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Leng Sheng Hong edited this page Nov 27, 2013 · 2 revisions

Auto routing is a real time saver. To use auto routing you would just need to enable it in common.conf.php.

$config['AUTOROUTE'] = true;

Let's say you have a Controller class like this:

class BlogController extends DooController{
     public function all(){
         //Display all blog posts

It can be accessed at http://localhost/blog/all

If you have your controller name in a camelCase style:

class CamelCaseController extends DooController{
     public function walking(){
         //Display all photos on camel walking

It can be accessed at http://localhost/camel-case/walking

AUTOROUTE will make all controllers accessible through the structured uri. To exclude your one of the controller, reject autoroute by defining autoroute property to false.

class CamelCaseController extends DooController{
     public $autoroute = false;

     public function youCannotAccessThisWithAutoRoute(){

##Parameters And how to get parameters from the URI if autoroute is used? Use getKeyParam() method

URI is http://localhost/user/find/id/11

//Example controller
class UserCaseController extends DooController {
     public function find(){
        $id = $this->getKeyParam('id');  //returns 11

To retrieve multiple parameters at once for: URI is http://localhost/user/find/status/1/type/admin

$this->getKeyParams( ['status', 'type'] ); 
//it will returns ['status' => 1, 'type' => 'admin']

You can still get parameters by key like what is used in a custom defined route. However the key will be integer indexes.

$this->params[0];  //status 
$this->params[1];  //1 
$this->params[2];  //type 
$this->params[3];  //admin 
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