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This action allows you to notify users once a file is changed

How To Use

For using this action, you need to create a workflow file like this:

name: 'Notify users on file change'
    branches: [ master ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: danthe1st/email-filechange-notif-action@v1
          # Address to send E-Mails from
          senderEmail: ${{ secrets.SENDER_EMAIL }}
          # optional, The subject of the E-Mails to send
          subjectLine: 'GitHub file change notification'
          # A file in the repository or HTTP address that contains file patterns with E-Mail addresses that should be notified on file changes
          mailingList: ${{ secrets.MAILING_LIST }}
          # The SMTP server used to send E-Mails
          smtpServer: ${{ secrets.SMTP_SERVER }}
          # optional, The SMTP port used to send E-Mails
          smtpPort: 587
          # The SMTP user name used to send E-Mails
          smtpUsername: ${{ secrets.SMTP_USER }}
          # The SMTP password used to send E-Mails
          smtpPassword: ${{ secrets.SMTP_PASSWORD }}

This file should be located in the directory .github/workflows and the file ending should be .yml.

The secrets can be configured in the Settings tab of the GitHub repository under Secrets.

The input mailingList can either be the path to a file in the repository or a HTTP(s) link to such a file. Every line in this file consists of a file pattern (gitignore format) followed by one space and an E-Mail address. If the workflow is executed and a file matching the pattern is changed, an E-mail should be sent to the address configured.