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jquery reusable highchart plugin

getting started

include on page - old fashioned

Include jquery, highcharts, and jquery.reusable-highchart.js in your page before the closing body tag.

<script src="jquery"></script>
<script src="highcharts"></script>
<script src="jquery.reusable-highchart.js"></script>

include in app - module bundling

// TODO fill out documentation, convert to build system to minify/uglify and be available as module.

define chart

Define a generic element styled and positioned the way you want, in your own css, with the class 'reusable-highchart' and a unique id. Use the data attributes options and data to define the highcharts options. Data represents the 'series' array in the typical Highcharts example and options is the rest of the initialization options.

<div id="chart1" class="reusable-highchart" data-options='{"title":{"text":"Solar Employment Growth by Sector, 2010-2016"},"subtitle":{"text":"Source:"},"yAxis":{"title":{"text":"Number of Employees"}},"legend":{"layout":"vertical","align":"right","verticalAlign":"middle"},"plotOptions":{"series":{"label":{"connectorAllowed":false},"pointStart":2010}},"responsive":{"rules":[{"condition":{"maxWidth":500},"chartOptions":{"legend":{"layout":"horizontal","align":"center","verticalAlign":"bottom"}}}]}}'
    data-data='[{"name":"Installation","data":[43934,52503,57177,69658,97031,119931,137133,154175]},{"name":"Manufacturing","data":[24916,24064,29742,29851,32490,30282,38121,40434]},{"name":"Sales & Distribution","data":[11744,17722,16005,19771,20185,24377,32147,39387]},{"name":"Project Development","data":[null,null,7988,12169,15112,22452,34400,34227]},{"name":"Other","data":[12908,5948,8105,11248,8989,11816,18274,18111]}]'></div>

The plugin is designed to automatically render charts already defined on the page.

render chart in js only

Define a container for your chart.

<div id="chart4"></div>

In your javascript file initialize a chart using a highcharts configuration object.

var chartOptions = {
  chart: {
    type: "area"
  title: {
    text: "Area chart with negative values"
  xAxis: {
    categories: ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears", "Grapes", "Bananas"]
  credits: {
    enabled: false
  series: [
      name: "John",
      data: [5, 3, 4, 7, 2]
      name: "Jane",
      data: [2, -2, -3, 2, 1]
      name: "Joe",
      data: [3, 4, 4, -2, 5]


working with the reusableHighchart plugin

get Highcharts object or objects

var hcObject = $("#chart1")

// or

var hcObjects = $(".reusable-highchart")

This method will return an array of Highcharts chart objects or a single Highchart chart object.

update components with new data and/or options

  .updateChart(data, options);

// or


// or


// or


Call the function 'updateChart' to update the chart with data, options, or just to rerender the chart.

The 'data' and 'options' parameters are optional. If you leave options empty, the chart will render with the previously defined options from the data-options attribute. If you leave both empty, the chart will reload.

set options dynamically

It's not always the best idea to set executable javascript code as a stringified json object on a data attribute. If you need a callback defined use the 'defineOptions' method to redefine your callbacks as you would in Highcharts configuration object.

var options = {
  xAxis: {
    labels: {
      formatter: function() {
        return this.value;
  yAxis: {
    labels: {
      formatter: function() {
        return this.value / 1000 + "(thousand)";


Alternatively you could reinitialize them with the options passed as an override.
