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dankrusi edited this page Apr 4, 2012 · 4 revisions

Start Screen

Selecting Races

When you start LifeSimulation.exe the following screen is presented where it is possible to select which races you wish to have compete against each other. DLL files which are in the bin folder (and subfolders) are automatically checked to see if there are valid Lifelet classes and added to the list.

Start Screen Screenshot


The viewport can be resized at will using the OS window resize feature. The viewport is panned by holding down the left mouse button and moving the cursor.


  • D: toggles debug mode
  • R: resets the simulation

Normal View

The normal view shows the world in it's current state. On the following screenshot you can see three races: red, green and blue. The yellow dots are food. Start Screen Screenshot

Selection Mode

Information about any lifelet can be displayed by hovering over it with the cursor or selecting it with the left mouse button. Start Screen Screenshot

Debug Mode

When debug mode is activated, all lifelets are highlighted and all statistics information is displayed. Start Screen Screenshot

Command Line Arguments

The following command line arguments are supported:

  • autostart: Starts the simulation directly without displaying the start screen.
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