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File metadata and controls

65 lines (53 loc) · 2.61 KB

Distributed Task Scheduling System(DTS) - 分布式定时任务管理系统

DTS is written in pure Golang, Used to replace crontab in Linux.


Tasks can be executed in more than one node with lock mode.


Project Structure

  • master:The scheduler for create task, query log and send signal, etc.
  • worker:Task executor.
  • common:Common module of master and worker.


  • etcd
  • mongodb
  • gin


  • Create/Edit Task
  • Delete Task
    • Just Remove Task by TaskName.
  • Kill Task
    • Interrupt the running task.
  • View Log
    • List the task log.


  • Generate swagger docs for api in master.(Optional)
    • bash> swag init --dir ./ -g master/main/master.go -o master/docs
  • Build master and run, also can run with nginx.
    • bash> go build (-tags doc) -o master/main/master master/main/master.go
    • bash> cd master/main && ./master -config config.ini
  • Build worker and run.
    • bash> go build -o worker/main/worker worker/main/worker.go
    • bash> cd worker/main && ./worker -config config.ini
  • Visit the backend web page.
    • http://localhost:8080/web
  • Visit the api docs page.
    • http://localhost:8080/docs or http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html


Run at system loaded with systemctl in linux or with launchctl in macos.

  • create config file.
    • Linux: copy any service file in the path /etc/systemd, then rename the file and modify the fields like DescriptionExecStartWorkingDirectory.
    • MacOS: copy any plist file in the path ~/Library/LaunchAgents/, then rename the file and modify the fields like LabelProgramArgumentsWorkingDirectory.
  • enable the file.
    • Linux: bash> systemctl enable xx.service
    • MacOS: bash> launchctl load -w xxx.plist
  • start to run.
    • Linux: bash> systemctl start xx.service