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Creating and adding an Anaconda API token to the repository secrets

Daniel Nachun edited this page May 27, 2023 · 3 revisions

You will need to create an account with, which will automatically create a personal channel for you.

Once you have a channel set up, you need to create an access token that GitHub Actions can use to upload packages to your channel.

  1. Go to your profile settings at
  1. And go to the Access page
  1. Here you can create a new token. Enable "Allow all operations" and choose an informative name and an expiration date that is sufficiently far in the future.
  1. You can then view the secret, after which you will prompted to enter your password to see it.
  1. Copy the secret and then go to your fork of this repository and go to "Settings"
  1. From here go to the Actions section of "Secrets and variables"
  1. And create a new repository secret
  1. The secret must be called ANACONDA_API_TOKEN, and you can paste the secret you copied before into here.