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Circuits UI

Circuits UI is a logic circuits simulator web app for educational purposes. The project is developing in Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and is fully open-source.

Our Story

This project was started as a rethinking of BUMMEL project and we really appreciate the work these guys have done. We are using some of their ideas and their approach to circuits simulation.

Circuits UI is using the client-server model. The backend part is written on Pharo language, which is based on Smalltalk. The source code for the backend part could be found on SmalltalkHub.

Project Setup

Backend part

  1. Download Pharo 5.0
  2. Open Pharo, enter Monticello Browser (Ctrl + O + P) and download our repository
  3. Install NeoJSON
Gofer it
  url: '';
  package: 'Neo-JSON-Core';
  package: 'Neo-JSON-Tests';
  1. Open Playground and start a Zinc server
ZnServer startDefaultOn: 8081.
ZnServer default delegate map: #calcCircuit to: LogicalSchemesServer new.
  1. Now your server is up and running on localhost:8081

Frontend part

  1. Make sure you're using node v6.9 and older before installing dependencies. If you're using nvm,
nvm use 6.9.1


nvm install 6.9.1
  1. Install yarn
  2. Install dependencies
  1. Run in development mode
npm run dev
  1. Open localhost:8080