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Fix frontend user define validate | user define 前端驗證 #37

merged 3 commits into from Jun 24, 2019


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@mkx777 mkx777 commented Jun 21, 2019

Fixed layout for calc pages

fix clac page clac-drinks area and to-result button

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@evayangms evayangms left a comment

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@dannyh79 dannyh79 left a comment

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@chaowudev chaowudev left a comment

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@dannyh79 dannyh79 merged commit 2c26230 into develop Jun 24, 2019
dannyh79 pushed a commit that referenced this pull request Jun 26, 2019
* fix_frontend_user_define_validate

* fix time after 文字敘述錯誤

* 把修復 css 捲動的部分移至 style.scss
dannyh79 added a commit that referenced this pull request Jul 5, 2019
* 1. Bootstrapped & jQueried the App
2. Added gems for dev/test: 'rspec-rails', 'faker', 'factory_bot_rails'

* Added calcs' page and its css/js files

* 1. Added model "drink" and some placeholder data in seeds.rb
2. Route for calc page and a temp controller for it

* 1. set routes
2. new controller & views => pages, user_define, calcs

* - Added nav-bar for the App; nav-links awaiting Devise's session user feature
- WiP: calc page's man-figure and its animation

* 1. gem devise
2. add User Model
3. db:migrate devise_create_users.rb

* pop stash

* configuring controllers

* modified calc route

* change views/calc folder name to views/calcs

* add registrations new.html.erb

* add registrations new.html.erb

* WIP sessions#new & create need to be modified
1. added_attrs => gender, weight
2. modified the path of registration
3. modified buttons of path in views

* calc.js 新增計算等功能
calc.scss 新增隱藏modal的li的功能
show.html modal 血酒濃度新增 class="modal-bac" 以及增加一系列 modal 的解說 搭配 class name level1 ~ level5

* fix_calc.js_酒駕_to_酒測

* 酒測值改血酒濃度

* calc.js修改字詞

* WiP: man-figure/water-level on calc page currently only works on mobile view

* WiP: man-figure/water-level on calc page currently only works on mobile view

* fixd render bug in calc.scss

* move css to stylesheets folder

* 1. modified registrtion
2. modifien button linking

* plus one space on line 13

* 在controller設假資料傳給前端js,

* delete the calc.1.js

* Man figure and animation (#10)

* Animation on man-figure completed

* swap dead-links to functional ones

* swap dead-links to functional ones

* Swept away the dead links FOR REAL

* 設定真實資料傳入gender and weight

* 在controller設假資料傳給前端js,

* delete the calc.1.js

* 設定真實資料傳入gender and weight

* 1. Informative modal shown when "我想試試" button is pressed
2. WiP: Page content

* Delete calc.css

* Update calcs_controller.rb

* Calc page:
1. Routes for buttons of the 3 types of forms
2. Style for the forms
3. WIP section in each form

* Fixed layout of the prototype

* intro_delete change_modal_path update_index_about_new

* Env set for integrating 3rd-party-layout

* 改為使用 pg,修改 gemfile, database.yml,並修復了 migrate devise_create_users

* 修正 migrate weight default 0 -> 1, database.yml delete the username and password

* Removed unwated css files in assets: about.css & nav.css

* connect db information

* delete nav.css

* template_index

* add_user_define_migrate

* template_about

* change db to pg

* fixed link_to path

* template_new

* fix functions.js 的 turbolinks load 問題

* Issue: UserDefine's instance can NOT be created if the class is inherited from ApplicationRecord
(see model "user_define.rb")

* correct_about_title_new_button

* WIP: page "/calc/user_define"; need to render the ingredient in scroll container, and make a save button to write data into table "user_defines"

* template_forgot-password

* 1. Added feature: User may define his/her own cock-tails
2. Calc flow on "clac/record_user_define" to be implemented

* fix_velocity_not_defined_change_file_name_velocity.min.js_to_a01_velocity.min.js

* let_frontend_override_vendor_at_js_and_scss

* Changed verb to the action "user_define#add_ingredient" and "user_define#delete_ingredient" to make desfign RESTful

* 1. Add column "display_name" to table "drinks";
2. Update seeds.rb according to 1.
3. "calc page": Changed booze name's resource from "name" to "display_name" in the form and the result

* modified calc_page

* "about" page

* WIP: event of nav_bar cannot run, noted on trello bug
1. replace _nav.html.erb template

* fixed nav_bar action

* Hotfix animation+rwd (#24)

* fixed animation for man-figure

* Hotfix: RWD for page "calc"

* fixed path

* fix_scss

* Take out the excessive comments from model user_define.rb

* the commit before pull last-new progress

* 1. add ENV[mailgun] into .gitignore
2. replace sign in page template

* 1. replace user_edit template
2. add edit.scss to modified width

* calc_page_v1

* fix_calc_time-unit-d-none-bug

* drink label on-select render in calc page

* bug fix: UX enhencement on page-links in calc page

* bug fix: error msg in js console re 'gon' in App.

* Merged from branch 'develop'

* bug fix: modal calcDrive time error

* Style for page '/calc/record_user_define' and '/calc/user_define'

* 1. modified gender column
2. user_define maximum words: 10

* Merge 'develop' into 'vendor-layout'; set env to production-ready

* 1. Remove page "/user_define/edit" and its route/action accordingly (#28)

2. Validation on user_define#add_ingredient (input "ratio" can NOT be zero)

* fix error log in calc (#31)

* Fixed layout calc page & refactored code in "calc.scss" (#32)

* PR approved by all members while GitHub was off

* Fixed layout for calc pages

* fix clac page clac-drinks area and to-result button

* fix class name calc-drinks 錯字

* user authentication and validation (#33)

1. authentication before sign in: clacs
2. delete intro method in pages_controller
3. set weight validation in registratios/edit & registrations/new (frontend & backend)

* fixed weight validates

* abot_update (#35)

* drinks' img url in seeds.rb & css-fix of the images (#36)

* 1. Added image urls to drinks' "img_path" columns in "seeds.rb"
2. Fixed style of drinks in calc page & validation for model Drink

* 1. "Re-live" the image_path for drinks added in page "/calc/user_define", with some style fix
2. Added "image" method in calc_helper.rb

* Fix frontend user define validate | user define 前端驗證 (#37)

* fix_frontend_user_define_validate

* fix time after 文字敘述錯誤

* 把修復 css 捲動的部分移至 style.scss

* Man-figure Animation Fix + "Shaker" Sign for User-defined Drinks (#38)

* 1. Fixed the "red excess" of man-figure animation in cellphone window
2. Added "shaker" image for user-defined beverages in page "/calc/record_user_define"

* 1. Fixed the issue where animation did not work in page "/calc"
2. Style for the 5 buttons in calc page to make them stand out from background

* Fix user define button and calc drinks mini #39 (#41)

* plus path /calc in nav_bar

* plus button to /calc

* setting default value in text-place

* fixed weight default value

* fixed label[for] & input[id]

* modified user_edit_page

* comment notice

* fix user define button and calc-drinks-mini #39

* 新增品項按鈕 disable 時中文化

* README and example file for key store (#42)

* Corrected typos in Ln. 36 & 47.

* Added content per suggestion & changed image src

* Unit test for Drink (#43)

* Styled "calc" page & Inserted logo and its animation to all pages (#45)

* modified email validation (#44)

* modified email validation

* delete comment

* Fixed edit user registration (#46)

* plus path /calc in nav_bar

* plus button to /calc

* setting default value in text-place

* fixed weight default value

* fixed label[for] & input[id]

* modified user_edit_page

* comment notice

* 1. split page: update-pwd and update-user-info
2. modified nav-bar to plus update-pwd and edit-user-info link

* WIP: modified weird log
1. separate user-edit-page to edit-page and profile-page

* 1. Fixed the bug where user could edit info without correct password input;
2. Added temp error message area in edit-user-info page

* Topic/desc uptimization + footer w/ disclaimer (#48)

* Optimized content in the 5 condition modals

* Added footer with disclaimer on the inside

* Added ref table in "about" page; relocated/refactored some CSS files (#47)

* Added ref table in "about" page; relocated/refactored some CSS files

* Fixed the title per Chao's review

* Fixed indention in pages & relocated logo tag to "application.html.erb" (#49)

* Fixed indention in pages & relocated logo tag to "application.html.erb"

* Slight style change on collaborators' info card in about page

* Tuned description in the 5 modals as calc page's (#50)

* Footer Fix & Code Clean-up (#56)

* 1. Fixed the bug where footer could block page elements in cell/tablet-sized viewport
2. Cleared up the un-used logo tag in calc pages

* About page: removed column name of ref table to accommodate footer

* Addressed the issue of "較小的手機版面 編輯個人資料與更新密碼 footer 還是有問題"

* Fixed the distorted render of images on iOS devises (#59)

* Fixed the distorted render of images on iOS devises

* Addressed the issue where logo img was not rendered correctly

* Aligned the 'x' sign in delete buttons in page "user_define"

* modified email validation (#60)

* modified email validation
* modified end of email validation

* mailgun_forgot_password (#58)

* mailgun_forgot_password

* forgot_password

* localhost_3000_forgotpassword

* forgot_password_email

* Updated config file for env production

* Changed dedault sender address to ""

* Comma delete

* Update information of modal in index-page (#63)

* modified index-info

* updated index-info content

* fixed modal-title position

* Updated the content in (#64)

* Add notice (#54)

* add notice

* fix message.scss and add notice for 'after_sign_up' 'after_update'

* 減短編輯個人資料頁的密碼錯誤訊息

* notice i18n and move to appliation.html.erb

* 將錯誤暫存區移動到 application.html.erb 修改 devise error_message 格式等

* Footer Fix & Code Clean-up (#56)

* 1. Fixed the bug where footer could block page elements in cell/tablet-sized viewport
2. Cleared up the un-used logo tag in calc pages

* About page: removed column name of ref table to accommodate footer

* Addressed the issue of "較小的手機版面 編輯個人資料與更新密碼 footer 還是有問題"

* Fixed the distorted render of images on iOS devises (#59)

* Fixed the distorted render of images on iOS devises

* Addressed the issue where logo img was not rendered correctly

* Aligned the 'x' sign in delete buttons in page "user_define"

* add notice

* fix message.scss and add notice for 'after_sign_up' 'after_update'

* 減短編輯個人資料頁的密碼錯誤訊息

* notice i18n and move to appliation.html.erb

* 將錯誤暫存區移動到 application.html.erb 修改 devise error_message 格式等

* modified email validation (#60)

* modified email validation
* modified end of email validation

* mailgun_forgot_password (#58)

* mailgun_forgot_password

* forgot_password

* localhost_3000_forgotpassword

* forgot_password_email

* Updated config file for env production

* Changed dedault sender address to ""

* Comma delete

* add sign in error notice and fix notice display

* fix sign in notice display bug and add error message at next-ste btn

* change message animation and remove byebug

* Update information of modal in index-page (#63)

* modified index-info

* updated index-info content

* fixed modal-title position

* add notice

* fix message.scss and add notice for 'after_sign_up' 'after_update'

* 減短編輯個人資料頁的密碼錯誤訊息

* notice i18n and move to appliation.html.erb

* 將錯誤暫存區移動到 application.html.erb 修改 devise error_message 格式等

* add notice

* fix message.scss and add notice for 'after_sign_up' 'after_update'

* 減短編輯個人資料頁的密碼錯誤訊息

* notice i18n and move to appliation.html.erb

* 將錯誤暫存區移動到 application.html.erb 修改 devise error_message 格式等

* add sign in error notice and fix notice display

* fix sign in notice display bug and add error message at next-ste btn

* change message animation and remove byebug

* Add instructions (#62)

* add notice

* 減短編輯個人資料頁的密碼錯誤訊息

* notice i18n and move to appliation.html.erb

* 將錯誤暫存區移動到 application.html.erb 修改 devise error_message 格式等

* add instructions

* update instructions

* update instructions record adn user define calc page

* Corrected minor changes on CSS & i18n's desc

* User spec - model (#66)

* user spec

* user spec reflector

* Fix/modal and email render (#70)

* fixed email render

* fix modal

* Set OAuth for user sign in (#72)

* 1. plus Google Oauth feature.
2. modified nav-bar if user sign in with google not show pwd-update button.
3. modified path because user need to fill in profile
4. delete pwd-confirmation column when user sign in with google.
5. modified updated method when user sign in with google.

* change google btn name

* Facebook login feature;
* To-be-tested: whether the feature functions when deployed onto Heroku

* modified OAuth

* delete spec file

* Fixed the broken layout in login page

* Changed the default host to "" under Production (#73)

* Favicon for the app (#74)

* fix routing errors bootstrap and popper js (#76)

* Fixed the broken layout in login page (#78)

* Sign up catch user info (#77)

* catch user info when sign up

* plus helper method in veiw

* delete helper method

* fixed gender column

* Put facebook url as env variable (#81)
dannyh79 pushed a commit that referenced this pull request Feb 2, 2020
* fix_frontend_user_define_validate

* fix time after 文字敘述錯誤

* 把修復 css 捲動的部分移至 style.scss
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