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This repository provides a boilerplate webserver application, based on Axum, to act as a foundation and springboard for building web applications and APIs. The intention is for it to be used as a template for new projects.

The name Terracotta was chosen because it's rusty in colour, and clay represents something that can be moulded into different shapes.

It is intended to be easy to use and understand, easy to set up and extend, and easy to deploy.

Terracotta exists as a crate on to establish presence and gain visibility and awareness, and because there are plans to add command-line functionality to help with setup. It is not intended to be used as a library, and is not published as such. (See the Usage section for more information.) It may also be useful to be able to run it and see it working before then using it as a foundation for a new project.

Terracotta was created in response to the lack of full examples of how to use Axum, and the fact that many tutorials are out-of-date, lacking important elements, or just plain wrong. You may not need everything provided — and you also may well not agree with how some parts are implemented — but if you are wanting a leg-up to save some time, it's not a bad place to start!

The main sections in this README are:

Additional documentation of note includes:


The main high-level points of note are:

  • Simple codebase layout
  • Full yet minimal web application working out of the box
  • Easy to extend and build upon
  • High-performance asynchronous HTTP server using Tokio Hyper
  • Based on the robust and ergonomic web framework Axum
  • Configuration from config file and env vars using Figment
  • Logging of HTTP requests and events using Tokio Tracing
  • Templates implemented using the Tera template engine
  • Static file handling
  • Ability to serve static files as protected or public
  • Ability to supplement and override the static assets using local files in addition to a pre-compiled binary (configurable)
  • Streaming of large static files for memory efficiency
  • Single-file deployment — all assets baked in (optional and configurable)
  • CSS foundation using the Bulma CSS framework
  • Icons using Font Awesome
  • Simple authentication using sessions and config-based user list
  • Login page, public and protected routes, logout ability
  • Health check API endpoints
  • Comprehensive application statistics gathering and API endpoints for reporting
  • Graceful handling of 404 and 500 HTTP errors
  • Graceful handling of runtime application errors
  • Full OpenAPI documentation


Terracotta features a custom-rolled authentication system, to demonstrate how to implement a basic session-based setup. Although storing a user list in plain text on a server is okay for small, limited projects and experiments, it is highly recommended to store the credentials securely in a database. That is currently outside the scope of this project, for a number of reasons.

In a real system you will probably also want to store the sessions in a database instead of in memory.

It is also worth noting that the pattern implemented is the best and most ideal for an application that serves HTML to a browser. If you are creating an API then you will want to change some of the behaviour to return HTTP status codes to tell the client that the request is unauthorised, rather than sending a login page. Equally, you will likely want to implement JWT or similar. That is also outside of scope at present, partly because there are various options to choose from.

The authentication system is set up to make it easy to configure routes as either public or protected, and is fully-implemented including a login page, logout action, and handling of every part of the authentication journey and the possible situations.


Terracotta gathers a wide range of statistics about the application, and provides a number of API endpoints to access them. These are intended to be used by monitoring systems, and also to provide a simple way to see what is going on with the application.

The approach is highly performant, despite gathering a comprehensive set of measurements, and is designed to be as efficient as possible. It is also designed to be easy to extend, to add new statistics to the system. There is a central statistics queue plus broadcast system, with circular buffers for interval history, and a tick clock to keep everything up-to-date.

The statistics data is available in summary form, per-measurement history form, and as a real-time WebSocket event stream.


Terracotta has an opinionated approach to handling errors, including both HTTP errors and "true" (Rust) errors. This serves as a baseline to build on or to change as required.


Terracotta very purposefully does not include any kind of database integration. There are so many, and such a plethora of crates to choose from, that this is best left to the application developer to decide. Database interaction is very straightforward and so this is a simple addition to make.


The choice of Tera is unlikely to upset anyone, but if there is a preferred option then it is easy to change or remove. Tera has been implemented in a slightly opinionated manner, but it should be clear what has been changed from the defaults and how.


The Terracotta repository is designed so that it can be used as a template for new projects, and then customised and extended. You will naturally rename the project and tailor it to your needs, and as you implement your own features it will get harder and harder to merge in any upstream changes. It is therefore likely best to consider this a starting point only, and an upgrade reference, rather than an on-going contributing source.

Note that Terracotta is not designed to be used as a library, and its existence on is as a binary. This is to establish presence, but also there are plans for command-line tools to be added.

For information on developing a project based on Terracotta, please refer to the Developer documentation.


The steps to set up a Terracotta project are simple and standard. You need a reasonably-recent Rust environment, on a Linux machine. There are currently no special requirements beyond what is needed to build a standard Rust project.

Note that these instructions are for building the application yourself, which will usually be in context of having used Terracotta as a template for a new project. In this case these steps will apply for your project too. You can also download the crate using cargo install terracotta, which will install the latest version of Terracotta from, but this currently is not particularly useful beyond letting you poke at the default, running application without having to clone the repository and build it yourself, to see if you like it. See the Getting started section for more information on creating your project using Terracotta as a template.


There are some key points to note about the environment you choose:

  • Debian and Ubuntu are the Linux distros of choice, although other distros should also work just fine, as there are no special requirements.
  • Running natively on Windows is not targeted or tested, and there are no plans to support it, so although it may work, it also may not. Running on WSL does work fine, and is the recommended way to run on Windows.
  • Running natively on MacOS is untested, although there is no known technical reason why it would not work.

Typically, you will set up Rust using rustup, which is the recommended way to install Rust. The stable toolchain is targeted, as the focus is on stability and correctness, rather than bleeding-edge features.

Once you have Rust installed, you can build the project using cargo build. This will download and compile all dependencies, and build the project. You can then run the project using cargo run.


Terracotta is configured using a TOML file. The default configuration file is Config.toml, which should be placed in the same directory as the binary. The configuration settings (and file) are optional, and if not provided, Terracotta will use default values for all configuration options.

It is also possible to pass configuration parameters from the command line, as environment variables. The environment variables take precedence over the configuration file options.

General options

The following options should be specified without any heading:

  • host - The host to listen on. Defaults to
  • port - The port to listen on. Defaults to 8000.
  • logdir - The directory to store log files in. Defaults to log.
  • title - The title of the application. Defaults to Terracotta.

As shown here:

host   = ""
port   = 8000
logdir = "log"
title  = "Terracotta"

Local loading options

By default, all resources are baked into the binary, and served from there. This is the most efficient way to run the application, but it is also possible to load resources from the local filesystem, which can be useful for development and testing, and when there are large content files.

It is possible to supplement or override static assets. Static assets are subdivided into protected and public.

The following options should be specified under a [local_loading] heading:

  • protected_assets - The loading behaviour for protected static assets.
  • public_assets - The loading behaviour for public static assets.

Each of these options can be one of the following values:

  • Deny - Deny loading from the local filesystem. This is the default for all the options.
  • Supplement - Load from the local filesystem if the baked-in resources are not present.
  • Override - Load from the local filesystem if present, and otherwise load from the baked-in resources.

As shown here:

protected_assets = "Override"   # default is "Deny"
public_assets    = "Override"   # default is "Deny"

For those options that allow loading from the local filesystem, the following options can be specified under a [local_paths] heading:

  • protected_assets - The path to the protected static assets. Defaults to content.
  • public_assets - The path to the public static assets. Defaults to static.

As shown here:

protected_assets = "content"
public_assets    = "static"

An example is provided, rustacean-flat-happy.png, which is available through http://localhost:8000/rustacean-flat-happy.png if using the settings in the example configuration file. This is a protected asset, and so will only be served to logged-in users.

Static file options

When static files are requested, the method by which they are served depends upon their source and size. All files baked into the binary are served directly from memory, and so these options do not apply to them. Files loaded from the local filesystem are loaded into memory and served all once if they are small enough, but past a certain (configurable) size they are streamed to the client.

The sizes of the stream buffer and read buffer are hugely important to performance, with smaller buffers greatly impacting download speeds. The default values have been carefully chosen based on extensive testing, and should not generally need to be changed. However, on a system with lots of users and very few large files it may be worth decreasing the buffer sizes to reduce memory usage when those files are requested, and on a system with very few users and lots of large files it may be worth increasing the buffer sizes to improve throughput. However, the chosen values are already within 5-10% of the very best possible speeds, so any increase should be made with caution. It is more likely that they would need to be decreased a little on a very busy system with a lot of large files, where the memory usage could become a problem and the raw speed of each download becomes a secondary concern.

The following options should be specified under a [static_files] heading:

  • stream_threshold - The size of the file, in KB, above which it will be streamed to the client. Defaults to 1000 (1MiB).
  • stream_buffer - The size of the stream buffer to use when streaming files, in KB. Defaults to 256 (256KB).
  • read_buffer - The size of the read buffer to use when streaming files, in KB. Defaults to 128 (128KB).

Each of these options accepts an integer value.

As shown here:

stream_threshold = 1000 # 1MiB — files above this size will be streamed
stream_buffer    = 256  # 256KB
read_buffer      = 128  # 128KB

User list

A list of user credentials can be specified under a [users] heading:

  • username: password - The username as the key, and the password as the value.

As shown here:

joe = "1a2b3c"

This is a simple list of username/password pairs, where the username is the key and the password is the value. The password is stored in plain text, so be aware of the security implications of this (ideally you would implement an integration with your preferred database instead). The username and password are both case-sensitive.


Terracotta can be run using the cargo run command, or by running the compiled binary directly. The server will listen on port 8000 by default, and will serve content from the static directory, plus any request handlers that you define. The static directory contains the static files to be served.


You can run the test suite using cargo test. This will run all unit and integration tests.

Note that, at present, there are very few tests written specifically for this project, as it is mostly a combination of other crates from the Rust ecosystem. Those tests that do exist are intended to be examples of approach, and are not exhaustive. Additional tests might be added when the project is more mature, and sensible things to test have been clearly identified.


This is the first release, so there is not much in the way of documentation just yet. A few things may change when Axum 0.7 comes out, so documentation will be written once Terracotta has been updated to be compatible.

You can build the developer documentation using cargo doc. This will generate HTML files and place them into target/doc. You can then open the documentation in your browser by opening target/doc/terracotta/index.html.

Building the documentation for local development use will also provide you with links to the source code.



You can build the project in release mode by using cargo build --release. Everything required for deployment will be contained in the single binary file produced. It is recommended to run upx on the executable before deployment, to reduce the file size.

You can optionally supplement the compiled system with additional files from the local filesystem, as described in the Local loading options section above.

The resulting binary file can then be copied to the deployment environment, and run directly. This will often be in a Docker or Kubernetes container.


A typical build script might look like this:

cargo build --release
upx --best target/release/terracotta
scp target/release/terracotta you@yourserver:/path/to/deployment/directory


A common deployment scenario is to use Docker. The Terracotta repository includes a Dockerfile, which can be used to build a Docker image. This image is based on Alpine, and so is very small. It is also built using multi-stage builds, so the final image is even smaller.

It is worth noting that the Alpine build uses the musl C library, which is not compatible with the glibc C library used by most other Linux distributions and Docker images. The advantage of using Alpine is that the resulting image is very small, and everything is compiled statically. If you have any compatibility problems then you may want to use the distroless build instead, which is based on glibc.

The Docker image can be built using the following command:

docker build -t terracotta .

By default, this will build a release image, and compress the binary using upx. The setup is optimised for executable speed, build speed, and image size.


You can specific the dev profile by passing the --build-arg profile=dev option to the docker build command. This will build an image that is not compressed, and is optimised for build speed but not image size.

Build arguments

Additionally, there are two other build arguments that can be passed in:

  • upx - Whether to compress the binary using upx. Defaults to 1. Specify 0 to disable compression.
  • cargo-opts - Additional options to pass to cargo build, for instance --build-arg cargo_opts="--config opt-level=z".


It's worth noting that the host IP to serve on needs to be set to to allow outside traffic to connect. In other words, the host entry in the Config.toml file should be set to "" for a Docker setup:

host   = ""
port   = 8000

By default, Terracotta will run on port 8000, and this is expected by the Dockerfile. It is therefore advisable to keep this configured as such in the Config.toml file (or omitted), and instead use port mapping to map the container port to a host port. This can be achieved by specifying the -p option when calling the docker run command, for instance:

docker run -p 8000:8000 terracotta

This will make the Terracotta server available on port 8000 on the host machine, so that, on that machine, you will be able to visit it at http://localhost:8000 or in your browser.

If you run Terracotta on a different port, you will need to specify that port in the Dockerfile.


It is possible to mount volumes into the Docker container, to provide access to local files. This can be useful for development, and also for providing additional content and static assets. The following volumes are available:

  • /usr/src/content - Protected static assets.
  • /usr/src/static - Public static assets.

These paths, and the options controlling them, can be overridden using the local loading options described above.

To mount a volume, use the -v option when calling the docker run command, for instance:

docker run -v /path/to/content:/usr/src/content:ro terracotta

It is advisable to specify the ro (read-only) option, as shown above, as there is no reason for Terracotta to need to write to the content files.


Default build, generating a compressed release image:

docker build -t terracotta .

Default build, generating an uncompressed release image:

docker build -t terracotta --build-arg upx=0 .

Dev build, generating an uncompressed dev image:

docker build -t terracotta --build-arg profile=dev .

Adjusting the opt-level for the release build:

docker build -t terracotta --build-arg cargo_opts="--config opt-level=z" .

Running the image:

docker run terracotta

Running the image and exposing the default port:

docker run -p 8000:8000 terracotta

Mounting volumes:

docker run \
  -v /path/to/content:/usr/src/content:ro \
  -v /path/to/assets:/usr/src/static:ro \


This project uses the Rust logo as a default, due to being written in Rust. The logo is freely usable under the CC-BY (Creative Commons Attribution) license.

An image of Ferris the crab (the Rust mascot) is used as an example of protected content. This image is sourced from and is in the Public Domain, so can be freely used.

This project uses the Bulma CSS framework, which is published under the MIT license and free to use without restriction.

The Font Awesome icons are published under the CC-BY (Creative Commons Attribution) license, and the webfonts under the SIL OFL (Open Font License). They are freely usable, along with the CSS code used to display them, which is released under the MIT license.