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High level key-value storage and cache tool.


pip install hilcat


Cache api is designed to determine a unique node by scope and key.

In some implements, scope may be always None and should be ignored, thus unique node determined only by key.

Init by different backends

auto backend

create a cache based on redis

from hilcat import Cache

cache = Cache.from_uri('redis://localhost:1458')

create a cache based on sqlite

from hilcat import Cache

cache = Cache.from_uri('sqlite:///t.db')

in memory cache

from hilcat import MemoryCache

cache = MemoryCache()

file based cache

cache text content in file

from hilcat import SimpleTextFileCache

cache = SimpleTextFileCache()


init from url

from hilcat import RedisCache

cache = RedisCache(url='redis://localhost:6379')

init from host

from hilcat import RedisCache

cache = RedisCache(host='localhost', port=6579)


from hilcat import ElasticSearchCache

cache = ElasticSearchCache(hosts=['https://localhost:9200'])


from hilcat import SqliteCache, SqliteScopeConfig

cache = SqliteCache(database=db_file, scopes=[
    SqliteScopeConfig(scope='a', uniq_column='id', columns=['id', 'name', 'comment', 'count'],
                      column_types={'count': 'int'}),
    SqliteScopeConfig(scope='b', uniq_column='eid', columns=['eid', 'name', 'comment', 'status'])


from hilcat import PostgresqlCache, PostgresqlScopeConfig

cache = PostgresqlCache(database="postgresql://postgres:123@localhost:5432/hilcat_test", scopes=[
    PostgresqlScopeConfig(scope='a', uniq_column='id', columns=['id', 'name', 'comment', 'count'],
                          column_types={'count': 'int'}),
    # PostgresqlScopeConfig(scope='b', uniq_column='eid', columns=['eid', 'name', 'comment', 'status'])


from hilcat import MysqlCache, MysqlScopeConfig

cache = MysqlCache(connection=connection, scopes=[
    MysqlScopeConfig(scope='a', uniq_column='id', columns=['id', 'name', 'comment', 'count'],
                     column_types={'id': 'varchar(50)', 'count': 'int'}),
    MysqlScopeConfig(scope='b', uniq_column='eid', columns=['eid', 'name', 'comment', 'status'],
                     column_types={'eid': "int"})

cache api

Assume there is a cache named cache.

exists(key, scope=None)

Test if a key exists in cache for certain scope.

fetch(key, default=None, scope=None)

If key not exists, return default value.

value = cache.fetch('one', 1, scope='a')

set(key, value, scope=None)

cache.set('one', 1, scope='a')

update(key, value, scope=None, **kwargs)

Same as method set, but return value may diff in some implements.

get(key, func=None, scope=None)

If key exists, just return value stored in cache; else if key not exists, calculate value and store to cache, the return value.

value = cache.get('one', lambda: 1, scope='a')

pop(key, scope=None)

Delete value of given key for certain scope.


Get all scopes in the cache.

May not supported for some implements.


Get all keys for certain scope.

May not supported for some implements.


Load scope data from persistence storage.

Some implements may have no persistence storage, thus this method do nothing.


Save scope data to persistence storage.

Some implements may have no persistence storage, thus this method do nothing.

Decorate a function

import collections
from hilcat import SqliteCache, SqliteScopeConfig

db_file = "decorator.db"
cache = SqliteCache(database=db_file, scopes=[
    SqliteScopeConfig(scope='f1', uniq_column='x', columns=['y']),
    SqliteScopeConfig(scope='f3', uniq_column='key', columns=['key', 'value'])

c1 = collections.Counter()
def f1(x: int):
    c1[x] += 1
    return x + 1 + c1[x]

c2 = collections.Counter()
def f2(x: int):
    c2[x] += 1
    return x + 1 + c2[x]

def make_key(x: int, y: int):
    return '-'.join(map(str, [x, y]))
c3 = collections.Counter()
@cache(scope="f3", make_key_func=make_key)
def f3(x: int, y: int):
    c3[(x, y)] += 1
    return {
        "key": make_key(x, y),
        "value": x + y + c3[(x, y)],

# with cache, same result
assert f1(1) == 3
assert f1(1) == 3

# without cache, different result
assert f2(1) == 3
assert f2(1) == 4

assert f3(1, 2) == {"key": "1-2", "value": 4}
assert f3(1, 2) == {"key": "1-2", "value": 4}


High level key-value storage and cache tool.






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