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Freelancer game config linter, like python black but for game configs


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  • Main goal of the tool is to be classic linter for game files, whichi can autofix config files
    • inspired by python black linter that formats everything to same uniform standard
    • formatter module is responsible for this
  • Additionally it is capable to supply human readable comments to config objects for easier life.
    • denormalizer module is responsible for this
  • For tool usage was developed freelancer ini reader/writer with easily mapping variables to access in ORM - object relational mapping fashion. This alone allows quickly accessing any config data with least amont of code effort for additional features.
    • (see fl-configs library in a separate repo)


  • Processes
    • market_commodities.ini
    • market_misc.ini
    • market_ships.ini
    • universe_ini
    • all system files like universe/systems/**/br01.ini
  • For processed files brings to lower case allowed set of keys, like base = GA06_03_base to base = ga06_03_base
  • to market_*.ini files it adds to bases human readable name extracted from infocard.txt
  • to market_*.ini reports if base is recycle_candidate, by checking missmatch in its set system and pressence in files + if system is fp7 or ga13, example:
    • ;%is_recycle_candidate = DARK_ERR_0001 base_good.base=ga06_03_base not in universe.ini->Base.system->System.file->systems\ga13\ga13.ini | universe.ini->Base.system=ga13 in [[ga13 fp7]]
    • see picture example below
  • rounding float numbers for set keys to more preferable precision. 45.7465645656 to 45.7

Future development

The tool is intended to add additional features in linting configurational files. It is possible adding any other additional rules for checking foreign key data integrity between objects Or adding additional commented strings to objects with helpful information

Request new features here or there Darklab Discord server

Usage with installation

At linux

  • install curl if not installed.(apt update && apt install -y curl for debian/ubuntu)
  • install git if not present (apt update && apt install -y git for debian/ubuntu)
  • install darklint with sudo rm $(which darklint) ; sudo curl -L $(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | sudo sed "s/releases\/tag/releases\/download/")/darklint-linux-amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/darklint && sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/darklint
  • check installation with darklint version command. Expect to see OK darklint version: v{version}

install specific version

  • install with rm $(which darklint) ; curl -L{VERSION}/darklint-linux-amd64 -o /usr/local/bin/darklint && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/darklint

At Windows

  • install Git Bash
  • install darklint mkdir -p ~/bin ; rm $(which darklint) ; curl -L $(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | sed "s/releases\/tag/releases\/download/")/darklint-windows-amd64.exe -o ~/bin/darklint.exe && chmod 777 ~/bin/darklint.exe
  • check installation with darklint version command. Expect to see OK darklint version: v{version}

P.S. ~/bin/darklint.exe must be any valid bin path (echo $PATH, echo %PATH% to get the list) accessable by your tool from where u are going to use it.

after installation

  • go to Freelancer folder root and apply with darklint format

Simplified usage:

  • just download here
  • copy executable file to root folder of freelancer
  • run {{executable}} format
  • check help info in {{executable}} --help
  • check additional flag to command with {{executable}} format --help

Dev Requirements


flowchart TD
    darktool --> cmd
    cmd[cmd\nUser Commands to CLI interface]
    cmd --> validator[validator\nlints freelancer configs to strict format]
    validator --> flconfigs[flconfigs\nProvides static typed access to parsedFreelancer configs]
    validator --> denormalizer[denormalizer\nDenormalizes parsed data for more\nhuman readable view of freelancer configs]
    denormalizer --> flconfigs


  • @dd84ai // coding
  • @Groshyr // spark of inspiration for project birth + beta tester + feature requester + domain expert


Freelancer game config linter, like python black but for game configs







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