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Vue3 Library For a snackbar notification system.


🚀 Features

Install and basic usage

$ npm install --save snackbar-vue

Register the plugin and confgiure it

Default configurations :

  "default": {
    "primary": "#2C89F1"
  "success": {
    "primary": "#00DEB2"
  "danger": {
    "primary": "#FF0057"
  "background": "#353535",
  "textColor": "#E3E3E3",
  "time": 5000,
  "position": "bottom",
  "margin": {
    "top": "0px",
    "bottom": "0px"
  "font": "sans-serif",
  "close": false,
  "teleportTo": "body",
  "teleportPosition": "fixed"

custom position

If you would like to change the position where the snackbar it's show, specifies a target element where the snackbar will be moved, by default the teleportPosition is set to fixed change it to relative. teleportTo has to be a valid query selector, example: teleportTo="#some-id" teleportTo=".some-class" teleportTo="HTMLElelement"

Example: we have in the body a div like this:

some content
if we would like to show the snackbar inside the div change the configuration like this:

Install and configure

  "teleportPosition": "relative",
  "teleportTo": "#test"
import {SnackbarPlugin} from 'snackbar-vue';

Here it's possibile to override the default configuration
// With some custom method
app.use(SnackbarPlugin, {
  methods: [{
    name: 'test',
    color: 'green'

With some custom global configuration
app.use(SnackbarPlugin, {
  time: 1000,
  close: true,
  font: {
    family: 'Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif',
    size: '18px',
  methods: [{
    name: 'test',
    color: 'green'


Now your component it's possible to inject the snackbar:

import { useSnackbarPlugin } from 'snackbar-vue';
// optionally import default styles
import 'snackbar-vue/dist/snackbar-vue.common.css';
// ...
const snack = useSnackbarPlugin();
// Simple message with the close button{
        position: 'bottom',
        text: `Test Show ${}`,
        time: 2000,
        close: true,
// Alert message with an action 
        position: 'bottom-right',
        text: `Test Danger ${}`,
        button: 'ACTION',
        time: 2000,
        close: false,
        action: () => { console.log('do something'); },
// Success message with an action 
        position: 'bottom-left',
        text: `Test Success ${}`,
        button: 'ACTION',
        time: 2000,
        action: () => { console.log('do something'); },
// Custom method created from the plugin initialization
  background: '#ffffff',
  textColor: '#000000',
  position: 'top',
  text: `prova ${}`,
  button: 'REDO',
  time: 5000,
  close: true,
  action: () => { console.log('do something'); },