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Create musical sequences with javascript. Rhythmically parses a string with optional durations, and returns an array of objects in the form: { value: '', position: 0, duration: 0 } ordered by position.

var r = require('rhythmically');
var s = r.sequence('a/q b/q c/e');
// [{ value: 'a', position: 0, duration: 0.25 }
//  { value: 'b', position: 0.25, duration: 0.25 }
//  { value: 'c', position: 0.5, duration: 0.125 }]

Rhythmically uses note-duration to convert from duration names ('quarter', 'whole', 'q.') to duration values. You can also use numbers (c2/4 means a C at 2 octave with quarter length).

It is agnostic about the content of the event (the value). It only cares about durations and positions:

var s = r.sequence('Cm/d Dm/w G7/w');
// [{ value: 'Cm', position: 0, duration: 2}]
//  { value: 'Dm', position: 2, duration: 1}]
//  { value: 'G7', position: 3, duration: 1}]

## Usage

Add the module to your project npm i --save rhythmically and require it:

var r = require('rhythmically');

## API

Rhythmically.sequence(source [, transform] [, options])

Returns an array of objects where value, position and duration are always defined (the first as string, the others as numbers).

The durations are expressed in musical names ('whole', 'eight') and separated by a /. If no duration given, 1/4 is the default. This can be customized with a options.parseDuration function (see options below).

The source can be a string or an array:

s1 = r.sequence('c d');
// [{ value: 'c', position: 0, value: 0.25 },
//  { value: 'd', position: 0.25, value: 0.25 }]
s2 = r.sequence(['c', 'd']);
// s2 is equal to s1

By default, events with value equal to 'r' are treated as rests:

s = r.sequence('a r/w b');
// [{ value: 'a', position: 0, value: 0.25},
//  { value: 'b', position: 1, value: 0.25}]

You can change the rest event value with the options.


The transform is an optional function that is used to modify the events.
For example, used in combination with note-pitch:

var pitch = require('note-pitch');

s = r.sequence('c d e', function(event) {
  event.value = pitch.transpose(event.value, 'M2');
// [{ value: 'd', position: 0, duration: 0.25}
//  { value: 'e', position: 0.25, duration: 0.25}
//  { value: 'f#', position: 0.5, duration: 0.25}]

You can use it to transform previously parsed sequences:

var original = r.sequence('c d e');
var delayed = r.sequence(original, function(event) {
  event.position += 0.25;
var combined = r.merge(original, delayed);


The following options are accepted:

  • restValue: the value of the events to be treated as rest. 'r' by default.
  • parseDuration: a function that parses a string and returns [value, duration] array
function parser(value) {
  var match = /^([a-z]+)\{(\d+)\}$/.exec(value);
  return [match[1], +match[2]];
r.sequence("a{10} rest{5} b{15}", null, { restValue: 'rest', parseDuration: parser });
// [{ value: 'a', position: 0,    duration: 10 },
//  { value: 'b', position: 15,   duration: 15 }]

### Rhythmically.duration(seq)

Return the total duration of a sequence array

Rhythmically.merge(seq1, seq2 [, seq3, ...])

Merges the given sequences:

r.merge(r.sequence('a b'), r.sequence('c d'));
// [{ value: 'a', position: 0,    duration: 0.25 },
//  { value: 'c', position: 0,    duration: 0.25 },
//  { value: 'b', position: 0.25, duration: 0.25 },
//  { value: 'd', position: 0.25, duration: 0.25 }]

Rhythmically.concat(seq1, seq2 [, seq3, seq4, ...])

Concatenates the given sequences:

r.concat(r.sequence('a b'), r.sequence('c d'));
// [{ value: 'a', position: 0,    duration: 0.25 },
//  { value: 'b', position: 0.25,    duration: 0.25 },
//  { value: 'c', position: 0.50, duration: 0.25 },
//  { value: 'd', position: 0.75, duration: 0.25 }]


MIT License


Create musical sequences with javascript







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