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PrePO contest details

  • Total Prize Pool: $36,500 USDC
    • HM awards: $25,500 USDC
    • QA report awards: $3,000 USDC
    • Gas report awards: $1,500 USDC
    • Judge + presort awards: $6,000 USDC
    • Scout awards: $500 USDC
  • Join C4 Discord to register
  • Submit findings using the C4 form
  • Read our guidelines for more details
  • Starts Dec 09, 2022 20:00 UTC
  • Ends Dec 12, 2022 20:00 UTC

C4udit / Publicly Known Issues

The C4audit output for the contest can be found here within an hour of contest opening.

Note for C4 wardens: Anything included in the C4udit output is considered a publicly known issue and is ineligible for awards.


🚨 The contracts for this contest can be found here:

This audit covers the entirety of PrePO's pre-IPO/ICO markets product.

PrePO Core Architecture


Contracts (16)

Contract SLOC Purpose Libraries used
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/AccountListCaller.sol 16 Inherited module for contracts that reads from an external AccountList.sol
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/AllowedMsgSenders.sol 21 Inherited module for contracts that need to restrict msg.sender on certain functions (typically for preventing access to functions on a contract that are only meant to be called by a hook)
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/NFTScoreRequirement.sol 57 Inherited module for contracts that want to implement NFT-based account requirements. @openzeppelin/*
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/TokenSenderCaller.sol 24 Inherited module for contracts that uses an external TokenSender.sol
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/Collateral.sol 132 Collateral for trading on PrePO Markets @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/DepositHook.sol 73 Swappable hook for extending Collateral's deposit function @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/DepositRecord.sol 64 Keeps track of global and user deposits for Collateral @openzeppelin/* @uniswap/v3-periphery
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/DepositTradeHelper.sol 41 Helper function for minting Collateral and swapping into PrePOMarket Uniswap pools @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/LongShortToken.sol 12 Token representing PrePOMarket positions. @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/ManagerWithdrawHook.sol 42 Swappable hook for extending Collateral's managerWithdraw function @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/MintHook.sol 16 Swappable hook for extending PrePOMarket's mint function @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/PrePOMarket.sol 161 Issues new positions for a PrePO Market and allows users to redeem them back for Collateral @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/PrePOMarketFactory.sol 50 Contract factory for deploying new PrePOMarket's @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/RedeemHook.sol 28 Swappable hook for extending PrePOMarket's redeem function @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/TokenSender.sol 79 Sends tokens based on an input amount and price oracle, used for reimbursing platform fees in PPO token. @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/WithdrawHook.sol 155 Swappable hook for extending Collateral's withdraw function @openzeppelin/*

Interfaces (for documentation) (18)

Interface Purpose Libraries used
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/interfaces/IAccountListCaller.sol All interfaces represent the contract their name implies unless otherwise specified (e.g. IAccountListCaller is the interface for AccountListCaller.sol).
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/interfaces/INFTScoreRequirement.sol @openzeppelin/*
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/interfaces/IUintValue.sol Interface for retrieving a price/value from an oracle
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/interfaces/ICollateral.sol @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/interfaces/ICollateralHook.sol Base interface for all hooks that extend Collateral functions
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/interfaces/IDepositRecordHook.sol Interface for a hook that reads/writes to a DepositRecord
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/interfaces/IDepositTradeHelper.sol @uniswap/v3-periphery
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/interfaces/ILongShortToken.sol @openzeppelin/*
apps/smart-contracts/core/contracts/interfaces/IMarketHook.sol Base interface for all hooks that extend PrePOMarket functions

Out of scope

Contracts not in scope

Contract Purpose
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/interfaces/IAccountList.sol Interface used by many contracts for reading from a list of accounts stored within an external AccountList.sol.
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/SafeAccessControlEnumerable.sol Safe version of OZ's AccessControlEnumerable, requires acceptance of roles. Used throughout Collateral stack.
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/SafeAccessControlEnumerableUpgradeable.sol Same as above, but for upgradeable contracts.
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/SafeOwnable.sol Safe version of OZ's Ownable, requires acceptance of ownership. Used throughout PrePOMarket stack.
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/SafeOwnableUpgradeable.sol Same as above, but for upgradeable contracts.
packages/prepo-shared-contracts/contracts/WithdrawERC20.sol Allows owner to withdraw any ERC20 tokens residing within an inheriting contract.

Additionally, contracts not listed in Contracts (16) are out of scope for this contest.

Known Issues

The following issues are ineligible and have already been highlighted in a previous audit

Scoping Details

- If you have a public code repo, please share it here:
- How many contracts are in scope?:   16
- Total SLoC for these contracts?:  971 (not including interfaces/imports)
- How many external imports are there?: 16
- How many separate interfaces and struct definitions are there for the contracts within scope?:  18 interfaces, 2 structs
- Does most of your code generally use composition or inheritance?:   Composition
- How many external calls?:   1
- What is the overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests?:  100
- Is there a need to understand a separate part of the codebase / get context in order to audit this part of the protocol?:   false
- Please describe required context:
- Does it use an oracle?:  false
- Does the token conform to the ERC20 standard?:  Yes
- Are there any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models?: N/A
- Does it use a timelock function?:  No
- Is it an NFT?: No
- Does it have an AMM?: No
- Is it a fork of a popular project?:   false
- Does it use rollups?:   false
- Is it multi-chain?:  false
- Does it use a side-chain?: false


Run yarn install in the root prepo-monorepo directory to install all packages needed for testing

Commands and Configuration only apply to tests defined in the same project. The only two project directories contestants should concern themselves with are apps/smart-contracts/core and packages/prepo-shared-contracts.


  • Run tests for all contracts within a project: yarn t
  • Run tests w/ code coverage: yarn t:coverage
  • Run a specific test suite: yarn hardhat test test/<test name>.test.ts


  • Edit hardhat.config.ts to setup connections to different networks
  • To enable gas reporting, add REPORT_GAS=true to .env

Note about Slither: Slither isn't used by the development team and couldn't be made to work for the contest.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • TypeScript 89.1%
  • Solidity 10.3%
  • JavaScript 0.5%
  • CSS 0.1%
  • HTML 0.0%
  • Handlebars 0.0%