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kamat edited this page May 18, 2012 · 5 revisions

Autoenrol cohort authentication plugin for moodle 2.x

This authentication plugin automatically enrol users into cohorts.

Cohort name depends on user profile field.

Cohorts are created in CONTEXT_SYSTEM.



  • Download the archive and extract the files, or clone the repository from GitHub
  • Copy the 'mcae' folder into your_moodle/auth
  • Visit Site administration - Notifications page and follow the instructions

If you use an Email based self registration or similar plugin and users enrolls into cohort after second login copy/paste this code into moodle/themes/your_theme/layout/general.php (or default.php)

NOTE: Enable and configure mcae plugin first!


global $SESSION, $USER;

if ($USER->id != 0) { // Only for autenticated users
    $mcae = get_auth_plugin('mcae'); //Get mcae plugin

    if (isset($SESSION->mcautoenrolled)) {
        if (!$SESSION->mcautoenrolled) {
            $mcae->user_authenticated_hook($USER,$USER->username,""); //Autoenrol if mcautoenrolled FALSE
    } else {
        $mcae->user_authenticated_hook($USER,$USER->username,""); //Autoenrol if mcautoenrolled NOT SET



  • Replace the your_moodle/auth/mcae folder with new one
  • Visit Site administration - Notifications page and follow the instructions


Template for cohort name

1 template per line.

In the template you may use any characters (except '%') and profile field values. To insert a profile field value, use '%' sign and name of the field (%lastname, %firstname, etc). Custom profile fields have two templates: %profile_field_name and %profile_field_raw_name. It's useful with fields like 'menu of choices':

  • %profile_field_raw_name - number of the selected value
  • %profile_field_name - selected value

An email field have 3 variants:

  • %email - full email
  • %email_username - only username
  • %email_domain - only domain

Note: Profile field templates is case sensitive. %username and %UserName are two different fields!

Custom profile field types:

'Textarea' type have only 'raw' variant. All HTML tags is removed.

'Text input' returns the same value in both variants

Checkboxes returns 1 or 0 in both variants.

Date/time fields returns unix timestamp

Replace empty field

If profile field is empty then it's replaced with this value.

Replacement array

You can change the cohort name after it's generation.

1 replacement per line, format - old value|new value

very long cohort name|shortname


Unenrol users from cohorts after profile change.

To use an unenrol feature:

  • Go to Plugins - Authentication - Autoenrol cohort and enable unenrol function
  • Go to yourmoodle/auth/mcae/convert.php and convert cohorts you want to "auth_mcae".

Convert only cohorts that are created by the "auth_mcae" module!

At yourmoodle/auth/mcae/convert.php page you may view, delete or convert cohorts into "manual" or "auth_mcae" mode.

Ignore users

List of users to ignore. Comma separated usernames.


Usage example

You have a custom profile fields "status" (student, teacher or admin) and "course".

You wnat to enrol many users into cohorts like "course - status" than enrol cohorts into courses.

At configuration page set:

Main template to %profile_field_course - %profile_field_status

Empty field text to 'none'


  • When 1st course student logins, he enrol to cohort named "1 - student"
  • When 1st course teacher logins, he enrol to cohort named "1 - teacher"
  • When admin logins, he enrol to cohort named "none - admin" (Course not set, status - admin)

To rename "none - admin" cohort to "Administration" you must set a replacement array field at the configuration page In our case: none - admin|Administrator


When admin logins, he enrol to cohort named "Administrator"

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