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218 lines (156 loc) · 8.02 KB
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Code excerpts
Code excerpts

Code excerpts

Many site pages contain code excerpts, and these excerpts are kept in sync with their originating examples source file by use of the tools mentioned in this page.

How do I ...

This page answers the most common "how-to" questions related to code excerpts.

How do I associate a code block with its source?

To associate a markdown code block with (a region of) a source file, use a <?code-excerpt?> processing instruction (or two). Here is an example taken from src/docs/development/ui/ (flutter/website):

<?code-excerpt "layout/lakes/interactive/lib/main.dart (FavoriteWidget)"?>
class FavoriteWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  _FavoriteWidgetState createState() => _FavoriteWidgetState();

The excerpted code comes from the region named FavoriteWidget in the file layout/lakes/interactive/lib/main.dart. Regions are marked using the #docregion syntax. For example:

// #docregion FavoriteWidget
class FavoriteWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  _FavoriteWidgetState createState() => _FavoriteWidgetState();
// #enddocregion FavoriteWidget

What's the syntax for instructions and docregions?

For the full instruction syntax, see <?code-excerpt?> syntax, from the code_excerpt_updater tool README. For information about docregions see the code_excerpter tool README.

The tools have several useful features (not covered here), to help make your life easier. For example, if all of the files in your page come from a single folder, which can often be the case, then you can set the path base once, and then use relative file paths in subsequent instructions, like this:

<?code-excerpt path-base="layout/lakes/interactive"?>
<?code-excerpt "lib/main.dart (FavoriteWidget)"?>
// Some code

How do I know if the code excerpts are fresh / synced?

Use the ./tool/ script to ensure that in-page code excerpts are fresh relative to the source files that they are extracted from.

The refresh script uses the following tools under the hood:

  1. code_excerpter scans all source files and creates code excerpt files.
  2. code_excerpt_updater scans the site pages, and refreshes code excerpts using the generated excerpt files.

How do I edit an existing code excerpt?

You're working on a site page and you've found a code excerpt that needs to be updated? Trace the excerpt back to its origin and make the changes in the originating source. Then run the code-excerpt refresh script.

How do I add a new excerpt to an existing example file

  1. Locate the source file.
  2. Identify the code region in that file.
  3. Choose a region name.
  4. Add #docregion <region-name> #enddocregion <region-name> tags.

Can I excerpt an entire source file?

To excerpt an entire source file simply omit the region name from the processing instruction.

Note: When you omit the region name, it defaults to '', the empty region name.

Pro tip: By default, the empty region name ('') corresponds to the entire file, but you can change that by using explicit docregion tags with '' as a region name argument.

How do I write a test for my code excerpt?

Related: Should I write a test?.

As is customary, test files live under examples/my_example_project/test.

If your code excerpt is small, embedded your code excerpt (bracketed by docregion tags) directly in the test like this hello-world example:

  test('hello world', () {
    // #docregion hello-world
    void main() {
      print('Hello, World!');

    // #enddocregion hello-world
    expect(main, prints('Hello, World!\n'));

If you are testing lots of code used, for example, as part of a tutorial, then follow the recommended Dart practice of placing project code (with docregion tags) under lib, and tests under test.

Some code excerpts contain [!...!], what's that?

Code enclosed in the special syntax [!...!] will be highlighted.

For example, the code

int [!foo!] = 1;

will display as

int foo = 1;

Legacy: Markers like [[highlight]]...[[/highlight]] and [[strike]]...[[/strike]] (and more) are still supported in some repos.

How can I highlight part of a code excerpt

Since code excerpts are synced, you can't embed the highlight markers by hand. Instead use the replace argument, for example:

<?code-excerpt "bar/foo.dart" replace="/foo/[!$&!]/g"?>
int [!foo!] = 1;

Note: $& is the regular expression syntax corresponding to the fully string that was matched. Groups and the group match syntax, such as $1, $2, etc. are also supported.

For more information about the replace argument syntax see code_excerpt_updater.

Advanced features

Embellished code excerpts

In some repos, code excerpts not only serve to associate a code block with its originating source, but the processing instruction guides Jekyll plugins at site compile time. The rendered code is displayed in an embellished bordered box with an (optional) header (usually containing the originating file name and code region name), as well as an interactive copy-code button.

Nothing extra needs to be added to the processing instructions (other than selected arguments like title, when desired). Generation of the adorning HTML is handled by Jekyll plugins like markdown_with_code_excerpts.rb.

Code diffs

To make use of code diffs in a given page, add the following to the page's front matter (or archive the equivalent setting using _config.yml file defaults):

diff2html: true

A <?code-excerpt?> instruction will produce a code diff when two files are named using either of the following methods:

  • Use the diff-with argument: diff-with="path/to/second/file.ext".
  • Use the bash brace syntax in the instruction's first unnamed argument: path/to/{first,second}/file.ext.

Site-global and file-scope code excerpt transformations

The code_excerpt_updater tool can apply site-global, file-scope and code-excerpt specific replace transformations.

Site-global transformations are applied to all code excerpts. See ./tool/ for an annotated list of replace expressions passed along with the --replace command line argument of the code_excerpt_updater command.

File-scope replace instructions can be placed anywhere in a doc page. Most often the appear at the beginning of the page. Here is an example from src/_guides/language/effective-dart/

<?code-excerpt replace="/([A-Z]\w*)\d\b/$1/g"?>

This particular transformation strips the trailing version number off of class names. For example String0 becomes String, and Point1, Point2, etc. all become Point. This allows the originating source file to contain multiple versions of the same class.