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The Performance of Obfuscated Scripts

Run command :ref:`benchmark` to check the performance of obfuscated scripts:

pyarmor benchmark

Here it's sample output:

INFO     PyArmor Trial Version 6.3.0
INFO     Python version: 3.7
INFO     Start benchmark test ...
INFO     Obfuscate module mode: 1
INFO     Obfuscate code mode: 1
INFO     Obfuscate wrap mode: 1
INFO     Obfuscate advanced mode: 0
INFO     Benchmark bootstrap ...
INFO     Benchmark bootstrap OK.
INFO     Run benchmark test ...

Test script:
Obfuscated script:

import_first_no_obfuscated_module                 :   6.177000 ms
import_first_obfuscated_module                    :  15.107000 ms

re_import_no_obfuscated_module                    :   0.004000 ms
re_import_obfuscated_module                       :   0.005000 ms

--- Import 10 modules ---
import_many_no_obfuscated_modules                 :  58.882000 ms
import_many_obfuscated_modules                    :  50.592000 ms

run_empty_no_obfuscated_code_object               :   0.004000 ms
run_empty_obfuscated_code_object                  :   0.003000 ms

run_no_obfuscated_1k_bytecode                     :   0.010000 ms
run_obfuscated_1k_bytecode                        :   0.027000 ms

run_no_obfuscated_10k_bytecode                    :   0.053000 ms
run_obfuscated_10k_bytecode                       :   0.119000 ms

call_1000_no_obfuscated_1k_bytecode               :   2.411000 ms
call_1000_obfuscated_1k_bytecode                  :   3.735000 ms

call_1000_no_obfuscated_10k_bytecode              :  32.067000 ms
call_1000_obfuscated_10k_bytecode                 :  42.164000 ms

call_10000_no_obfuscated_1k_bytecode              :  22.387000 ms
call_10000_obfuscated_1k_bytecode                 :  36.666000 ms

call_10000_no_obfuscated_10k_bytecode             : 307.478000 ms
call_10000_obfuscated_10k_bytecode                : 407.585000 ms

INFO     Remove test path: ./.benchtest
INFO     Finish benchmark test.

It uses a simple script which include 2 functions

  • one_thousand: the size of byte code is about 1k
  • ten_thousand: the size of byte code is about 10k

The elapse time of import_first_obfuscated_module includes the initializing time of dynamic library, the license checking time etc., so it spends more time than normal script. However import_many_obfuscated_modules which simplely copy the script to about 10 new files and import them by new names, it's sooner than the normal script, because the obfuscated one has been compiled, the compile time is saved.

The rest of tests, for example, call_1000_no_obfuscated_1k_bytecode which stands for calling the function one_thousand 1000 times. Comparing the result of call_1000_obfuscated_1k_bytecode to know about the performance of the obfuscated scripts. Note that the result depends on the test scripts, Python version, obfuscated mode etc. even in the same machine run the same command the result may be different.

List all available options:

pyarmor benchmark -h

Specify other options to check the performance in different mode. For example:

pyarmor benchmark --wrap-mode 0 --obf-code 2

Look at the scripts used to run benchmark test:

pyarmor benchmark --debug

All the used files are saved in the folder .benchtest

The performance in different modes

For obf-mod, 2 is more security and faster, so it's default value since introduced in v6.3.0

For obf-code, 2 is more security than 1, and slightly slower than 1

For wrap-mode, 0 means that each function is restored once, however 1 means as many as it called. So the latter is slower than the former, especially most of the functions are called many times.

The :ref:`advanced mode` and :ref:`super mode` are almost same in performace. But :ref:`vm mode` will reduce the performance, because the core functions are virtualized.