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Stable Discord is a python library for running Stable Diffusion models using a Discord bot as a front end.


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Stable Discord

Stable Discord is a python library for running Stable Diffusion models using a Discord bot as a front end. This allows users to utilize their consumer GPUs to have a collaborative generative AI experience that they can share with their friends or run with their own custom checkpoints from the Stable Diffusion community.


Stable Discord uses poetry to manage dependencies and installation.

Linux / MacOS

A user may run the following steps manually or if they have make installed they may run make setup.

python3 -m pip install poetry
poetry install


A user may run the following steps manually or if they have make installed they may run make

poetry install
poetry run pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 -f

Setting Up Discord

The discord functionality for this project makes heavy use of

Follow the steps recommended by to create a Bot Account and retrieve a Discord API token:

When at the "Inviting Your Bot" step and selecting permissions the minimum permissions that your bot will need are as follows.

General Permissions:

  • Read Messages/View Channels

Text Permissions

  • Send Messages
  • Read Message History
  • Add Reactions
  • Attach Files

Configuration with config.toml

Stable Discord is intended to require only changes to the single config.toml for the vast majority of users. Further, the defaults are such that most users should only have to add their discord token to the discord_token entry.

While the config file also has comments, we describe each section and the options therein in detail here.

Note: Keep in mind that Stable Discord reads the configuration file at startup. For any changes to be reflected, the program needs to be restarted.


  • discord_token - A string containing the API token assigned by Discord.


One of the key features of the bot is to be able to control where it is listening and two whom it is listening. Because this bot is running on hardware the user controls, if the user cannot limit who the bot acknowledges, then a user is susceptible to spam or other types of griefing.

By default the bot listens on all channels to which it is invited and to messages from all users other than itself.

If neither of the channel level settings are set, the bot will listen on all channels to which it is invited.

  • listen_channels - A list of channels that the bot listens to. Specify in case-sensitive [server:channel, server:channel] format. Defaults to empty.
  • ignore_channels A list of channels that the bot ignores. Specify in case-sensitive [server:channel, server:channel] format. Defaults to empty.

If neither are set, the bot will listen to all members, but never itself. Note that after the Discord username change the format is likely to be username#0. It used to be the case that "id" referred to the (now deprecated) discriminant.

  • listen_users - A list of users to which the bot listens and responds. Specify in case-sensitive [username#id, username#id] format. Defaults to empty.

  • ignore_users - A list of users that the bot ignores. Specify in case-sensitive [username#id, username#id] format. Defaults to empty.

  • wake_word - The string that a message must start with to invoke the bot to generate art.


The following settings are small quality-of-life improvements so that users get some kind of feedback about what the bot is doing. This way users can tell if the bot missed their message for some reason and may need to be added to the listen_users list or of the bot is still just busy, for example.

  • ack_emoji - The emoji reaction the bot uses to indicate that it has noticed a user's message. Defaults to 👍.
  • in_prog_emoji - The emoji reaction the bot uses to indicate that it is currently working on a user's request. Defaults to ⏱️.
  • done_emoji - he emoji reaction the bot uses to indicate that it has completed a user's request. Defaults to 💯.


  • use_gpu - A boolean flag indicating if the diffusion model should expect to use a GPU for accelerated processing. Defaults to True.
  • use_half_precision - A boolean flag indicating if the diffusion model should use half precision floating point numbers. This will improve speed while reducing image quality. Defaults to True.
  • enable_xformers_attention - A boolean flag indicating if the diffusion model should use the xFormers library for accelerated attention. Defaults to True.


  • log_dir - A path to the desired logging directory. Defaults to logs


Stable Discord may be started by running the following in the root directory of the repository: poetry run python

Message Parameters

To give a command to the bot a user begins their message with the wake_word which defaults to /art. Text after that is interpreted as the prompt, except for some special cases where the user can add parameters.

  • --cfg 7.5 - Adding --cfg to the prompt followed by a number alters the CFG parameter passed to the diffusion model. If not specified, this value defaults to 7.5.
  • --steps 50 Adding --steps followed by an integer influences the number of diffusion steps the model takes. If not specified this value defaults to 50.

Example Behavior

Both of the examples below show the bot in use with user info redacted. Note how the bot defaults to responding with the parameters it parsed from the message. This allows the users to understand the inputs and riff off of eachother.

Basic Example


Long Prompt Example


Example with Parameters



This repository is open for use or to be forked freely. I intend to get Stable Discord to a stable state and leave it there, but I will consider contributions in the unlikely event they are provided.


See file in the root directory of this repository.


GNU GPLv3 See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this repository.




Semantic Versioning -

Conventional Commits -

Other References

This program uses emojis that can be referenced here:

Licensing for Open Source:


Stable Discord is a python library for running Stable Diffusion models using a Discord bot as a front end.




