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File metadata and controls

102 lines (78 loc) · 3.85 KB

Metadata Endpoint

Endpoint Overview

The metadata of a project contains information about its scope, content, contributors, funding, etc. modeled according to to the dsp-ontologies data model. Metadata information must be available for any DaSCH project so that researchers can go through the projects and get an idea about every project.

Creating and Updating Project Metadata

Project metadata must correspond to the dsp-ontologies.

To create or update project metadata for a project, submit it in a PUT request, specifying the project IRI in the URL path:

PUT http://host/v2/metadata/PROJECT_IRI

Currently, all the metadata for a project must be submitted in a single request. The submitted metadata replaces any metadata that has already been stored for the project. Only an administrator of the project, or a system administrator, can create or update project metadata.

The metadata can be submitted in Turtle, JSON-LD, or RDF/XML format. The request must include a Content-Type header with one of the following values:

Format MIME Type
JSON-LD application/ld+json
Turtle text/turtle
RDF/XML application/rdf+xml

An example request in Turtle format:

@prefix dsp-repo: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@base <> .

<beol> rdf:type dsp-repo:Project .
<beol> dsp-repo:hasName "Bernoulli-Euler Online (BEOL)" .
<beol> dsp-repo:hasKeywords "mathematics" .
<beol> dsp-repo:hasKeywords "science" .
<beol> dsp-repo:hasKeywords "history of science" .
<beol> dsp-repo:hasKeywords "history of mathematics" .
<beol> dsp-repo:hasCategories "mathematics" .
<beol> dsp-repo:hasStartDate "2016.07" .
<beol> dsp-repo:hasEndDate "2020.01" .
<beol> dsp-repo:hasFunder "Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNSF)" .

After successful creation of the metadata graph, the API returns HTTP 200 with a confirmation message.

Retrieving Project Metadata

Any user can retrieve the metadata information for a project by providing its IRI in a GET request:

GET http://host/v2/metadata/PROJECT_IRI

The metadata can be returned in any of the formats listed in the previous section. By default, JSON-LD is returned. To request another format, specify it in the Accept header of the request.

An example response in JSON-LD format:

    "": "Bernoulli-Euler Online (BEOL)",
    "": "Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNSF)",
    "": [
        "history of science",
        "history of mathematics"
    "": "2020.01",
    "": "mathematics",
    "@type": "",
    "": "2016.07",
    "@id": ""