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While it is impossible to tell whether this plugin will work for you, the plugin itself is designed to let users fully customize the prompt sent to locally installed LLMs. It relies on a functioning Text Generation WebUI, which serves as an API gateway to any model that runs in it.

By using this plugin and customizing the prompts to work with your model, you can effectively remove the reliance on GPT-4 and GPT 3.5.

How it Works

The plugin uses a text generation API service typically installed on your computer. This design choice enables flexibility in choosing and updating models, as better models can be utilized in the future without impacting the plugin's performance. Additionally, this approach avoids the complexities associated with managing the CUDA, PyTorch, and environment settings, as the model configuration and management are handled within the text generation web UI.

Documentation for Your Setup

If you can provide documentation about your text generation setup, I would be happy to review it and offer assistance or guidance as needed.

Download Text Generation Web UI from GitHub

Plugin Installation Steps

  1. Download and zip the plugin:

    for Linux, depending on distro

    sudo apt-get install zip
    apk add zip
    sudo pacman -S zip
    sudo yum install zip

    Mac / Linux / WSL

    cd plugins && git clone && zip -r ./ ./Auto-GPT-Text-Gen-Plugin && rm -rf ./Auto-GPT-Text-Gen-Plugin && cd .. && ./ --install-plugin-deps

    Windows, Powershell

    cd plugins; git clone; Compress-Archive -Path .\Auto-GPT-Text-Gen-Plugin -DestinationPath .\; Remove-Item -Recurse -Force .\Auto-GPT-Text-Gen-Plugin; cd ..
  2. Configure text-generation-webui:

    Add the --api flag and any other flags for your model by editing the text-generation-webui file. Flags for anon8231489123/vicuna-13b-GPTQ-4bit-128g model might look like this when using the api flag:

    Update the configuration to use the --api flag. Other flags you use will depend on your model and system configuration.

    CMD_FLAGS = '--chat --model-menu --model anon8231489123_vicuna-13b-GPTQ-4bit-128g  --no-stream --api --gpu-memory 12 --verbose --settings settings.json --auto-devices'
  3. (Optional) Download a model: If you do not already have a model, install one. A suggestion is [anon8231489123/vicuna-13b-GPTQ-4bit-128g]{} from Hugging Face. For guidacne on how to set-up other models, refer to the oobabooga/text-generation-webui GitHub repository.

  4. (Optional) Allowlist the plugin:

    Add the plugin's class name to the ALLOWLISTED_PLUGINS in the .env file to avoid being prompted with a warning when loading the plugin:


    If the plugin is not allowlisted, you will be warned before it's loaded.

  5. Configure the .env file:

    Go to the folder where this plugin was downloaded, and look in the 'prompt_templates' folder. Copy the YAML file. Place the file somewhere on your computer (like the Auto-GPT folder where your .env and ai_settings.yaml are located.) Optionally, rename the file.

    After copying the file, edit your .env file and add these lines:

    .env settings

  6. (Optional) Edit the prompt YAML file:

    Copying the YAML file and adding it to .env is optional, but is highly reccomended as every model will interpret the prompt differently. Tweaking the default prompt will almost certainly be necessary.

    Edit the YAML file to edit the prompt strings sent to your model. Do not change the structure of the file.

    If you do not use a YAML file, a modified version of the default prompt will be sent to Text Generation WebUI.

Learn more about the YAML file and how to edit.


  • To change the commands sent to your model, edit the DISABLED_COMMAND_CATEGORIES variable in .env.
  • To change the AI profile, edit the ai_settings.yaml file.
  • The purpose of the YAML file is to customize the length of the prompt sent to your model as most models are limited to 2048 tokens which is slightly more than half of the tokens available to GPT-3.5 Turbo, and 1/4 the tokens which are usable by GPT-4.
  • When you edit this prompt, both the original prompt in Auto-GPT and the prompt you edit will show in debug output. The Auto-GPT-generated prompt will not be sent. Only the prompt from this plugin is actually sent to your model.

Selecting the installed model

When starting Auto-GPT with the plugin enabled, you will have the option to select a model.

  • Any model that is available through TGW will be listed when Auto-GPT is started.
  • If only one model is available, it will be used automatically.
  • If more than one model is available, you will be prompted to select the model to use.

Alternatively, set LOCAL_LLM_MODEL in your .env file.

.env settings


Changing TGW top_k, top_p, etc.

You can change the following values using environment variables:

  • seed, default: -1
  • top_p, default: 0.4
  • top_k, default: 50
  • repetition_penalty, default: 1.19
  • no_repeat_ngram_size, default: 0

To change these values, set the following environment variables.


For information on these values, refer to TGWUI documentation on generation parameters.


Use oobabooga/text-generation-webui to power AutoGPT instead of OpenAi







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