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BillShare - Share payment with roommates!

This app aims to help user manage bills and debts.

it's developed with SpringBoot and JPA

Front-end application is built in ReactJS

See the demo here

Goal Features & User Case

Features completed


  • User login/logout
  • User Authorization using JWT
  • Edit User profile


  • Manage bills/indebts:
    • Create bill
    • Manage bills/indebts
      • decline
      • accept
      • pay
      • confirm
  • settle indebts with multiple users
  • social media part, creating groups and chatrooms
  • create group shared bill
  • settle indebts in group
  • Statistics

User Case Diagram

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User entity records users’ information. Every user registered in this app will have a unique record.

In realization, we use email as user’s ID.


record information related to shared bills. Every bill has a record in Bill.

  • Bill entity has several basic fields to describe one bill. They are amount, type and comment.
  • Bill entity has 2 timestamp fields:
    • Create Time: the time when the bill was created.
    • Due Time: the time when debts should be settled.
  • It also has a status indicating whether it’s settled or not.


It’s a relation which keeps track of debtors in each shared bill. Each debtor in each bill will correspond an indebt record.

  • This relation also has amount field indicating the amount of payment for the debtor
  • 2 timestamp fields show
    • when it’s accepted by the debtor
    • when it’s paid
  • The status is an important field in indebt relation, as it indicates the status of each indebt record
    • -1 means the debtor declined the payment request
    • 0 means that the bill is created and the indebt is generated but debtor hasn’t claimed to accept
    • 1 means that the indebt has been accepted by debtor
    • 2 means that the debtor has paid his part of shared bill
    • 3 means that the bill owner has confirmed payment from the debtor and this debt is settled and archived

Realization (Controller level)


BillController is responsible for events related to bill such as bill/indebt management and response bill/indebt data to front-end.


UserController handles request related to users such as edit user profile and send user data to front-end;


JWTController deals with Authenticating and Authorizing users.