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dankrusi edited this page Apr 13, 2012 · 7 revisions

Coding Rules

  • You must write code in .Net. version 4.0 or lower.
  • You may only use the standard libraries which are supported by both .Net and Mono.
  • The code must compile and run on both Windows and Linux.
  • You may not inject code into the runtime.
  • You may not access private inherited fields and methods through the use of reflection or other means.
  • You may not use any form of static fields in Lifelet classes.
  • You may not use unsafe CIL code.

Gameplay Rules

  • Each contestant must extend the class Lifelet and implement the virtual Simulate() method.
  • Lifelet classes may only use the public methods available to all classes or the protected methods availabe to itself.
  • All Lifelet properties are automatically made visible to other contestants through the debug panel.

Submission Rules

  • Submissions are made through the life-simulation-challenge-races repository.
  • Both binary and/or source-code submissions are allowed.
  • Binary submissions must consist of a single .dll .Net library file and must contain at least one class extending Lifelet. The .dll file should be named [NAME]Race.dll and pushed to the life-simulation-challenge-races project.
  • Source-code submissions must contain a valid project file along with the code files as well as a valid AssemblyInfo.cs file. Source-code submissions should be pushed directly to a subdirectory of the Races folder with the name [NAME]Race.
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