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Santorini - GC24

Software engineering final project

Software Engineering Project 2020: GC24 - Passarello, Parisi, Rahel

Implemented Features

  • CLI
  • GUI (java FX)
  • Multiplayer Server-Client architecture communicating via a TCP socket
  • Complete ruleset
  • Advanced Feature: Advanced Gods (Chronus,Hestia,Hera,Triton,Zeus)
  • Advanced Feature: Multiple simultaneous games supported

Unit Test Coverage Data

Line Coverage:

  • package Controller: 100%
  • package Model: 97%

Installation (build from Maven)

If you use the ready to use jar in the /deliverables folder you can skip to the step 3.

0. Requirements

  • Java JDK >= 11
  • A Maven version compatible with your installed JDK

1. Clone the repository

If you have git installed in your computer you can use this command in a new folder

git clone

You can also download the .zip of the repository directly from github and then unpack it in a new folder

2. Build the .jar executable

Use the command on the main folder (the one with pom.xml)

mvn package

After downloading the dependencies, executing tests and shading the .jar the new jar will be located in the /target subfolder

NOTE: Even if shading task throws some warnings, the jar

3. Testing if the jar works

When you are in the jar folder execute the command

java -jar <name_of_the_jar>.jar

The name of the jar usually is "GC24-1.0.jar"

If all worked properly the gui should start, and the main menu will be displayed

4. Running the game

The program takes some arguments, these options are also listed after running the command

java -jar <name_of_the_jar>.jar -help (or -h)

Running the GUI

The GUI will start using no additional argument, or using -gui argument.

java -jar <name_of_the_jar>.jar [-gui]

Running the CLI

Appending the argument -cli, a command line interface will be started. The command line interface works in linux terminal. To use the CLI on windows you should install a terminal that supports ANSI escape codes (WSL or Windows Terminal).

java -jar <name_of_the_jar>.jar -cli

Running the Server

To start a server run the command

java -jar <name_of_the_jar>.jar -asServer [PORT NUMBER]

You could optionally add the TCP port number, if you don't specify it the default one will be used (12345).


Software Engineering Final Project 2020 @ polimi






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