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Untrained Full Example

Daniel Wilczak edited this page Dec 27, 2021 · 2 revisions

This full example creates the an XOR model, trains the model and saves it.

from EasyNN.model import Network, ReLU, LogSoftMax

import EasyNN.callbacks as cb
import numpy as np

# Setup the XOR dataset.
data = np.array([
] * 100, dtype=int)

labels = np.array([0,1,1,0] * 100, dtype=int)

# Create the Neural Network Model.
model = Network(
    16, ReLU,
    2, LogSoftMax,

# Set your models data = (data, labels)

# Set the models labels
model.labels = {
    0: 0,
    1: 1

# Change to a small learning rate. = 0.01

# Set when to terminate point. Training will end once your
# validation accuracy hits above 90% two times.
    cb.ReachValidationAccuracy(limit=0.90, patience=2),

# Print the accuracy and iteration count every 10 iterations.
model.print.on_training_start(iteration=True, frequency=10)

# Always at the end of your setup

# Save your model so that you can use it later."xor")


Iteration: 0
Iteration: 10
Iteration: 20
Iteration: 30
Iteration: 40
Iteration: 44, Validation Accuracy: 0.76171875
Iteration: 50
Iteration: 60
Iteration: 70
Iteration: 80
Iteration: 89, Validation Accuracy: 1.0
Iteration: 90
Iteration: 100
Iteration: 110
Iteration: 120
Iteration: 130
Iteration: 135, Validation Accuracy: 1.0
Parameters saved.

Loading Trained/Saved model example:

This example is using the XOR model example above.

from EasyNN.model import Model
import numpy as np

# Load the trained model we saved.
model = Model.load("xor")

# Classify an example.
