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danlentz committed Oct 3, 2012
1 parent f150c37 commit ae577ce
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Showing 5 changed files with 384 additions and 333 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions cl-ctrie.asd
Expand Up @@ -74,8 +74,11 @@
(:file "common-pointer")
(:file "common-array")
(:file "ctrie-package")
(:file "ctrie-special")
(:file "ctrie-conditions")
(:file "ctrie-cas")
(:file "ctrie-util")
(:file "ctrie-pool")
(:file "ctrie")
(:file "ctrie-lambda")
#+cldoc (:file "ctrie-doc")
Expand Down
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions ctrie-conditions.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
;;;;; -*- mode: common-lisp; common-lisp-style: modern; coding: utf-8; -*-

(in-package :cl-ctrie)

;; Conditions

(define-condition ctrie-error (error)
((ctrie :initform *ctrie* :initarg :ctrie :reader ctrie-of))
(:documentation "Abstract superclass of CTRIE related conditions."))

(define-condition ctrie-structural-error (ctrie-error)
((node :initarg :node :reader node-of))
(:documentation "Condition designating that the CTRIE data structure
has been determined to be invalid."))

(define-condition ctrie-generational-mismatch (ctrie-structural-error)
((expected :initarg :expected :reader expected)
(found :initarg :found :reader found))
(:documentation "Condition indicating an operation encountered an
outdated or inconsistent node during its attempted traversal"))

(define-condition ctrie-operational-error (ctrie-error)
((op :initarg :op :reader op-of))
(:documentation "Condition for when an operational failure or
inconsistency has occurred."))

(define-condition ctrie-modification-failed (ctrie-operational-error)
((place :initarg :place :reader place-of)
(reason :initarg :reason :reader reason-of))
(lambda (condition stream)
(with-slots (ctrie op place reason) condition
(format stream "-------------------------~%~%")
(format stream "FAILURE: Operation ~S failed to modify ~S in CTRIE at #x~X~%~%"
op place (if ctrie (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address ctrie) 0))
(format stream "CAUSE: ~A~%~%" reason)
(format stream "ABOUT: ~A~%~%"
(documentation (type-of condition) 'type)))))
"This condition indicates an unhandled failure of an attempt to
perform stateful modification to CTRIE. The most common case in
which this might occur is when such an attempt is mode on a CTRIE
designated as READONLY-P. In any case, this condition represents an
exception from which processing cannot continue and requires
interactive user intervention in order to recover."))

(define-condition ctrie-invalid-dynamic-context (ctrie-operational-error)
((ctrie-context :initform *ctrie* :initarg :ctrie-context :reader ctrie-context)
(gen-context :initarg :gen-context :reader gen-context))
(:documentation "Condition indicating an operation was attempted
outside the dynamic extent of a valid enclosing WITH-CTRIE form"))

(define-condition ctrie-operation-timeout-exceeded (ctrie-operational-error)
((seconds :initform *timeout* :initarg :seconds :reader seconds-of))
(:documentation "Condition indicating an operation has failed the
maximum number of times specified by the s-variable *retries*"))

(define-condition ctrie-operation-retries-exceeded (ctrie-operational-error)
((retries :initform *retries* :initarg :retries :reader retries-of))
(:documentation "Condition indicating an operation has failed the
maximum number of times specified by the special-variable

(define-condition ctrie-not-implemented (ctrie-error) ()
(:documentation "Condition designating functionality for which the
implementation has not been written, but has not been deliberately

(define-condition ctrie-not-supported (ctrie-error) ()
(:documentation "Condition designating functionality that is
deliberately not supported."))

(defmacro ctrie-error (condition &rest args)
"Signal a CTRIE related condition."
`(error ',condition :ctrie *ctrie* ,@args))

(defun ctrie-modification-failed (reason &key op place)
"Signal a modification failure with the appropriate attendant metadata."
(ctrie-error ctrie-modification-failed :op op :place place :reason reason))
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions ctrie-pool.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
;;;;; -*- mode: common-lisp; common-lisp-style: modern; coding: utf-8; -*-

(in-package :cl-ctrie)

;; Threaded Pre-Allocation and Memory Pooling
;; This Memory Alocation Pooling System is completely 'stateless' and requires
;; no special interaction or management by the developer/end-user. No processing
;; or consumption of resources will occur until the first user-requested allocation,
;; at which time the worker thread will initialize and fill all defined pools and
;; their bucket vectors. After this point, all further preallocation will occur
;; lazily on-demand.
;; One fiddly-bit that one might care to make use-of is #'CTRIE-POOL-STATUS,
;; which will return an alist describing the current fill-level for all currently
;; defined pools and their constituent bucket vectors.
;; I especially like the way this came together. Still, there is plenty of
;; room for improvement, of course -- most notably some more effort toward
;; optimization, condition handling, and api refinements would be worthwhile.

(defun ctrie-enable-pooling ()
(setf *pool-enabled* t))

(defun ctrie-disable-pooling ()
(setf *pool-enabled* nil))

(defun ctrie-pooling-enabled-p ()
(not (null *pool-enabled*)))

(defun pool-buckets (class-name)
(or (get class-name :pool-buckets) 0))

(defun pool-serial (class-name)
(or (get class-name :pool-serial)
(setf (get class-name :pool-serial) 0)))

(defun (setf pool-buckets) (value class-name)
(setf (get class-name :pool-buckets) (or value 0)))

(defun pool-alloc (class-name)
(get class-name :pool-alloc))

(defun (setf pool-alloc) (fn class-name)
(setf (get class-name :pool-alloc) fn))

(defun find-pool (class-name)
(or (getf *pool-list* class-name)
(setf (getf *pool-list* class-name)
(let1 buckets (pool-buckets class-name)
(make-array (1+ buckets) :initial-contents
(loop repeat (1+ buckets) collect (cons nil nil)))))))

(defmacro define-pool (name (&optional (buckets 0)) &body body)
(with-unique-names (num-buckets)
`(let ((,num-buckets ,buckets))
(prog1 ',name
(setf (get ',name :pool-serial) 0)
(setf (pool-alloc ',name) (lambda (&optional bucket)
(declare (ignorable bucket))
;; (sb-ext:atomic-incf
;; (getf (symbol-plist ',name) :pool-serial))
(setf (pool-buckets ',name) ,num-buckets)
(find-pool ',name)))))

(defun ctrie-pool-status ()
(loop for class-name in *pool-list* by #'cddr
when class-name
collect (cons class-name
(coerce (loop for p across (find-pool class-name)
collect (length (cdr p)))

(defun ps ()

(defun ctrie-ps ()

(defun/inline pool-list ()

(defun/inline pool-queue ()
(or *pool-queue*
(setf *pool-queue*
(sb-concurrency:make-mailbox :name "pool-queue"))))

(defun destroy-pool-list ()
(setf *pool-list* nil))

(defun destroy-pool-queue ()
(setf *pool-queue* nil))

(defun fill-pool (class-name &optional (bucket 0))
(let1 pool (svref (find-pool class-name) bucket)
(unless (cdr pool)
(when *debug* (printv "filling pool" class-name bucket ""))
(sb-thread::with-cas-lock ((car pool))
(setf (cdr pool)
(loop repeat *pool-high-water*
collect (apply (pool-alloc class-name)
(ensure-list (unless (zerop bucket) bucket)))))))))

(defun fill-all-pools ()
(loop for (class-name pool) on (pool-list) by #'cddr
when class-name
do (printv class-name)
do (dolist (bucket (iota (1+ (pool-buckets class-name)) :start 0))
(sb-concurrency:send-message (pool-queue) (cons class-name bucket)))))

(defun pool-work-loop ()
(loop with terminate until terminate
for request = (ensure-list (sb-concurrency:receive-message (pool-queue)))
if (and (cdr request) (minusp (cdr request))) do (setf terminate t)
else do (fill-pool (car request) (or (cdr request) 0))))

(defun/inline pool-worker ()
(if (and *pool-worker* (sb-thread:thread-alive-p *pool-worker*))
(setf *pool-worker*
(lambda ()
(setf *pool-worker* nil)
(sb-thread:terminate-thread sb-thread:*current-thread*))
:name "pool-worker"))))

(defun/inline allocate (class-name &optional (bucket 0))
(if (minusp bucket)
(sb-concurrency:send-message (pool-queue) (cons class-name bucket))
(flet ((bail ()
(sb-concurrency:send-message (pool-queue) (cons class-name bucket))
(return-from allocate
(apply (pool-alloc class-name) (ensure-list (unless (zerop bucket) bucket))))))
(let1 pool (svref (find-pool class-name) bucket)
(when (null (cdr pool)) (bail))
(sb-thread::with-cas-lock ((car pool))
(unless (cdr pool) (bail))
(prog1 (pop (cdr pool))
(unless (cdr pool)
(sb-concurrency:send-message (pool-queue) (cons class-name bucket)))))))))

66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions ctrie-special.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
;;;;; -*- mode: common-lisp; common-lisp-style: modern; coding: utf-8; -*-

(in-package :cl-ctrie)

;; Special Variables

(defvar *ctrie* nil
"Within the dynamic extent of a CTRIE operation this variable will
be bound to the root-container CTRIE operand. It is an error if an
operation is defined that attempts access to a CTRIE without this
binding, which is properly established by wrapping the operation in
an appropriate WITH-CTRIE form.")

(defvar *hash-code* nil
"Special variable used to store the hash-code that corresponds to the
current operation. Used as a means of improving efficiency by eliminating
needless recomputation of the hash function, which is the most expensive
part of most user-level ctrie operations. If this value is not set, then
the hash will simply be computed on demand and processing will continue
unaffected. Use of this variable is simply an optional performace
optimization techniqie. For additional detail, refer to the documentation
for functions `FLAG` and `CTHASH`")

(defparameter *retries* 16
"Establishes the number of restarts permitted to a CTRIE operation
established by a WITH-CTRIE form before a condition of type
CTRIE-OPERATION-RETRIES-EXCEEDED will be signaled, aborting the
operatation, and requiring operator intervention to resume

(defparameter *timeout* 2
"Establishes the duration (in seconds) allotted to a CTRIE operation
established by a WITH-CTRIE form before a condition of type
CTRIE-OPERATION-TIMEOUT-EXCEEDED will be signaled, aborting the
operatation, and requiring operator intervention to resume

(defparameter *context* nil
"Diagnostic value, not used in production, used to maintain
additional information tracking the current dynamic state.")

(defparameter *debug* nil
"Debugging flag, not used in production, to enable generation of
additional diagnostic and reporting information.")

(defparameter *timestamps-enabled* nil)

(defparameter *pool-enabled* t)

(defparameter *pool-high-water* (expt 2 10))

(defvar *pool-list* nil)

(defvar *pool-worker* nil)

(defvar *pool-queue* nil)

(defparameter *default-mmap-dir* nil)

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