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I like the idea of using Hey World as a simple service for building a
mailing list. If I'm going to do that, I'll want to reflect those
entries onto this website.

I don't have any immediate plans for reflecting this data. But
inspiration struck so I wrote some Ruby.
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danott committed Jan 16, 2024
1 parent c2d3e39 commit 7fdf365
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Showing 5 changed files with 366 additions and 243 deletions.
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions data/hey_world_entries.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
- !ruby/struct:HeyWorldEntry
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<div><a href="">David</a> and <a href="">Jason</a> announced <a href=""><strong>HEY World</strong></a> a few weeks ago. Once I connected the dots, I sent an email titled &quot;Is This Thing On?&quot; to <a href=""></a>. I received a helpful reply, that the thing was not on.<br><br>But now it's on! Continuing the pattern of the past several years, Basecamp's sensibilities for software strike a chord with mine. Removing the resistance, focusing on the words, hitting's a scary prospect. But one I'm inclined to embrace for yelling into the void of the Internet.<br><br>I believe in the power of a personal website. <a href=""></a> is where I've been slowly (re)building one since the end of 2020. But as <a href="">Jason said</a>:<br><br></div><blockquote>setting up a personal blog was just too much of a hassle. It felt formal, it required yet another tool, yet another place to write, yet another platform to pay for just one feature. I had to pick a template, I had to think up a name, I had to make the relationship official.</blockquote><div><br>I've been not writing lately, because I've been setting up the environment for writing. I love the renaissance of static site generators. But it's still proved another form of resistance.<br><br>So here's some words. More to follow!</div><div><br></div>
published: 2021-03-04 21:15:30.000000000 Z
title: Is This Thing On?
updated: 2021-03-05 03:39:41.000000000 Z
- !ruby/struct:HeyWorldEntry
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<div>I took a hike today. Hikes of yesteryear were filled with expectation, and resolved in revelation. Giant breakthroughs. Fresh insights. Renewed purpose. <br><br>Not today. No expectations. Practicing the presence of silence, with no agenda. My boots treading mud, every ounce of energy was focused on not falling down. <br><br>Four miles later, there were no breakthroughs. No renewed sense of purpose. No brilliant new strategy. Just a longing to get home to my people. </div>
published: 2021-03-06 22:43:38.000000000 Z
title: Treading Mud
updated: 2021-03-06 22:43:38.000000000 Z
- !ruby/struct:HeyWorldEntry
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<div>The bookmark. That humble, miraculous, time saving invention. Cast aside from the properly bound pages, a detached strip of paper is found indispensable. The consecutive pages provide opportunity for progress. What has passed and what is to come is marked by the movable. It has no words of its own. But it unlocks the words it skips over. <br><br>The bookmark isn’t bound to the story, but it marks the progress. Which is why the bookmark as the primary metaphor for saving links on the internet makes no sense. A bookmark moves with you. It can only be in one place at once. If marking multiple pages for reference is the goal, sticky notes become the tool. <br><br>But for websites, the language of “bookmark” is baked into the browser. They don’t aide progression through a story. They accumulate as promises of information we’ll never return to. Half the time they’re found “broken”. It’s a Roladex of websites that may or may not ever be flipped to again. <br><br>When I create digital bookmarks, I tell myself story. I don’t write “this is an online tool for generating color palettes”. I write “my friend Michael texted me the link to an online tool for generating color palettes while we were eating breakfast in Cincinnati”. The story about how the information entered my life is more helpful for cataloguing than the reference it is preserving. <br><br>It’s much simpler to place stories in time and space to find my way. </div>
published: 2021-03-10 15:43:37.000000000 Z
title: Bookmarks
updated: 2021-03-10 15:43:37.000000000 Z
- !ruby/struct:HeyWorldEntry
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<div>Limitations are reality. The mythologies of becoming anything, going anywhere, and experiencing everything demo well. They deliver an endlessly realized fear of missing out. <br><br>No choice is sufficient, because each choice brings the nascent possibility of it having been slightly better. The fear that incremental improvement was not achieved. <br><br>Scarcity is no better. An entrenched belief that there will never be enough fuels competition, but stifles camaraderie. The assumption that things will never improve. The zero sum game.  <br><br>The sweet spot of abundance is community. There is more than enough for all of us, and we can all live meaningful, fulfilling lives together. There’s not unlimited time, money, food, or experiences. But if we take care of each other, there will be enough. <br><br>It might even improve slightly next week. </div>
published: 2021-03-16 17:21:55.000000000 Z
title: Abundantly Clear
updated: 2021-03-16 17:21:55.000000000 Z
- !ruby/struct:HeyWorldEntry
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<div>I recently broke silence on Twitter. It's not because I think Twitter is a great place to publish my thoughts. It's because I had excitement about a project. The kind of excitement that demands sharing with <em>someone</em>.<br><br>The excitement was fueled by progress in building an RSS Reader. I don't know what came over me, but in July of 2020 I'd had it with my current solution. The notifications and navigational split between read and unread. The buggy mobile apps. The assumptions around how to consume RSS, that aren't the actual XML schema that makes RSS a treasure.<br><br>Things are really starting to come together. I can follow individual feeds. Bulk subscribe to feeds from an OPML file. Save clips of stories to be remembered. Set aside individual stories to be revisited later. Bundle related feeds to establish reading contexts. Navigate through feeds, bundles, and stories with keyboard shortcuts.  It's quite fun!<br><br></div><div>The stack is pretty simple.<br><br></div><ul><li><a href="">Rails</a> 6.1 rendering HTML</li><li><a href="">Tailwind CSS</a> for minimal styling</li><li><a href="">Turbo</a> for making it feel a little snappier</li><li><a href="">Stimulus</a> for sprinkling on JavaScript</li><li><a href="">PostgreSQL</a> as database</li><li><a href="">Sidekiq</a> for all the background work</li></ul><div><br>And I've got to say, working on a vanilla Rails app is a real treat. Most features from concept to completion have been an hour here, an hour there, after the kids are in bed. <br><br>My recent years leaning into React have manifested in some habits that aren't conducive to trusting server rendered HTML. I ripped out a bunch of these strategies this past week. There's no JSON anywhere. Which isn't to say that JSON is bad! But in an industry where it's become the assumption, it's been real fun to get back to the basics of sending semantic HTML over the wire, applying minimal CSS to make it shine, and sprinkling on a little bit of JavaScript to progressively enhance the experience.</div>
published: 2021-03-17 12:34:44.000000000 Z
title: Building an RSS Reader
updated: 2021-03-18 15:46:14.000000000 Z
- !ruby/struct:HeyWorldEntry
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<div>We smoked two pork shoulders this week. I'll do my best to avoid sounding like just one of the <a href="">Guys With a Traeger Grill</a>... but I've gotta say, that computer assisted wood burning temperature regulation made for some consistent succulence.<br><br>The aim was recreating the Caribbean Roast sandwich from <a href=""><del>Paseo in Seattle</del></a> <a href="">Un Bien in Seattle</a> (and <a href="">Bien in Key West</a> (and I'm told others(?))). The mystery surrounding multiple names, locations, and store closings aside, this is the best sandwich I've ever had. My friend Jeremy will sign a legally binding affidavit to that effect.<br><br>I trusted my gut in blending two recipes. <a href="">The first is from the Seattle Times</a>. This recipe was shared in the wake of Paseo suddenly shutting down in 2014. <a href="">The second is from</a>. What a URL.<br><br>The efforts were rewarded. My cravings for the Caribbean roast were satisfied. It looked like this.<br><br> <figure class="attachment attachment--preview attachment--lightboxable attachment--jpeg">
<a download="The Caribbean Roast.jpeg" title="Download The Caribbean Roast.jpeg" data-click-proxy-target="lightbox_link_blob_357077388" href="">
<img src="" alt="The Caribbean Roast.jpeg" srcset=" 2x, 3x" decoding="async" loading="lazy">
</figure><br><br>This is so good. I don't wanna go another two years without this flavor. I panic. What if I lose this recipe?<br><br></div><ul><li>Do I trust <a href="">Pinboard</a> to save my bookmarks to those recipes forever? Pretty much.</li><li>Do I trust those dot coms to host their content forever? Maybe...</li><li>Do I trust <a href="">Paprika</a> to always be in business? I sure hope so, it's a treat.</li></ul><div><br>I wound up printing the webpages to PDF, and attaching those PDFs to an email to myself. I trust the system of email. Specifically I trust Hey's commitment to support their products <a href="">until the end of the Internet</a>. Basecamp has built trust with me over the past decade. There may be more custom-tailored tools for storing recipes, but so many custom-tailored tools for bespoke tasks have burned my trust in the past.<br><br> <figure class="attachment attachment--preview attachment--lightboxable attachment--png">
<a download="An important email to myself.png" title="Download An important email to myself.png" data-click-proxy-target="lightbox_link_blob_357077480" href="">
<img src="" alt="An important email to myself.png" srcset=" 2x, 3x" decoding="async" loading="lazy">
</figure><br><br>Fewer tools. Higher trust. Simpler systems.<br><br>More sandwiches.</div>
published: 2021-04-15 01:37:34.000000000 Z
title: Trust the System
updated: 2021-04-15 01:47:22.000000000 Z
- !ruby/struct:HeyWorldEntry
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<div>Here are two hobbies I thought I would enjoy.<br><br></div><ol><li>Dungeons &amp; Dragons</li><li>Mechanical keyboards</li></ol><div><br>I've observed friends enjoying these hobbies. I've listened to seasons of podcasts about these hobbies. I genuinely enjoy being on the questioning-and-listening end of enthusiastic conversations about these hobbies. I take joy in seeing my friends enjoy these hobbies. Something inside me tells me I could also enjoy these hobbies.</div><div><br>So I tried. Twice. At each. And I've just gotta be completely honest. I do not enjoy participating in Dungeons &amp; Dragons or typing on mechanical keyboards. It's the weirdest feeling. I love seeing others enjoy these things. I appreciate the nuance of the deep dive into these worlds. I continue to be fascinated by conversation about these switches and exchanges. But when it comes to first-hand participation, the joy is missing.<br><br>So, please, keep sharing your enthusiasm. I admire it. Maybe a round three in a decade or so will find a different Dan. But for's time for me to try on some more hobbies.<br><br><br><br></div>
published: 2021-04-27 19:55:56.000000000 Z
title: I love that for you
updated: 2021-04-27 19:57:17.000000000 Z

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