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The hate-detector project contains a classification pipeline for Semeval 2019 task #5.

This classification task identifies Twitter hate speech against immigrants and women, and further identifies if the hate speech is aggressive or targeted.

See hate-detector/documentation/ for details of project organization.

Run all tests with one command (not recommended)

The script will perform a user install of dependencies, and assumes that python3 is installed.

chmod +x;

Install and run (Debian, Ubuntu)

  1. Install pre-requisites: Python3, pip, virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip;
python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel; virtualenv
  1. Run installation script:
chmod +x;
  1. Run selected tests:
chmod +x;

Alternately, run all tests (may take several hours):

chmod +x;

Results are printed into a set of files called results_{language}_{task}.txt, where language is either 'english' or 'spanish'.


This project is designed to perform cross-validation on several combinations of classifiers and vectorizations at a single command.

alt text


We experimented with the following vectorization methods:

  • Bag-of-Words Vectorizations (BoWV):
    • Presence of unigrams
    • Frequency of unigrams
  • Character N-grams
  • POS features
  • Word2Vec
  • FastText
  • Character one-hot encoding

Corpus Bootstrapping and Building Models

Word2Vec and FastText are trained using an external Twitter corpus filtered to resemble the dataset. See hate-detector/documentation/ for instructions to download and filter corpuses and build the word embedding models.


We experimented with the following classifiers:

  • Naive Bayes
  • Gradient-Boosted Trees
  • Linear Regression
  • Linear SGD
  • Linear Support Vector Classifier
  • RBF Support Vector Classifier
  • Decision Tree
  • A custom LSTM Network (depicted below)

alt text

Expected Outputs

The following is an example of one of the output files (named results_english_HS.txt). The file contains the 4-fold validation results.

------------------------------english HS------------------------------

accuracy        f1  precision    recall

MajorityBaseline -            0.5790  0.00000 0.000000  0.000000
bayes            frequency    0.7085  0.607984   0.700072  0.537352
                 presence     0.7131  0.627779   0.691339  0.574954
forest           frequency    0.7413  0.677892   0.712427  0.646830
                 presence     0.7440  0.681259   0.715816  0.650189
gradient-boosted frequency    0.7539  0.654647   0.800273  0.554244
                 presence     0.7538  0.655037   0.799004  0.555367
linear           frequency    0.7556  0.673503   0.769547  0.598851
                 presence     0.7555  0.676236   0.764150  0.606513
linear-sgd       frequency    0.7388  0.669984   0.718742  0.630984
                 presence     0.7276  0.634213   0.738802  0.570462
svc-linear       frequency    0.7564  0.669519   0.780466  0.586247
                 presence     0.7552  0.671469   0.771975  0.594209
svc-rbf          frequency    0.7535  0.659596   0.788246  0.567678
                 presence     0.7475  0.654188   0.773200  0.567933
tree             frequency    0.7166  0.650617   0.676402  0.626938
                 presence     0.7197  0.656507   0.678042  0.636475


  • Paul Hudgins (
    • Stage 1: Experiments with Doc2Vec
    • Stage 2: Procurement of a larger corpus of tweets, comparative evaluation of Word2Vec and FastText, and develpment of corpus bootstrapping method
  • Viral Sheth (
    • Stage 1: Initial test run using presence of uni-grams as features and NLTK Naive Bayes and SciKitLearn’s Stochastic Gradient Descent, NuSVC as classifiers.
    • Stage2: POS tagging, character N-gram features
  • Daniel L. Marino (
    • Stage 1: pre-processing, project integration and project architecture, deployment and final results (Bayes, SVM, logistic regression, random forest, classification trees, gradient boosting, linear SGD)
    • Stage 2: LSTM language models

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