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Bi-directional messaging abstraction


Dart is a multi purpose language. It can run in a web browser, on servers, even on mobile phones and micro processors! But if we want to communicate between these devices and processes we're still forced to conform to common data transfer protocols.

Tether is a project that originated as the flagship feature of the Bridge Framework, but is now available as a standalone package for anyone to use.

Use Cases

The Tether system defines its own JSON based protocol, so it doesn't play very nice with others. Both sides of the communication must use the Tether (or at least implement the protocol).

Tether really shines when the different devices or processes share the same codebase. It can register functions to break down and rebuild data structures, but both sides must have the same functions registered for that to work.

Platforms where Tether can be used include:

  • WebSockets
  • Isolates
  • Shared memory
  • Or any other bi-directional packet exchange system you can think of!


The Tethers connect using Anchors, which are implementations of the different transport platforms. For the Tether connection session to be established, one side must be considered a master, and the other a slave. This is only important during the handshake process, where one party must be the one dictating what session identifier to assign to the tethers. For a server/client set up, the server must be the master to be able to handle multiple sessions.

An Anchor is a pending connection to another Anchor.

At a high level, it's easy to create a tether from an anchor:

// On "master" side
final tether = new Tether.masterAnchor(anchor);

// On "slave" side
final tether = new Tether.slaveAnchor(anchor);

You can also easily create tethers from predefined anchor implementations via constructors like this:

main() {
  final tether = new Tether.spawnIsolate(isolate);

isolate(_) {
  final tether = new Tether.connectIsolate(_);

Each Tether can be disconnected and reconnected multiple times; note these methods of reacting to changes in the connection:

// Whether or not the Tether is connected RIGHT NOW. This does
// not ensure connection here on out.

// A future to wait for the NEXT TIME the connection is established.
// If the connection is already established, this future
// will complete immediately.

// A stream that will send a ping every time a connection has
// been established. Note that this is a broadcast stream, and
// that you should use [onConnection] for the first connection.

// The same as [onConnectionEstablished] but for when the connection
// is lost.


When two tethers has been connected to each other we can start sending data through. We do this by listening for, and sending to, different keys:

// Side A
tether.listen('someKey', (String message) {

// Side B
tether.send('someKey', 'My message!'); // prints "My message!" on side A

We can send and receive maps and lists without any configuration:

// Side A
tether.listen('someKey', (List<String> messages) {

// Side B
tether.send('someKey', ['a', 'b', 'c']);

Both sides can listen and send:

// Side A
tether.listen('a', print);
tether.send('b', 'from a');

// Side B
tether.listen('b', print);
tether.send('a', 'from b');

Full example

import 'package:tether/tether.dart';

main() async {
  final tether = new Tether.spawnIsolate(slave);

  handler([_]) {
    tether.listen('greet', (String name) {
      return "Heeeeere's $name!";

  handler(await tether.onConnection);

slave(ports) async {
  final tether = new Tether.connectIsolate(ports);

  handler([_]) async {
    print(await tether.send('greet', 'Johnny'));


  handler(await tether.onConnection);


Bi-directional messaging abstraction







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