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ReduVCC v1.0

Computing minimum vertex clique covers using data reduction.

Installation Notes

Before you can start you need to install the following software packages:

After installing the packages, run scons program=vcc variant=optimized to build.


This package contains 5 different algorithms: Chalupa, Redu, ReduVCC, BnR, and EdgeBnR, which can be run as follows:


./optimized/vcc --preconfiguration=fsocial --k=2 --mis=<independent set size> --run_type="Chalupa" <input graph>

Redu ./optimized/vcc --preconfiguration=fsocial --k=2 --run_type="Redu" <input graph>

ReduVCC ./optimized/vcc --preconfiguration=fsocial --k=2 --mis=<independent set size> --run_type="ReduVCC" <input graph>

BnR ./optimized/vcc --preconfiguration=fsocial --k=2 --run_type="bnr" <input graph>

EdgeBnr ./optimized/vcc --preconfiguration=fsocial --k=2 --run_type="edge_bnr" <input graph>

Input Format

ReduVCC uses The unweighted METIS format, which consists of

<# vertices> <# edges> 1

followed by <# vertices> lines of space-separated vertices, where the i-th line consists of all neighbors of i. All vertices range from 1 to <# vertices>

Loops and directed edges are not supported.

Data Sets

You will find an example graph in the directory examples