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refactor(test): make tests smaller in (#884)
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Nora-Olivia-Ammann committed Mar 15, 2024
1 parent ca9a674 commit 7418870
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Showing 2 changed files with 169 additions and 81 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/dsp_tools/commands/excel2xml/
Expand Up @@ -497,7 +497,8 @@ def excel2xml(
BaseError if something went wrong
True if everything went well, False otherwise
True, empty list if everything went well,
False and a list with caught warnings if there were any problems
success = True
dataframe = _read_cli_input_file(datafile)
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247 changes: 167 additions & 80 deletions test/integration/commands/excel2xml/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import unittest
from pathlib import Path

import pytest
Expand All @@ -7,85 +6,173 @@
from dsp_tools.commands.excel2xml import excel2xml_cli
from dsp_tools.models.exceptions import BaseError

# ruff: noqa: PT009 (pytest-unittest-assertion) (remove this line when pytest is used instead of unittest)
# ruff: noqa: PT027 (pytest-unittest-raises-assertion) (remove this line when pytest is used instead of unittest)

class TestExcel2xmlCli(unittest.TestCase):
def test_excel2xml_cli(self) -> None:
# test the valid files, 3 times identical, but in the three formats XLSX, XLS, and CSV
with open("testdata/excel2xml/excel2xml-expected-output.xml", encoding="utf-8") as f:
expected =
for ext in ["xlsx", "xls", "csv"]:
excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(f"testdata/excel2xml/excel2xml-testdata.{ext}", "1234", "excel2xml-output")
with open("excel2xml-output-data.xml", encoding="utf-8") as f:
returned =
self.assertEqual(returned, expected, msg=f"Failed with extension {ext}")

# test the invalid files
invalid_prefix = "testdata/invalid-testdata/excel2xml"
warning_cases = [
"A <boolean-prop> can only have a single value",
"At least one value per property is required",
"Missing permissions in column '2_permissions' of property ':hasName'",
"Missing label for resource",
"Missing permissions for resource",
"Missing restype",
"Missing file permissions",
"row 3 has an entry in column.+ '1_encoding', '1_permissions', but not",
for file, _regex in warning_cases:
_, catched_warnings = excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
self.assertTrue(len(catched_warnings) > 0)
messages = [str(w.message) for w in catched_warnings]
self.assertTrue(any(, msg) for msg in messages), msg=f"Failed with file '{file}'")

error_cases = [
"Exactly 1 of the 2 columns 'id' and 'prop name' must be filled",
"Exactly 1 of the 2 columns 'id' and 'prop name' must be filled",
"Invalid prop type",
"The first row must define a resource, not a property",
for file, _regex in error_cases:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(BaseError, _regex, msg=f"Failed with file '{file}'"):
excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY = "testdata/invalid-testdata/excel2xml"

def expected_output() -> str:
with open("testdata/excel2xml/excel2xml-expected-output.xml", encoding="utf-8") as f:

class TestDifferentExtensions:
def test_xlsx(self, expected_output: str) -> None:
excel2xml_cli.excel2xml("testdata/excel2xml/excel2xml-testdata.xlsx", "1234", "excel2xml-output")
returned = Path("excel2xml-output-data.xml")
assert returned.read_text() == expected_output

def test_xls(self, expected_output: str) -> None:
excel2xml_cli.excel2xml("testdata/excel2xml/excel2xml-testdata.xls", "1234", "excel2xml-output")
returned = Path("excel2xml-output-data.xml")
assert returned.read_text() == expected_output

def test_csv(self, expected_output: str) -> None:
excel2xml_cli.excel2xml("testdata/excel2xml/excel2xml-testdata.csv", "1234", "excel2xml-output")
returned = Path("excel2xml-output-data.xml")
assert returned.read_text() == expected_output

class TestWarnings:
def test_double_bool(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/boolean-prop-two-values.xlsx"
expected_msg = (
"A <boolean-prop> can only have a single value, but resource "
"'test_thing_1', property ':hasBoolean' (Excel row 6) contains more than one value."
_, catched_warnings = excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
assert len(catched_warnings) == 1
catched = catched_warnings[0].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert catched == expected_msg

def test_missing_child(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/empty-property.xlsx"
expected_missing_prop = regex.escape(
"At least one value per property is required, but resource 'person_0', property ':hasName' "
"(Excel row 3) doesn't contain any values."
expected_validation = regex.escape(
"Line 28: Element 'text-prop': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( text )."
_, catched_warnings = excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
assert len(catched_warnings) == 2
message_missing_prop = catched_warnings[0].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert, message_missing_prop)
message_xml_validation = catched_warnings[1].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert, message_xml_validation)

def test_missing_prop_permission(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/missing-prop-permissions.xlsx"
expected_msg = "Resource 'person_0': Missing permissions in column '2_permissions' of property ':hasName'"
_, catched_warnings = excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
assert len(catched_warnings) == 1
message = catched_warnings[0].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert message == expected_msg

def test_missing_label(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/missing-resource-label.xlsx"
expected_msg_missing = "Missing label for resource 'person_0' (Excel row 2)"
expected_xml_validation = regex.escape(
"Line 27: Element 'resource', attribute 'label': [facet 'minLength'] The value '' has a length of '0'"
_, catched_warnings = excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
assert len(catched_warnings) == 2
msg_missing_label = catched_warnings[0].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert msg_missing_label == expected_msg_missing
msg_validation = catched_warnings[1].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert, msg_validation)

def test_missing_resource_permission(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/missing-resource-permissions.xlsx"
expected_msg = "Missing permissions for resource 'person_0' (Excel row 2)"
expected_xml_validation = regex.escape(
"Line 27: Element 'resource', attribute 'permissions': "
"'' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:NCName'."
_, catched_warnings = excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
assert len(catched_warnings) == 2
message = catched_warnings[0].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert message == expected_msg
msg_validation = catched_warnings[1].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert, msg_validation)

def test_missing_restype(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/missing-restype.xlsx"
expected_msg = "Missing restype for resource 'person_0' (Excel row 2)"
_, catched_warnings = excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
assert len(catched_warnings) == 1
message = catched_warnings[0].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert message == expected_msg

def test_missing_bitstream_permission(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/no-bitstream-permissions.xlsx"
expected_msg_missing = (
"Missing file permissions for file 'testdata/bitstreams/test.jpg' "
"(Resource ID 'test_thing_1', Excel row 2)."
" An attempt to deduce them from the resource permissions failed."
expected_xml_validation = regex.escape(
"Line 28: Element 'bitstream', attribute 'permissions': "
"'' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:NCName'."
_, catched_warnings = excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
assert len(catched_warnings) == 2
msg_missing_label = catched_warnings[0].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert msg_missing_label == expected_msg_missing
msg_validation = catched_warnings[1].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert, msg_validation)

def test_invalid_prop_val(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/single-invalid-value-for-property.xlsx"
expected_msg_missing = regex.escape(
"Error in resource 'person_0': Excel row 3 has an entry in column(s) '1_encoding', '1_permissions', "
"but not in '1_value'. Please note that cell contents that don't meet the requirements"
expected_msg_excel = (
"At least one value per property is required, "
"but resource 'person_0', property ':hasName' (Excel row 3) doesn't contain any values."
expected_xml_validation = regex.escape(
"Line 28: Element 'text-prop': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( text )."
_, catched_warnings = excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")
assert len(catched_warnings) == 3
msg_missing_label = catched_warnings[0].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert, msg_missing_label)
msg_excel = catched_warnings[1].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert msg_excel == expected_msg_excel
msg_validation = catched_warnings[2].message.args[0] # type:ignore[union-attr]
assert, msg_validation)

class TestRaisesException:
def test_id_prop_name(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/id-propname-both.xlsx"
expected_msg = regex.escape("Exactly 1 of the 2 columns 'id' and 'prop name' must be filled.")
with pytest.raises(BaseError, match=expected_msg):
excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")

def test_id_prop_none(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/id-propname-none.xlsx"
expected_msg = regex.escape("Exactly 1 of the 2 columns 'id' and 'prop name' must be filled.")
with pytest.raises(BaseError, match=expected_msg):
excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")

def test_nonexisting_proptype(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/nonexisting-proptype.xlsx"
expected_msg = regex.escape("Invalid prop type for property :hasName in resource person_0")
with pytest.raises(BaseError, match=expected_msg):
excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")

def test_start_with_prop_row(self) -> None:
file = f"{INVALID_EXCEL_DIRECTORY}/start-with-property-row.xlsx"
expected_msg = regex.escape(
"The first row of your Excel/CSV is invalid. The first row must define a resource, not a property."
with pytest.raises(BaseError, match=expected_msg):
excel2xml_cli.excel2xml(file, "1234", "excel2xml-invalid")

if __name__ == "__main__":
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