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An opinionated library to work with AJAX and JSON, using simple-json and variant.

A more detailed guide can be found here.

Thanks to Vladimir Ciobanu for his error handling solution.


All requests have 4 versions:

  • post: Takes the request URL and some optional content and then tries to parse the response.
  • post_: Takes the request URL and some optional content, but ignores the response payload.
  • postR: Like post, but takes a subset of a SimpleRequest as an additional argument (for example if additional headers are needed).
  • postR_: Like post_, but takes a subset of a SimpleRequest as an additional argument.

POST requests also have variations that includes the response headers. (Tuple (Array ResponseHeader) b) is returned in place of b, where b is just unit in the _ versions: postH, postH_, postRH, postRH_

get and getR don't have a underscore version.

Requests payload objects must implement an instance of WriteForeign and responses payload objects must implement an instance of ReadForeign.

Check simple-json documentation to learn more about this.


simpleRequest, getR, postR, postRH, putR, deleteR and patchR (and the versions ending with an underscore) accept a subset of a SimpleRequest as an argument.

type SimpleRequest = { headers :: Array RequestHeader
                     , username        :: Maybe String
                     , password        :: Maybe String
                     , withCredentials :: Boolean
                     , retryPolicy     :: Maybe RetryPolicy

For example:

getR { withCredentials: true } ""


The different types of error (Error, ForeignError and ResponseFormatError) are put together in a Variant.

There are two type alias:

  • HTTPError containing the common http errors
  • AjaxError which extends HTTPError to add json parsing errors

By using that library's function, it's possible to match on them:

let error = 
  default "Generic error"
  # on _notFound $ const "Not found"
  # on _badRequest identity
  # on _parseError $ intercalate ", " <<< map renderForeignError
  $ err


getR { retryPolicy: defaultRetryPolicy } url

Example usage

payload :: { foo :: Int, bar :: String }
payload = { foo: 1, bar: "hello" }

type Baz = { baz :: Boolean }

main = launchAff_ $ do
  res <- post url (Just payload)
  case res of
    Left err -> do
      let error = 
        default "Generic error" 
        # on _notAuthorized $ const "Not authorized" 
        $ err
      log error
    Right (res :: Baz) ->
      logShow res

Module documentation

Module documentation is published on Pursuit.


An opionated library to work with AJAX and JSON





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