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danpower101 edited this page Jul 2, 2020 · 4 revisions


When processing raw data to get soil moisture estimates, there is a need for site specific descriptors of some variables. For example, bulk density of the soil (g/cm^3) is required to obtain volumetric soil moisture estimates. These static values are stored in the meta_data.csv file.

Some values will need to be inputted manually by the user. In the below table these are any with a "Yes" for "Required at start?" column. Other values will be written during the running of the tool - obtained from various large datasets.

COUNTRY - Country code for location of site Yes
SITENUM - Assigned number for site. COUNTRY and SITENUM are used to identify each site. Naming convention is described in info. This is then used to find the relevant values in the meta_data.csv table. Yes
INSTALL_DATE - Date of site installation No
LONGITUDE degrees Longitude of site Yes
LATITUDE degrees Latitude of site Yes
ELEV m Elevation above sea level of site Yes
TIMEZONE - Timezone of the site No
GV gv Cutoff Rigidity of site Yes
LW % Lattice Water from site specific calibration data Yes
SOC % Soil Organic Carbon from site specific calibration data Yes
BD g/cm3 Bulk Density from site specific calibration data Yes
N0 - Theoretic maximum neutron count for site (dry conditions), calculated in tool and written. No
AGBWEIGHT kg/m2 Live woody above ground biomass estimates from ECMWF biomass data No
RAIN_DATA_SOURCE - Declaration of the source of rain data. Currently this will be either "Local" or "ERA5_Land" No
TEM_DATA_SOURCE - Declaration of the source of temperature data. Currently this will be either "Local" or "ERA5_Land" No
BETA_COEFF - Store of the calculated beta coefficient (see pressure calculations) for each individual site No
REFERENCE_PRESS mb Reference pressure calculated using elevation No
BD_ISRIC g/cm3 Bulk Density estimates taken from the International Soil Reference and Information Centre (SoilGrids250m ) No
SOC_ISRIC g/dm3 Soil Organic Carbon estimates from ISRIC No
pH_H20_ISRIC pH pH of water estimates from ISRIC No
CEC_ISRIC mmol(c )/kg Cation exchange capacity at ph7 from ISRIC No
CFVO_ISRIC cm3/dm3 Coarse fragments from ISRIC No
NITROGEN_ISRIC cg/kg Nitrogen in soil from ISRIC No
SAND_ISRIC g/kg Sand in soil from ISRIC No
SILT_ISRIC g/kg Silt in soil from ISRIC No
CLAY_ISRIC g/kg Clay in soil from ISRIC No
*_ISRIC_UC varied The uncertainty bounds of each of the ISRIC variables, in absolute terms. No
TEXTURE - Soil texture identified from Sand/Silt/Clay percentages using the USDA soil texture triangle No
WRB_ISRIC - World Reference Base (2006) soil class from ISRIC. Provided as a table of probable classes - this is the most probable class. No
LAND_COVER - Land Cover type taken from Copernicus data set. No

Additional Info is a great resource. It is especially useful in finding site specific cut-off rigidity if it is not already available in data.

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