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What is Humanitaria?

Humanitaria is an ethical, open source, anti-capitalist social media platform with the explicit purpose of inspiring the public to direct action while remaining fully independent. The eventual goal is to utilize the ActivityPub protocol for inter-operability with similar projects


This readme will help you get the dev version up and running. If you're interested in the motivations behind this project, check out /r/humanitaria.


  • Latest node version (20.2.0 current version)
  • Latest yarn version (3.6.0 current version). I installed it through corepack as recommended in the yarn installation docs. Also double check you don't have additional oudated yarn versions.
  • Postgres database with admin permissions (12.15 current version)


  • Copy the .env file in /env to a new file called .env.development. Uncomment and fill out the environment variables in this file. The only required things are generating a JWT secret and ensuring the postgres connection details are valid. You'll need a nominatim server to run the map page and get any results, but the app shouldn't break if they remain unset.
  • Run yarn install
  • Assuming your .env.development config values are correct, run yarn workspace db reset to run db migrations


  • You'll need 2 terminals. In the first, run yarn start:api and in the other run yarn start:web.
  • The site should now be running at localhost:8080!

Project Architecture Overview

There are a few workspaces in this repo and that number will likely increase as the platform requires more features. Workspaces are: /api, /db, /env, and /web.

  • /api - The main graphql-relay server. Everything in this app is done through graphql queries/mutations subscriptions, letting us batch an entire page of component requests. session.js is where login information gets stored in a jwt. /context contains auth information that is useful when writing graphql. It lets me authenticate anywhere, no matter if its a subscription or a normal HTTP request. Down the line, I'll add additional features for roles and levels of authentication

  • /db - Using knex.js to write postgres schema and migrations using javascript. /migrations contains the code that sets up the database itself. /seeds contains what it sounds like: test data.

  • /env - just using dotenv to have different environment configurations. The names I've chosen for environments are development, test, and production. To create an extention to the default env for a specific environment, add a file to the env project called .env.${environment}

  • /web - React and relay frontend, with a few helper extensions for socket-based subscriptions. Relay as a whole is very complex, but also incredibly performant, rewarding, and the bundle size is tiny. This is the best one-stop-shop I can find for learning.. There is a custom router that fetches a page's root query and hydrates all the components. The app makes heavy use of the <React.Suspense> component, and the material-ui <Skeleton> to do loading states. Usually if a component can suspend, it also exports its own placeholder. The UI is built entirely with a custom styled version material-ui. All the settings for that are in style.js, and you'll see the use of the useTheme() and makeStyles() functions throughout the component library

Yarn Troubleshooting

This repo uses "Plug and Play" functionality, intended to run with Yarn 3.6.0. Ideally the repo should be ready to run when you download it, but run yarn install from the root just in case. Its possible you've got conflicting yarn versions if you've been using yarn for a while. This repo uses some of the breaking features that come with later versions.

Database Setup In-Depth

You'll need a local postgres database. The default .env file in /env/.env has all the variables that need setting up. The database and schema and all that is handled using knex.js, so all you need is a user named 'postgres' or whatever you want, and then set up the env vars to point there.

Next you'll want to run the database setup command. This will set up the humanitaria database and populate your local postgres instance with test data (hopefully! still in alpha so I make no promises).

yarn workspace db reset --seed

Next you can start the database

yarn workspace db start

If you set up a password, enter that here. Congrats! The database is working

Map Setup In-Depth

This is by far the most complex part of setup. It took a few weeks for me to put this together. At a minimum, this download will take a few days. Depending on your cpu/ram, building the actual nominatim database will take even longer! Its incredibly powerful though. I did this setup on ubuntu but I'm sure you could get it working on a different distro. Eventually I'll have a docker container you can download and this won't be necessary :)

If you're here to get running quickly just to check out the project, open street map has their own instance up and running with a smaller dataset. You're not allowed to use it for anything large (they say no more than 1 request per second) so please just use it for development:


To understand the queryparams, check out the nominatim docs. You should be able to set up the .env variables so the entire project points to the public nominatim server.

building your own local nominatim instance (out of date)

check here for requirements and database config:

add a linux user for nominatim

sudo useradd -d /srv/nominatim -s /bin/bash -m nominatim

add these to .bashrc

nano /srv/nominatim/.bashrc
export USERNAME=nominatim
export USERHOME=/srv/nominatim

make sure no sudo permissions are needed

chmod a+x $USERHOME

Wherever you have your postgres instance, add 2 users for nominatim. One is an admin, one is for the API to use for reading data. From the API's perspective, this database is read-only. It takes forever to update so I'm only planning to do it once a year

sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USERNAME
sudo -u postgres createuser www-data

download the latest nominatim source and supplimental data

git clone --recursive git://
cd Nominatim
wget -O data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz

Build from source and install (installs in /usr/bin):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../Nominatim 
sudo make install

Download TIGER data from the us census website and convert using this repo. This will take a while:

Create a project directory and add PROJECT_DIR to .bashrc:

cd /srv/nominatim
mkdir map-server
nano /srv/nominatim/.bashrc
export PROJECT_DIR=~/map-server

Copy the env.default file from $USERHOME/Nominatim to /map-server and rename it .env Edit .env, add or update the following:


Go to the project dir and download map data from geofabrik and others. This will take a while:


Import the downloaded geofabrik data. This also takes a long time, both CPU and RAM bottlenecked

nominatim import --osm-file north-america-latest.osm.pbf 2>&1 | tee setup.log

Import tiger data. This also takes a long time, both CPU and RAM bottlenecked

nominatim add-data --tiger-data ./TIGER-data/
nominatim refresh --functions

Import/refresh wiki data from wikipedia

nominatim special-phrases --import-from-wiki

Whew! You should now have a database for nominatim running! You can test it with a local query:


Running Everything including the map

Running everything is fairly trivial now. You'll need 3 terminal tabs, or you can use something like concurrently to run the commands in the same view.

First Terminal from root of project (assuming you created your nominatim user in the same linux instance as the git repo and postgres db):

yarn workspace db start
su - nominatim
cd map-server
nominatim serve

Second Terminal from root of project:

yarn start:api

Third Terminal from root of project:

yarn start:web


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