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Fork of octopress-paginate plugin with a few patches of mine, which are the pull requests that are currently open in the upstream repository.


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Octopress Paginate

Simple and flexible pagination for Jekyll sites featuring:

  • Simple configuration
  • Paginate posts and collections
  • Page limits (Because who's reading page 35?)
  • Filter by categories or tags
  • Multi-language support (with octopress-multilingual)

Build Status Gem Version License


If you're using bundler add this gem to your site's Gemfile in the :jekyll_plugins group:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'octopress-paginate'

Then install the gem with Bundler

$ bundle

To install manually without bundler:

$ gem install octopress-paginate

Then add the gem to your Jekyll configuration.

  - octopress-paginate


To paginate posts, create a page to be used as the pagination template.

title: Post Index
paginate: true

{% for post in paginator.posts %}
/ do stuff /
{% endfor %}

Paginating collection is almost the same as posts except you need to set the collection to paginate.

title: Penguin Index
  collection: penguins

{% for penguin in paginator.penguins %}
/ do stuff /
{% endfor %}

Multilingual pagination

If you are running a multilingual site with octopress-multilingual, simply set a language for your pagination template and posts will be filtered by that language. For example:

Title: "Deutsch Posts"
permalink: /de/posts/ # <- Or wherever makes sense on your site
paginate: true
lang: de  # <- Add a language

{% for posts in paginator.posts %}
/ do stuff /
{% endfor %}

That's all there is to it.

Template variables

Just like Jekyll's paginator, your pagination pages will have access to the following liquid variables.

paginator.total_pages          # Number of paginated pages
paginator.total_posts          # Total number of posts being paginated
paginator.per_page             # Posts per page
paginator.limit                # Maximum number of paginated pages                 # Current page number
paginator.previous_page        # Previous page number (nil if first page)
paginator.previous_page_path   # Url for previous page (nil if first page)
paginator.next_page            # Next page number (nil if last page)
paginator.next_page_path       # Next page URL (nil if last page)

# If you're pagination through a collection named `penguins`
pagination.total_penguins      # Total number of peguins being paginated


Pagination is configured on a per-page basis under the paginate key in a page's YAML front-matter. Setting paginate: true enables pagination with these defaults.

  collection:   posts
  per_page:     10             # maximum number of items per page
  limit:        5              # Maximum number of pages to paginate (false for unlimited)
  permalink:    /page:num/     # pagination path (relative to template page)
  title_suffix: " - page :num" # Append to template's page title
  category:     ''             # Paginate items in this category
  categories:   []             # Paginate items in any of these categories
  tag:          ''             # Paginate items tagged with this tag
  tags:         []             # Paginate items tagged with any of these tags
  reversed:     false          # Reverse the order of the documents

Why set a pagination limit? For sites with lots of posts, this should speed up your build time considerably since Jekyll won't have to generate and write so many additional pages. Additionally, I suspect that it is very uncommon for users to browse paginated post indexes beyond a few pages. If you don't like it, it's easy to disable.

Site-wide pagination defaults

You can set your own site-wide pagination defaults by configuring the pagination key in Jekyll's site config.

  limit: false
  per_page: 20
  title_suffix: " (page :num)"

Note: this will only change the defaults. A page's YAML front-matter will override these defaults.

Pagination permalinks

Assume your pagination template page was at /index.html. The second pagination page would be published to /page2/index.html by default. If your template page was at /posts/index.html or if was configured with permalink: /posts/ the second pagination page would be published to /posts/page2/index.html.

Here are some examples:

  permalink /page-:num/  # => /page-2/index.html
  permalink /page/:num/  # => /page/2/index.html
  permalink /:num/       # => /2/index.html

You get the idea.


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Fork of octopress-paginate plugin with a few patches of mine, which are the pull requests that are currently open in the upstream repository.







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