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Repository files navigation


Service for browsing, searching, and editing of project metadata



Service for providing users with project and dataset specific metadata.


The front-end part is basing on Svelte. To run it, yarn and/or make need to be installed.

  1. Clone the repoistory:
  1. Install the dependencies:
yarn install


make yarn
  1. Start the application:
yarn run dev

This starts the application on the localhost:5000.

Note that you will also need to have Node.js installed.


For now, metadata is served from a simple server written in Go.

The server serves the frontend (static file serving on ./public/) and the metadata on http://localhost:3000/.

The route / serves the frontend.

The routes /projects and /projects/:id form a simple metadata API.
The server serves all data found in ./services/metadata/backend/data/*.json, where the JSON file follows the data structure as currently provided by DSP-JS-LIB.
Note: Files starting with underscore (_) are excluded. This provides a simple means to leave out files that are not supposed to be public.
The server supports pagination and full text search.

To run the server locally, use the command make metadata.
To run, build and publish a docker image of the server, use the commands metadata-docker-run, metadata-docker-build and metadata-docker-publishrespectively. (...-run will build first.)



This service requires a running event store.

For testing, you can create a local event store by running:

docker run --name esdb-node -it -p 2113:2113 -p 1113:1113 eventstore/eventstore:latest --insecure --run-projections=All --enable-atom-pub-over-http=true

You can view the event store on http://localhost:2113/

Then run: make admin-service-run

The terminal will hang on:

2021/07/08 14:01:33 Starting server...

2021/07/08 14:01:33 Serving on port: :8080

This is because of Negroni, which will log out the results of your API requests. Now you can send requests to the API via Postman or your preferred application/method.

A valid JWT token must be provided with each API request

Example create project request: URL: POST http://localhost:8080/v1/projects


  "Authorization": "bearer [JWT]"

JSON request body:

  "shortCode": "0000",
  "shortName": "my proj",
  "longName": "my projects name",
  "description": "description of my project"

You will then see this project creation event in your event store on http://localhost:2113 under the Stream Browser tab (you may need to refresh the page if you're currently on it).

Example update project request:

URL: PUT http://localhost:8080/v1/projects/[uuid]


  "Authorization": "bearer [JWT]"

JSON request body:

  "shortCode": "ffff",
  "shortName": "short",
  "longName": "updated project name",
  "description": "updated description of my project"

You will then see this project update event in your event store on http://localhost:2113 under the Stream Browser tab (you may need to refresh the page if you're currently on it).

Example delete project request:

URL: DELETE http://localhost:8080/v1/projects/[uuid]


  "Authorization": "bearer [JWT]"

You will then see this project deletion event in your event store on http://localhost:2113 under the Stream Browser tab (you may need to refresh the page if you're currently on it).

To get a list of all the projects:

URL: GET http://localhost:8080/v1/projects


  "Authorization": "bearer [JWT]"

To get a project:

URL: GET http://localhost:8080/v1/projects/[uuid]


  "Authorization": "bearer [JWT]"

Go dependencies

The Go dependencies are defined inside the go.mod and the corresponding go.sum files. To be able to use external dependencies with Bazel, all external dependencies need to be registered with Bazel so that they can be referenced in the BUILD.bazel files.

The steps to add an external dependency are as follows:

  1. to add repository and version to go.mod, run go get (exchange the name of the package with the one you would like to add)
  2. from inside this directory, run go mod download (exchange the name of the package with the one you would like to add)
  3. from the root of the repository, run make gen-go-deps

Running the make gen-go-deps will regenerate the deps.bzl file found in the root of the repository. This file is loaded inside the WORKSPACE file, so that Bazel can go and fetch the external repositories and make them available to be used in rules.

From then on, you should be able to use the external dependency in a BUILD.bazel file like so:

    name = "entity_test",
    srcs = ["organization_test.go"],
    embed = [":entity"],
    deps = ["@com_github_stretchr_testify//assert"],


Three make commands are available for the docs

make docs-build - builds the docs

make docs-serve - serves the docs locally; useful for when you want to work on the docs locally

make docs-publish - publishes the docs to Github Pages which can then be accessed via