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Getting Started

New to |Pyarmor|? Well, you came to the right place: read this material to quickly get up and running.

Pyarmor is a command-line tool designed for obfuscating Python scripts, binding obfuscated scripts to specific machines, and setting expiration dates for obfuscated scripts.

Key Features:

  • Seamless Replacement: Obfuscated scripts remain as standard .py files, allowing them to seamlessly replace the original Python scripts in most cases.
  • Balanced Obfuscation: Offers multiple ways to obfuscate scripts to balance security and performance.
  • Irreversible Obfuscation: Renames functions, methods, classes, variables, and arguments.
  • C Function Conversion: Converts some Python functions to C functions and compiles them into machine instructions using high optimization options for irreversible obfuscation.
  • Script Binding: Binds obfuscated scripts to specific machines or sets expiration dates for obfuscated scripts.
  • Themida Protection: Protects obfuscated scripts using Themida (Windows only).

Pyarmor_ packages are published on the PyPI_. The preferred tool for installing packages from PyPI_ is :command:`pip`. This tool is provided with all modern versions of Python.

On Linux or MacOS, you should open your terminal and run the following command:

$ pip install -U pyarmor

On Windows, you should open Command Prompt (Win-r and type :command:`cmd`) and run the same command:

C:\> pip install -U pyarmor

After installation, type :command:`pyarmor --version` on the command prompt. If everything worked fine, you will see the version number for the Pyarmor_ package you just installed.

Not all the platforms are supported, more information check :doc:`../reference/environments`

.. program:: pyarmor gen

Here it's the simplest command to obfuscate one script :file:``:

$ pyarmor gen

The command gen could be replaced with g or generate:

$ pyarmor g
$ pyarmor generate

This command generates an obfuscated script :file:`dist/`, which is a valid Python script, run it by Python interpreter:

$ python dist/

Check all generated files in the default output path:

$ ls dist/
...    pyarmor_runtime_000000

There is an extra Python package :file:`pyarmor_runtime_000000`, which is required to run the obfuscated script.

Only copy :file:`dist/` to another machine doesn't work, instead copy all the files in the :file:`dist/`.

Why? It's clear after checking the content of :file:`dist/`:

from pyarmor_runtime_000000 import __pyarmor__
__pyarmor__(__name__, __file__, ...)

Actually the obfuscated script can be taken as normal Python script with dependent package :mod:`pyarmor_runtime_000000`, use it as it's not obfuscated.


Please run this obfuscated in the machine with same Python version and same platform, otherwise it doesn't work. Because :mod:`pyarmor_runtime_000000` has an :term:`extension module`, it's platform-dependent and bind to Python version.


DO NOT install Pyarmor in the :term:`Target Device`, Python interpreter could run the obfuscated scripts without Pyarmor.

Now let's do a package. :option:`-O` is used to set output path :file:`dist2` different from the default:

$ pyarmor gen -O dist2 src/mypkg

Check the output:

$ ls dist2/
...    mypkg
...    pyarmor_runtime_000000

$ ls dist2/mypkg/

All the obfuscated scripts in the :file:`dist2/mypkg`, test it:

$ cd dist2/
$ python -C 'import mypkg'

If there are sub-packages, using :option:`-r` to enable recursive mode:

$ pyarmor gen -O dist2 -r src/mypkg

Also it works to copy the whole path :file:`dist2` to another machine. But it's not convenience, the better way is using :option:`-i` to generate all the required files inside package path:

$ pyarmor gen -O dist3 -r -i src/mypkg

Check the output:

$ ls dist3/
...    mypkg

$ ls dist3/mypkg/
...          pyarmor_runtime_000000

Now everything is in the package path :file:`dist3/mypkg`, just copy the whole path to any target machine.


Comparing current :file:`dist3/mypkg/` with above section :file:`dist2/mypkg/` to understand more about obfuscated scripts

It's easy to set expire date for obfuscated scripts by :option:`-e`. For example, generate obfuscated script with the expire date to 30 days:

$ pyarmor gen -O dist4 -e 30

Run the obfuscated scripts :file:`dist4/` to verify it:

$ python dist4/

Let's use another form to set past date 2020-12-31:

$ pyarmor gen -O dist4 -e 2020-12-31

Now :file:`dist4/` should not work:

$ python dist4/

Distributing the expired script is same as above, copy the whole directory :file:`dist4/` to target machine.

Since v8.5.0, it checks local time by default. If need to check internet time, configure nts to any NTP_ server. For example:

$ pyarmor cfg

Actually this is the default configuration in previous versions. Sometimes NTP_ server may return RuntimeError: Resource temporarily unavailable, using HTTP service may solve this. For example:

$ pyarmor cfg nts=

Since Pyarmor 8.4.6, got target machine hardware informations by python -m pyarmor.cli.hdinfo:

Default Harddisk Serial Number: 'HXS2000CN2A'
Default Mac address: '00:16:3e:35:19:3d'
Default IPv4 address: ''

Before Pyarmor 8.4.6, using pyarmor-7 hdinfo to get hardware information.

Using :option:`-b` to bind hardware information to obfuscated scripts. For example, bind :file:`dist5/` to Ethernet address:

$ pyarmor gen -O dist5 -b 00:16:3e:35:19:3d

So :file:`dist5/` only could run in target machine.

It's same to bind IPv4 and serial number of hard disk:

$ pyarmor gen -O dist5 -b
$ pyarmor gen -O dist5 -b HXS2000CN2A

It's possible to combine some of them. For example:

$ pyarmor gen -O dist5 -b "00:16:3e:35:19:3d HXS2000CN2A"

Only both Ethernet address and hard disk are matched machine could run this obfuscated script.

Distributing scripts bind to device is same as above, copy the whole directory :file:`dist5/` to target machine.

Remember again, the obfuscated script is normal Python script, use it as it's not obfuscated.

Suppose package mypkg structure like this:

└── src/
    └── mypkg/
        └── config.json

First make output path :file:`projects/dist6` for obfuscated package:

$ cd projects
$ mkdir dist6

Then copy package data files to output path:

$ cp -a src/mypkg dist6/

Next obfuscate scripts to overwrite all the .py files in :file:`dist6/mypkg`:

$ pyarmor gen -O dist6 -i src/mypkg

The final output:

└── src/
    └── mypkg/
        └── config.json
└── dist6/
    └── mypkg/
        ├── config.json
        └── pyarmor_runtime_000000/

Comparing with :file:`src/mypkg`, the only difference is :file:`dist6/mypkg` has an extra sub-package pyarmor_runtime_000000. The last thing is packaging :file:`dist6/mypkg` as your prefer way.

New to Python packaging? Refer to Python Packaging User Guide

There is binary `extension module`_ :mod:`pyarmor_runtime` in extra sub-package pyarmor_runtime_000000, here it's package content:

$ ls dist6/mypkg/pyarmor_runtime_000000

Generally using binary extensions means the obfuscated scripts require :mod:`pyarmor_runtime` be created for different platforms, so they

  • only works for platforms which provides pre-built binaries, refer to :doc:`../reference/environments`
  • may not be compatible with different builds of CPython interpreter. For example, when obfuscating scripts by Python 3.8, they can't be run by Python 3.7, 3.9 etc.
  • often will not work correctly with alternative interpreters such as PyPy, IronPython or Jython

Another disadvantage of relying on binary extensions is that alternative import mechanisms (such as the ability to import modules directly from zipfiles) often won't work for extension modules (as the dynamic loading mechanisms on most platforms can only load libraries from disk).

There is a complete :doc:`installation <installation>` guide that covers all the possibilities:

  • install pyarmor by source
  • call pyarmor from Python script
  • clean uninstallation

Next is :doc:`obfuscation`. It covers

  • using more option to obfuscate script and package
  • using outer file to store runtime key
  • localizing runtime error messages
  • packing obfuscated scripts and protect system packages

And then :doc:`advanced`, some of them are not available in trial pyarmor

  • 2 irreversible obfuscation: RFT mode, BCC mode pro
  • Customization error handler
  • runtime error internationalization
  • cross platform, multiple platforms and multiple Python version

Also you may be interesting in this guide :doc:`../how-to/security`

|Pyarmor| has a lot of documentation. A high-level overview of how it's organized will help you know where to look for certain things:

Looking for specific information? Try the :ref:`genindex`, or :ref:`the detailed table of contents <mastertoc>`.