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Deprecation notice

Yeah, this was an interesting project at the time, but browser emoji support has progressed faster than I've been able to maintain this repo. I'm not maintaining this repo right now. But who knows, maybe I'll pick it up again sometime.


Front-end library that replaces colon :emoji: with images


This is a front-end library that replaces text inside colons with an SVG image of its corresponding emoji. This means the output will look the same on all modern browsers (since unicode characters don't play nicely with Windows). It is also possible to add your own custom emoji to your site.

To find the right colon emoji to use, try The images themselves were lovingly borrowed from Twitter's Twemoji repository and the emoji map file is from the Emoji One project.

e.g. :smile: becomes smile emoji

The emoji scales to the size of the font, so emoji specified in <h1> tags will be larger than those in <p> tags.

What's new in v0.0.5

  • Replaced Gemoji with Twemoji
  • Renamed project from Gemojify to Imojify. All functions and class names have been renamed to reflect this
  • Added ignore selector to prevent applying imojify() inside certain elements
  • Created spans have title and aria-label attributes for accessibility
  • Custom emoji must be placed in the images/emoji/custom folder, like upside_down_face.svg
  • Use npm run build instead of gulp build in instructions
  • Performance improvements

Use in your project

Using NPM or Bower?

npm install imojify
bower install imojify

Or just download the repository from GitHub.

Copy the contents of the css, images and js directories into your project.

Inside your HTML, include a reference to css/imojify.css and js/imojify.js. Add an extra <script> tag that calls imojify(). If you use that function with no parameters, imojify() will process any HTML tags with the class imojify. Alternatively you can pass your own selector to the function e.g. imojify('h1') to process all <h1> tags, or imojify('#that-element') to process the element with id that-element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/imojify.css">
    <h1 class="imojify">We :heart: emoji!</h1>
    <p class="imojify">:thumbsup: This paragraph will be processed :tada:</p>
    <p>This paragraph won't :cry:</p>
    <script src="js/imojify.js"></script>
      imojify(); // equivalent to imojify('.imojify')


Colon emoji inside the Imojify class are converted to real emoji

Ignoring elements

If you have some elements within your source element that you don't want processed you can specify a selector to match all elements to ignore.

imojify('.imojify', { ignore: '.ignore-emoji' });

Adding custom emoji

If you're one of those people who thinks "There is no such thing as too much emoji", you can add your own emoji, including animated GIFs!

  1. You need to install the development dependencies: npm install
  2. Add more images to the images/emojis/custom folder, making sure their filenames without extensions don't clash*.
  3. Run npm run build. As if by magic, imojify.css should have been updated with your new images!
  4. You can now use colon emoji by referencing the filename. For example, demo.html references :upside_down_face: which is replaced by upside_down_face.svg from the custom folder. Note that if you include a file with the same name as a predefined emoji, the predefined emoji will be replaced.

If you don't want to use node, you could also modify the CSS file manually.

*smile.png clashes with smile.gif (they would both be applied to the emoji-smile class)


Graphics (in images/emoji folder): Copyright 2014 Twitter, Inc and other contributors, licensed under CC-BY 4.0

emojimap.json is a modified version of Emoji One's emojis.json, MIT licensed

Everything else is either coded by me or my awesome contributors, also MIT licensed.