines number of images in each generated sequence. dataGeneration
  7. Run by clicking the Play symbol at the top (see the green square in the figure above).
  8. After all data was generated, the generator will automatically stop. You should now have a folder synthData in your project folder i.e., PATH/TO/THE/PROJECT/Underwater-Fish-Environment/synthData. All generated data is saved here.

High-level flowchart and important functions


void generateControlList()

Creates a list of environmental conditions to be used for data generation. Here you can define if you want to use fog, distractors, and a plain or a video background. The data generator runs until all sequences for all defined environment conditions are generated. For every environmental condition defined, 50 sequence are generated, with every sequence containing 150 annotated images.

void setupFolderStructure()

Creates a root folder named after the environmental conditions used. New root folder is created for every entry in the control list generated by the generateControlList().

void randomizeVideo()

If a video background is enabled, a random video from the Assets/Video folder is selected as the background.

void generateFogColor()

Generates a new fog color. If a plain background is used, the fog color is also used as a background color. If fog is enabled, the fog color is generated here.

void randomizeFog()

If a fog is enabled, fog color is set to the color generated by generateFogColor() and fog intensity is randomly decided.

void generateDistractors()

If distractors are enabled, this function spawns a random number of distractors in randomized poses within the camera view. For each distractor, its material properties and scale are randomized.

void getNewBoidParameters()

Randomizes boid behavior parameters.

void instantiateFish()

Spawns fish. Fish parameters are randomized here.

void addNewSequence()

If a goal number of images is achieved, in our case 150 images, a new sequence is started. Fundamentally, this function sets up a required folder structure within a root folder generated by setupFolderStructure() and resets image counter to 0.

void simulateMovement(List<boidController> boids, float time)

This function encapsulates all functionality related to the fish motion - both the boid-based and random behaviour.

void updateDistractors()

If distractors are enabled, this function randomizes their poses every image.

boundingBox GetBoundingBoxInCamera(GameObject go, Camera cam)

Calculates a bounding box of a game object go based on the camera view of cam using the vertices of the game object go.

void SaveAnnotation(boundingBox bbox, int go_id)

Saves image annotation in the comma-separated ground truth text file in the following format - <frame>, <id>, <left>, <top>, <width>, <height>, <confidence>, <class>, <visibility>.

void SaveCameraView()

Saves RGB image as .jpg. Images are rendered straight into a 2D texture with dimensions 960x544 and saved. This can cause some game view shenanigans, that can be safely ignored.

void CleanUp()

Resets/Clears sequence variables.

Overview of randomized parameters

Fish ###### Data type/Unity encoding
Number of fish <4, 50> int
Initial fish position [<0, 1>, <0, 1>, <20, 60>] Camera viewport encoding
Initial fish rotation [0, <-180, 180>, 0] RPY encoding
Fish scale [1, 1, 1] * <0.5, 1> Vector3
Fish material - Albedo [[1, 1, 1] * <75, 225>, 1] RGBA encoding
Fish material - Metalic <0.1, 0.5> float
Fish material - Metalic\Glossiness <0.1, 0.5> float
Boid behaviour ###### ######
K <0.75, 1.25> float
S <0.75, 1.25> float
M <0.75, 1.25> float
L <0.75, 1.25> float
No clumping area <7.5, 12.5> float
Local area <15, 25> float
Random direction [<-1, 1>, <-1, 1>, <-1, 1>] Vector3
Random weight <1, 10> float
Environment ###### ######
Video background <background_1.mp4, background_154.mp4> NA
Fog/Plain background colour [<171, 191>, <192, 212>, <137, 157>, <151, 171>]
OR [[1, 1, 1] * <75, 225>, 1]
RGBA colour encoding
Fog intensity <0.1, 0.8> float
Number of distractors <50, 500> int
Initial distractor position [<0, 1>, <0, 1>, <10, 50>] Camera viewport encoding
Distractor scale [1, 1, 1] * <0.01, 1> Vector3
Distractor material - Albedo [<171, 191>, <192, 212>, <137, 157>, <151, 171>] RGBA colour encoding
Distractor material - Transparency <0, 1> float

Contact information

Daniel Lehotsky,
Research assistant,
Visual Analysis and Perception,
Aalborg University


Unity environment for generating fish images for ML






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  • C# 86.1%
  • Python 7.0%
  • ShaderLab 6.9%