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Getting Started

dapucita edited this page Feb 5, 2021 · 5 revisions

Language : English, Korean(한국어)

This manual is written in English and based on v0.4.0.

Getting Started

Welcome to start with Haxbotron!

You can host a headless Haxball game room with Haxbotron.

To get started, it takes only three steps: installation, build, and run.

We will try these steps in Windows 10 64bit. You can also try in Linux, OS X, and so on.

How to Install

Step 1. Install Node.js

You have to install Node.js first.

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome V8 JavaScript engine.


Download Node.js LTS(10.x, 14.x and so on) version from Node.js Website and install it.

Step 2. Download and Uncompress

To download Haxbotron source code, first go to our main page and open the Release item on the right side menu.


Then download the compressed file of the version you want and uncompress it to the appropriate location.

You can unzip in any path but I recommend you choose simple name for start the bot quickly.


Directory path in example : C:\haxbotron

Step 3. Open Command Line and Move Path


Open Command Line(cmd) and command for move the directory path.

cd c:\haxbotron

If you unzipped it into other drive like D:, E:, you need to move drive path first by D: or E:.

You can find two important directories in your path: core for main Game Server and db for DB Server.

Step 4. Install Packages and Build

You have to install packages for core and db server, and build them.

Now let's use Quick Commands for install and build.

npm run quick:install

npm run quick:build

You'd better to refer this document if you have some problems on build step.

Step 5. Launch Servers

It's time to launch db and core server.

Type this command:

npm run quick:start:db

Open another window and type command:

npm run quick:start:core

Congratulations! Almost done.

Do not close these windows when you are running the servers.

Step 6. Manage Server

You started your servers, but you haven't opened a game room yet.

First, open your web browser and connect to for Web-based Management System.

Internet Explorer is not recommended.


You have to create your own administrative account. Click Installation.


Administrative account is not ingame superadmin. Do not share administrative account with other people.


Once the administrator account has been created, you will be automatically redirected to the administration page.

Click Room List menu to check the rooms' list.


You can open a new room by clicking Create New Room on the side menu.


When you open a new room, you need your own RUID and Auth Token.

RUID (Room Unique Identifier) is an identifier that distinguishes each room.

RUID already in use should not be reused.

The 'Auth Tokenis necessary to open the room, and theHaxball Headless Host` issues it.

Click the button next to the textfield to get it issued.

Token obtained: "This is Auth Token"

Do not reuse Auth Token that is already in use. The Auth Token expires after a certain period of time, so get it issued again.

You can change other settings to suit your needs. Read the documents on the wiki.

If you have filled the form properly, the room will open well. Check it out!

Web-based Management System can be turned on and off freely.

However, if you turn off the 'core' server and 'db' server, the bot will stop, so do not shut it down while using it.

Next Steps

If you followed those above steps, the servers will be set as the default settings.

Read the following documents to enhance security and set up details.

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