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Group Project: Deep Order Book


In order to view the data you need to run an HTTP server. You will also need to have Python3 installed on your machine.

  1. Run the following command from the root of the directory python3 -m http.server
  2. Browse to d3/orderbook.html Note: it may take a few seconds for the chart to show.


If you are starting the project from the first time make up-build

All other times make up

To spin down the project make down

If you get the following error: ERROR: Service "rabbit" uses an undefined network "dvadev_default"

Run this command: docker network create dvadev_default

Creating Storage Claim: k apply -f k8s/storage/database-persistent-volume-claim.yaml (from project root) OR make claim

Running Kubernetes locally You can browse to http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#!/overview?namespace=default to view the Kubernetes dashboard. If you get the following error http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#!/overview?namespace=default Run the command below kubectl apply -f

Config Files

Where config files are used you should see a config-example.yaml. When running locally rename that file to config.yaml, then replace values with proper values for given environment w


When creating creating the database, the init.sql will be ran on inital boot. Meaning, if you want this to trigger after you have already spun up the project, you will need to delete eveything in the /db/pgdata folder that would have been created. NOTE: this will remove all data in the database, so use this with cation.

Pending Questions

  • DB Scheme: what should the tables look like?
  • How do we handle migrations?

Kubernetes Ingress

1: Start Nginx Ingress within the CLuster kubectl apply -f 2: Enable Ingress kubectl apply -f

Current Table Scheme

CREATE TABLE raw_events (
 id serial PRIMARY KEY,
 exchange VARCHAR (10) NOT NULL,

## Running Cleaning Script
Example (from project root): 
`python postprocessing/ raw_events_2_exchanges_Apr_3rd_2019.csv`
This will write data to the data directory, with `clean_` attached to the original fileanme
_Note: uses python3_