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Initial support for plugins via Pluggy (#210)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Build config object from passed in args

* Testing something on 3.8+ on CI

* Remove a faulty test, need to rethink

* Add ia

* Add hook_module option, docs on hooks/plugins

* Fix poetry.lock

* Remove unused references

* Add example for `preprocess_tests`

* Optimising imports

* Begin decoupling result handling from console output

* Don't shuffle tests in the terminal output code

* Tidying up public API, moving towards stabilisation

* Remove unused variables

* Update lockfile, formatting

* Start reference docs

* Tidying up namespaces (#220)

* Tidying up public API, moving towards stabilisation

* Remove unused variables

* Expanding docs: add reference section

* Add significant docs

* Add further docs to reference section

* Prepare 0.56.0b0

* Add ReadTheDocs config file

* Adding missing requirements.txt to docs, add sphinx_copybutton

* Update Ward logo in

* Update Ward logo in documentation

* Docs homepage updates

* Update

* Build config object from passed in args

* Testing something on 3.8+ on CI

* Add ia

* Add hook_module option, docs on hooks/plugins

* Fix poetry.lock

* Remove unused references

* Add example for `preprocess_tests`

* Optimising imports

* Begin decoupling result handling from console output

* Don't shuffle tests in the terminal output code

* Tidying up public API, moving towards stabilisation

* Update lockfile, formatting

* Start reference docs

* Move Config object into the public API

* Fixing up imports

* Add exit_code to after_session hookspec

* Add significantly more docs around plugins

* Add exit_code to docs example for after_session

* Plugin config dedicated namespaces

* Add several more docstrings, and add to reference docs

* Rename WardMeta -> CollectionMetadata

* Add expect api to documentation, add docstrings to it

* Documening expect

* Adding tests for SessionPrelude output

* Basic test for TestTimingStatsPanel output

* Ensuring test timing stats table data is correct

* Fix some incorrect docstrings

* Remove some dead code, add test for conversion of test outcome to styling

* Remove commented out code
  • Loading branch information
darrenburns committed May 24, 2021
1 parent d5fa39d commit fd40044
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Showing 34 changed files with 1,072 additions and 281 deletions.
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Binary file added docs/source/_static/plugins_printing_before.png
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207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/guide/plugins.rst
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.. _extending_ward:

Extending Ward

Ward calls a series of *hook* functions throughout a test session. You can provide your own implementations of these hooks
in order to extend Ward's behaviour. The full list of hook functions that Ward calls, along with examples of how you can implement them,
are listed in ":ref:`hook_list`".

Ward uses pluggy, which is the same plugin framework used by pytest. The `pluggy docs <>`_ offer deeper insight into
how the plugin system works, as well as some more advanced options.

.. note::

Where the pluggy docs refer to ``@hookimpl``, that's what Ward calls ``@hook``.

User supplied configuration

When you write a plugin, users need to be able to provide some configuration to customise it to suit their needs.

Each Ward plugin gets it's own section of the ``pyproject.toml`` configuration file. Say your plugin on PyPI is called ``ward-bananas``, then
your users will be able to configure your plugin by adding values to the ``[tool.ward.plugins.bananas]`` sections:

.. code-block:: toml
num_bananas = 3
In your plugin you can examine the configuration supplied by the user through the ``Config`` object. Here's an example of how we'd read
the configuration above.

.. code-block:: python
def before_session(config: Config) -> Optional[ConsoleRenderable]:
# Get all the config the user supplied for our plugin `ward-bananas`
banana_config: Dict[str, Any] = config.plugin_config.get("bananas", {})
# Get the specific config item `num_bananas`
num_bananas = banana_config.get("num_bananas")
# Make use of our config value to customise our plugin's behaviour!
if num_bananas:
print("banana" * num_bananas)
.. _hook_list:

What hooks are available?

You can write implement these hooks inside the project you're testing, or inside a separate package. You can upload your package to PyPI in
order to share it with others.

If you implement the hooks inside your test project, you'll need to register them in your ``pyproject.toml`` config file, so
that Ward knows where to find your custom implementations:

.. code-block:: toml
hook_module = ["module.containing.hooks"]
If you write them in a separate Python package (i.e., a plugin), then the hooks will be registered automatically, as explained in ":ref:`package_code_into_plugin`".

Run code *before* the test run with ``before_session``

.. automethod:: ward.hooks::SessionHooks.before_session

Example: printing information to the terminal

.. image:: ../_static/plugins_printing_before.png
:align: center
:alt: Example of implementing before_session hook

Here's how you could implement a hook in order to achieve the outcome shown above.

.. code-block:: python
from rich.console import RenderResult, Console, ConsoleOptions, ConsoleRenderable
from ward.config import Config
from ward.hooks import hook
def before_session(config: Config) -> Optional[ConsoleRenderable]:
return WillPrintBefore()
class WillPrintBefore:
def __rich_console__(
self, console: Console, console_options: ConsoleOptions
) -> RenderResult:
yield Panel(Text("Hello from 'before session'!", style="info"))
Run code *after* the test run with ``after_session``

.. automethod:: ward.hooks::SessionHooks.after_session

Example: printing information about the session to the terminal

.. image:: ../_static/plugins_printing_after_session.png
:align: center
:alt: Example of implementing after_session hook

Here's how you could implement a hook in order to achieve the outcome shown above.

.. code-block:: python
from typing import Optional, List
from rich.console import RenderResult, Console, ConsoleOptions, ConsoleRenderable
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.text import Text
from ward.config import Config
from ward.hooks import hook
from ward.models import ExitCode
from ward.testing import TestResult
def after_session(config: Config, results: List[TestResult], exit_code: ExitCode) -> Optional[ConsoleRenderable]:
return SummaryPanel(test_results)
class SummaryPanel:
def __init__(self, results: List[TestResult]):
self.results = results
def time_taken(self):
return sum(r.test.timer.duration for r in self.results)
def __rich_console__(
self, console: Console, console_options: ConsoleOptions
) -> RenderResult:
yield Panel(
Text(f"Hello from `after_session`! We ran {len(self.results)} tests!")
Filter, sort, or modify collected tests with ``preprocess_tests``

.. automethod:: ward.hooks::SessionHooks.preprocess_tests

Example: tagging tests that span many lines

In the code below, we implement ``preprocess_tests`` to automatically tag "big" tests which contain more than 15 lines of code.

.. code-block:: python
def preprocess_tests(self, config: Config, collected_tests: List[Test]):
Attaches a tag 'big' to all tests which contain > 15 lines
for test in collected_tests:
if len(inspect.getsourcelines(test.fn)[0]) > 15:
With this hook in place, we can run all tests that we consider "big" using ``ward --tags big``. We can also run tests that we don't consider
to be "big" using ``ward --tags 'not big'``.

.. _package_code_into_plugin:

Packaging your code into a plugin

A *plugin* is a collection of hook implementations that come together to provide some functionality which can be shared with others.

If you've wrote implementations for one or more of the hooks provided by Ward, you can share those implementations
with others by creating a plugin and uploading it to PyPI.

Others can then install your plugin using a tool like ``pip`` or ``poetry``.

After they install your plugin, the hooks within will be registered automatically (no need to update any config).

Here's an example of a ```` file for a plugin called ``ward-html``:

.. code-block:: python
from distutils.core import setup
# The name must start with 'ward-'
# The version of your plugin
# The plugin code lives in a single module:
# Ward only supports 3.6+
# Choose the version of ward you wish to target
# IMPORTANT! Adding the 'ward' entry point means your plugin
# will be automatically registered. Users will only need to
# "pip install" it, and it will work having to specify it in
# a config file or anywhere else.
entry_points={"ward": ["ward-html = ward_html"]},
This is a minimal example. `This page <>`_ on the
official Python docs offers more complete coverage on all of the functionality offered by ``setuptools``.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/source/guide/running_tests.rst
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Running Tests
Running Tests via the CLI

To find and run tests in your project, you can run ``ward`` without any arguments.

Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion docs/source/index.rst
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Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ To run the test, simply run ``ward`` in your terminal, and Ward will let you kno

.. toctree::
Expand All @@ -63,8 +64,11 @@ To run the test, simply run ``ward`` in your terminal, and Ward will let you kno
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Reference


10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/reference/config.rst
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Plugin API
This section contains items from this module that are intended for use by plugin authors or those contributing to Ward itself.
If you're just using Ward to write your tests, this section isn't relevant.

.. automodule:: ward.config
:members: Config
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/reference/expect.rst
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Standard API

.. automodule:: ward.expect

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/source/reference/fixtures.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Standard API
.. automodule:: ward.fixtures
:members: fixture, using

Plugin API (in development)
Plugin API
This section contains items from this module that are intended for use by plugin authors or those contributing to Ward itself.
If you're just using Ward to write your tests, this section isn't relevant.
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/reference/hooks.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

Plugin API
This section contains items from this module that are intended for use by plugin authors or those contributing to Ward itself.
If you're just using Ward to write your tests, this section isn't relevant.

.. autoclass:: ward.hooks::SessionHooks
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/reference/models.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

Plugin API
This section contains items from this module that are intended for use by plugin authors or those contributing to Ward itself.
If you're just using Ward to write your tests, this section isn't relevant.

.. automodule:: ward.models
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/source/reference/testing.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Standard API
.. automodule:: ward.testing
:members: test, skip, xfail

Plugin API (in development)
Plugin API
This section contains items from this module that are intended for use by plugin authors or those contributing to Ward itself.
If you're just using Ward to write your tests, this section isn't relevant.
Expand Down

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