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Using PyArmor

The syntax of the pyarmor command is:

pyarmor [command] [options]

Obfuscating Python Scripts

Use command :ref:`obfuscate` to obfuscate python scripts. In the most simple case, set the current directory to the location of your program and execute:

pyarmor obfuscate

|PyArmor| obfuscates :file:`` and all the :file:`*.py` in the same folder:

In the :file:`dist` folder the obfuscated scripts and all the required files are generated:


    pytransform/, or _pytransform.dll in Windows, _pytransform.dylib in MacOS

The extra folder pytransform called :ref:`Runtime Package`, it's required to run the obfuscated script.

Normally you name one script on the command line. It's entry script. The content of :file:`` would be like this:

from pytransform import pyarmor_runtime
__pyarmor__(__name__, __file__, b'\x06\x0f...')

The first 2 lines called :ref:`Bootstrap Code`, are only in the entry script. They must be run before using any obfuscated file. For all the other obfuscated :file:`*.py`, there is only last line:

__pyarmor__(__name__, __file__, b'\x0a\x02...')

Run the obfuscated script:

cd dist

By default, only the :file:`*.py` in the same path as the entry script are obfuscated. To obfuscate all the :file:`*.py` in the sub-folder recursively, execute this command:

pyarmor obfuscate --recursive

Distributing Obfuscated Scripts

Just copy all the files in the output path dist to end users. Note that except the obfuscated scripts, the :ref:`Runtime Package` need to be distributed to end users too.

The :ref:`Runtime Package` may not with the obfuscated scripts, it could be moved to any Python path, only if import pytransform works.

About the security of obfuscated scripts, refer to :ref:`The Security of PyArmor`


PyArmor need NOT be installed in the runtime machine

Generating License For Obfuscated Scripts

Use command :ref:`licenses` to generate new :file:`license.lic` for obfuscated scripts.

By default there is :file:`dist/pytransform/license.lic` generated by command :ref:`obfuscate`. It allows obfuscated scripts run in any machine and never expired.

Generate an expired license for obfuscated script:

pyarmor licenses --expired 2019-01-01 product-001

|PyArmor| generates new license file:

Overwrite default license with new one:

cp licenses/code-001/license.lic dist/pytransform/

Run obfuscated script with new license, It will report error after Jan. 1, 2019:

cd dist

Generate license to bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine, first get hardware information:

pyarmor hdinfo

Then generate new license bind to harddisk serial number and mac address:

pyarmor licenses --bind-disk "100304PBN2081SF3NJ5T" --bind-mac "20:c1:d2:2f:a0:96" code-002

Run obfuscated script with new license:

cp licenses/code-002/license.lic dist/pytransform/

cd dist/


Before v5.7.0, the default license.lic locates in the path dist other than dist/pytransform

Extending License Type

It's easy to extend any other licese type for obfuscated scripts: just add authentication code in the entry script. The script can't be changed any more after it is obfuscated, so do whatever you want in your script. In this case the :ref:`module pytransform` would be useful.

The prefer way is :ref:`using plugin to extend license type`. The advantage is that your scripts needn't be changed at all. Just write authentication code in a separated script, and inject it in the obfuscated scripts as obfuscating. For more information, refer to :ref:`How to Deal with Plugins`

Here are some plugin examples

Obfuscating Single Module

To obfuscate one module exactly, use option --exact:

pyarmor obfuscate --exact

Only :file:`` is obfuscated, now import this obfuscated module:

cd dist
python -c "import foo"

Obfuscating Whole Package

Run the following command to obfuscate a package:

pyarmor obfuscate --recursive --output dist/mypkg mykpg/

To import the obfuscated package:

cd dist
python -c "import mypkg"

Packing Obfuscated Scripts

Use command pack to pack obfuscated scripts into the bundle.

First install PyInstaller:

pip install pyinstaller

Set the current directory to the location of your program and execute:

pyarmor pack

|PyArmor| packs :file:``:

In the dist/myscript folder you find the bundled app you distribute to your users.

Run the final executeable file:


Check the scripts have been obfuscated. It should return error:

rm dist/myscript/license.lic

Generate an expired license for the bundle:

pyarmor licenses --expired 2019-01-01 code-003
cp licenses/code-003/license.lic dist/myscript


For complicated cases, refer to command :ref:`pack` and :ref:`How to pack obfuscated scripts`.

Improving Security Further

These `PyArmor`_ features could import security further:

  1. :ref:`Using super mode` to obufscate scripts if possible, otherwise enable :ref:`Advanced Mode` if the platform is supported
  2. Try to :ref:`binding obfuscated scripts to Python interpreter`. Generally it's not required for :ref:`Super Mode`.
  3. Make sure the entry script is patched by cross protection code, and try to :ref:`Customizing cross protection code`
  4. Use the corresponding :ref:`Restrict Mode`
  5. Use the high security code obfuscation --obf-code=2
  6. :ref:`Using plugin to improve security` by injecting your private checkpoints in the obfuscated scripts

About the security of obfuscated scripts, refer to :ref:`The Security of PyArmor`