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##NSpec code katas without Visual Studio

This is a WarmuP template for doing code katas using NSpec. This readme also contains instructions for using VIM for these code katas. It's purpose is to really put an emphasis on the kata and test driven development in a lean development environment. After you get the hang of it, you may find that you're as productive in vim when compared to Visual Studio.

##Why would you want to do .Net dev outside of Visual Studio?

Visual Studio doesn't provide the plugins I need for web development in a timely manner. Plugins such as coffeescript convertion and syntax highlighting, zen coding, git integration, jslint, etc just lag behind (some of these plugins take many months to make it over to Visual Studio). As of this point, Visual Studio plugin authors simply can't keep up to the "not .Net" development ecosystem. Also (for example), there is a competitive advantage that you get when you can use coffeescript a year before Visual Studio gains that capability. Same goes for scss/sass integration and zen coding...I don't want to wait to for Visual Studio to catch up to use these incredibly productive tools (yes, coffeescript, scss/sass plugins exist now...finally...but too little too late).

Here is a short list of things that vim gives you (and takes away). Feel free to send me a pull request if you come up with any others:

The good

  • full customization of the text editor, a means to create plugins that can be applied to development outside of .Net
  • fast startup and runtime
  • faster access to plugins
  • free
  • better window management and file navigation
  • stupid fast text manipulation
  • can be used for development outside of .Net, across OS'es and languages
  • you'll be "that bad ass mofo" that uses vim and code circles around everyone else (yes, getting proficient with vim key bindings will make you that good)
  • a good vim story will bring developers from other stacks to try .Net development
  • you're build, test, and general SDLC will revolve around the command line, positioning yourself for automation of "all things"

The bad

  • steep, steep learning curve (2-3 month commitment, but well worth it)
  • no built in debugger (it's a text editor not an IDE, heavy emphasis on testing and Console.WriteLine)
  • heavy use of the command line
  • .Net's project and solution files make it a painful to change files (rake solves this)
  • you're starting from scratch, stitching together your vim environment (especially for .Net development)
  • poor autocompletiong for .Net BCL (not your own classes however)
  • refactoring can be a pain (on the plus side, you'll find that your api's are more consistent and you'll refactor more often)
  • you'll be "that guy/gal that uses vim for everything"
  • you may lose childhood memories as you become more proficient with vim trying remember all the shortcut's you've created
  • until this process is fully baked, you may have to "visit the mothership" to do more complex project and solution mainpulations

##Getting your "dev" environment setup on Windows

The setup is still pretty manual. As this evolves, ideally there will be a chocolatey package that will get your entire environment up and running. For now this read me will have to do...

This is what will add vim to your system. Keep in mind that this is vim and not gVim.

It's apt-get for Windows.

  • install gVim via chocolatey by running: cinst vim

This will set up files needed for Vim customization

Be sure to add it to your PATH, ruby is used for rake (build automation), warmup (solution/project generation) and nokogiri (xml file/csproj manipulation)

  • install ctags for Windows extract to a directory and add that directory to your PATH

Ctags is used for auto completion and "go to definition" in vim.

This will give you notifications of when builds and tests fail. Open up Growl once so that the C:\Users%USER%\AppData\Local\Growl\\Displays\ directory gets created, then...

  • install Translucent Dark, extact the theme to C:\Users%USER%\AppData\Local\Growl\\Displays\TranslucentDark

This is a really nice theme for Growl for Windows. Here are the settings I use.

This is an incredibly awesome tabbed and split console window manager. We'll customize everything in the next section.

This is needed to for a package called ack (and of course opens you up to using packages built in perl). Ack provides a very nice way to search for text in a directory.

##Installing packages

  • from the command line run: gem install warmup

This will install a templating engine used to create .Net solutions

  • from the command line run: gem install nokogiri

This will install an xml manipulation library used to mainpulate project and solution files

  • from the command line run: ppm install ack

This will install ack, a powerful perl based text search tool

  • download pathogen as a zip, then extract the files and copy the autoload folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\vim\vim73

Pathogen is a way to manage vim plugins without polluting the install directory

##Making ConEmu pretty and functional

  • set up your fonts

  • set up your colors

  • create a startup script

with the following text

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe -cur_console:as75H -new_console:d:{YOURSTARTUPDIRECTORY}

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe -cur_console:as25H  -new_console:d:{YOURSTARTUPDIRECTORY}

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i" -cur_console:as33V  -new_console:d:{YOURSTARTUPDIRECTORY}
  • and then add set the script to run at startup

  • change this key binding from Ctrl + V to Shift + Ctrl + V

You'll still use Ctrl + V to paste in vim, but use Shift + Ctrl + V to paste in the rest of ConEmu

##Installing vim plugins

  • set up your vimrc (Here is what mine looks like, you can customize yours more specifially later). To get the location for your vimrc file, refer to this StackOverflow answer, the default location should be C:\Program Files (x86)\vim\_vimrc.
set term=xterm "this will give > 16 bit colors
set t_Co=256 "this will give > 16 bit colors
let &t_AB="\e[48;5;%dm" 
let &t_AF="\e[38;5;%dm"
set nocompatible
set background=dark "compatible with conemu color scheme
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
behave mswin
let mapleader="," "I've remapped the leader key to ','
set directory=c:/vim_swap_files "all swap files go here, you can change this directory to whatever you want
set backupdir=c:/vim_swap_files "all swap files go here, you can change this directory to whatever you want
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
set noswapfile
set cursorline
set gfn=Consolas:h12:cANSI "this is your font
set nocompatible
set guioptions-=T
set ai
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
set makeprg=rake
set errorformat=\ %#%f(%l\\\,%c):\ error\ CS%n:\ %m
set fdm=indent
colorscheme desert
au FileType cs set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
call pathogen#infect() "pathogen hook
autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree "nerd tree is a plugin that you'll install, you want to load this by default
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
let g:JSLintHighlightErrorLine = 0 "js lint off by default

set diffexpr=MyDiff()
function MyDiff()
  let opt = '-a --binary '
  if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif
  if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif
  let arg1 = v:fname_in
  if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '"' . arg1 . '"' | endif
  let arg2 = v:fname_new
  if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '"' . arg2 . '"' | endif
  let arg3 = v:fname_out
  if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '"' . arg3 . '"' | endif
  let eq = ''
  if $VIMRUNTIME =~ ' '
    if &sh =~ '\ ' . arg3 . eq

With pathogen, all vim plugins can be installed by cloning git repositories. The default location for plugin installations are C:\Users\%USER%\vimfiles\bundle. So navigate to that directory and you can run git clone PATHTOGITREPO to install plugins.

  • Nerd tree: git clone

This will give you a file explorer in vim. You'll see it to the left when vim loads.

  • CtrlP: git clone

This will give you quick file navigation. Press ctrl+p and you'll git a file listing that can be searched. Press enter to open file, ctrl+v to open file in a vertical split and ctrl+x to open the file in a horizontal split.

  • Ack: git clone

This will give you text search in Vim. In command mode type :Ack to search for all instances of a word under the cursor or :Ack SEARCHTERM for all instances of words you specifiy.

This will give you auto completion by pressing TAB, you can still use ctrl+n to autocomplete (all integrate with ctags).

  • vim-csharp: git clone

Sytnax highlighting for csharp and razor

  • vim-easymotion git clone

This will give you quick jump capabilities in vim. Press the leader key twice and then a motion key, for example (given your leader key is mapped to ','): ,,j will give you a jump index for all lines going down.

  • zencoding git clone

Fast html creation. More info and demo on website.

  • snipmate git clone

This will give you code templates, because of super tab, change the key map to trigger a snippet to shift+space in the \after\plugin\snipMate.vim file, you'll see a line with TriggerSnippet() and need to set the key to <s-Space> instead of tab. Here is mine for reference.

[... stuff here ...]

"------------- CHANGE THESE LINES -----------
ino   =TriggerSnippet()
snor   i=TriggerSnippet()
ino   =BackwardsSnippet()
snor   i=BackwardsSnippet()
ino   =ShowAvailableSnips()

[.... more stuff down here ...]

##DONE! Now to start a kata

Once you've set up your environment. Here is how you start a code kata in Vim.

  • start Growl for Windows
  • open ConEmu
  • navigate to a directory where you keep your katas
  • run the command warmup YOURKATANAME
  • type vim
  • create a git repo by entering command mode and typing !git init
  • and create your first commit by entering command mode and typing !git add -A
  • and then !git commit -m "first commit"
  • in the ConEmu window to the top right, navigate to the newly created directory and run sidekick.bat
  • add a class via vim by entering command mode and typing !rake add_class[Person]
  • add code as you usually would, sidekick (aka specwatchr) will build the application, run ctags, and run tests for you
  • add a test class by via vim by entering command mode and typing !rake add_test[describe_Person]
  • write a failing test using NSpec and see sidekick (aka specwatchr) run the test for you
  • if you have a large amount of compiler errors, you can type :make in command mode, which will take you to the first compiler error, typing :cw will give you a list of all compiler errors that you can traverse through


starting point for katas written in nspec






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